Fisher GB-2 versus DeepTech Gold - dry sand beach

Hi Mike,
The DeepTech Gold balances well in highly mineralized dirt - there should not be any problems...we did some testing on dirt where the Minelab CTX was reading a 9 out of 30 if that means anything to you (or you could ask a Minelab CTX guy). To us that's pretty bad mineralization and the DeepTech was getting good depth. This weekend, the person who does the DeepTech videos will have the machine in real bad dirt - so if you can hang tight you may get more info...regarding available coils - the DeepTech will have a 5x7" elliptical coming out sometime in April - that will be killer even though the 7.5x11" stock does great. That 5" you mention is no longer sold (it was hand made)...there's no secret on price - the DeepTech Gold with a TreasureWise 8 ohm headphone (seems the best for the machine better than the higher end units) is $899.00. The smaller coil when available should be under $200.

I know it's not real world in your NV conditions but there are a lot of small nugget videos over at DetectorComparisons - YouTube

Thanks for your time. And I'm a seeing is believing guy too...if you BS in this business - you'll be exposed pretty soon for what you really are...

At the end of the day, the product itself and the users of the product will let everyone know it's capabilities...

While I have yet to get any "hands-on" experience nugget shooting, I've been
advised by many that the soil in the northern counties of Nevada is highly mineralized
soil, and that some gold machines had issues ground balancing, or losing a lot of depth
due to the mineralization.

I had settled on the Gold Bug Pro for that very reason, and would like to see how the
DT Gold compares in that environment, and on very small pieces of gold. The GB Pro I'm
looking at also comes with 2 coils (5" Double D round and a 5"x10" elliptical), and that
5" round is far better suited to the smaller washes and tight spots I'll be detecting in. The
DT Gold website shows a pic of a 5" coil, but the link is broken to access any data on the
coil, nor does it show the cost of the extra coil.

Can you help with a price, or cost of a package including the extra 5" round coil and a set of
Black Widow headphones? (feel free to PM me with price).

I've got about 2 weeks to make a decision on which machine, and to this point I had settled
on the GB Pro. It's been tried, and proven to perform well on smaller gold, but it seems foolish
to not check out a potentially better technology.

Removed it from my quote, as well.

As for "Truth", IMHO it is always important as it builds trust in the brand you represent.
I owned a sales rep. firm for many years, and we worked specifically in the fields or EMC
(Electro-magnetic Compatibility) and RF Shielding for EMC testing purposes. Our customer
base rarely changed, as we dealt with the engineers and physicists that were building/designing
or testing the products. Our personal reputation is what kept us in business, as we dealt with pretty
much the same client base at all times, and all these engineers were also tight with one
another as it was a very small slice of the industry.

(OK, enough blather about my background...whole point...TRUTH counts to a whole lot of
us who rely on you (distributors/dealers) to give us the straight poop on a machine (any) so
we can select the best one for our application. Don't know who (or where) Tom D's forum is,
but I do hope they clean up their act as it won't be long til' honest folks will just avoid the site.

Back on topic: Any plans to do a NUGGET shooting video with the DT Gold?

Thanks for the videos guys. I would have liked to see all of the settings on each detector as you used them for reference but it was informative. Maybe we could get Terry to do a comparison of the machines in Arizona to see how they react in his dirt as nugget hunters. I own the Deeptech Vista Gold and the Goldbug II so I really have no preference as to which is better, just like to know which is best for each situation. Always looking for the right tool for the job at hand. Keep making videos so we can all be better informed. I have to say that the one Tesoro that Terry used did a good job of showing its ability as well so long as it was used in all metal mode.

I will be headed back to Arizona early next month to film a segment for a new TV show. We will be headed back into the Bradshaw Mountains on horseback. Like many gold bearing areas, the soil conditions there can be hot, to something like trying to detect a small nugget taped to a battleship hull. I'm very open to trying the DeepTech Vista Gold against not only the Fisher Goldbug Pro, but the Whites GMT, and Tesoro Lobo Super Traq in Arizona. I believe Carter is testing the DeepTech Vista Gold down at the big relic hunt in Virginia next week. I've never been there, but they tell me the ground around Culpepper is very hot.

Thanks for the information Terry. I hope you get to make a video to show which machines work best in Arizona. Nice beach video comparison test...Stuart

Thanks Extreme. It was just a job, and thanks for the run with the detectors. I'm glad that those questions are answered about detector performance. The Detech seems to be a depth monster, but black sand deposits are a big question mark for it from my viewpoint. Hopefully, the tests will come soon. I noticed that it is being sold in Florida right now, and even an air depth chart has been posted. More info here:

Detech EDS Winner Metal Detector Details - Kellyco Metal Detectors


Larry - I don't know much about that machine so i hate to comment and have only seen air tests. However, whenever I see a machine that only has an AUTO ground balance mode - I wonder how it will do on any ground other than very mild...

Thanks Extreme. It was just a job, and thanks for the run with the detectors. I'm glad that those questions are answered about detector performance. The Detech seems to be a depth monster, but black sand deposits are a big question mark for it from my viewpoint. Hopefully, the tests will come soon. I noticed that it is being sold in Florida right now, and even an air depth chart has been posted. More info here:

Detech EDS Winner Metal Detector Details - Kellyco Metal Detectors


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I would be concerned about auto GB too, but that machine has both auto AND manual. Manual adjust is activated by first changing the toggle switch, then pushing the rotary dial inward, making a slight 'click' and then turning the GB pot, as far as I can tell. That info is discussed at its home page, the home of Excelerator searchcoils. However, the control is clearly seen on the face of the detector, left-hand center. In videos I did notice that it has an affinity toward small gold with the standard 9x9 or smaller search coil. It was designed around the Excelerator SEF search coil, not the inverse. Most companies do the opposite, design the coil for the machine, instead of the machine for the coil. I'm no shill for the thing, I just have questions and curiosities about it. I suspect that it is at least somewhat akin to a Tejon on steroids, with some circuitry to smooth it out a bit. It does have a boost mode, AKA high/low switch, and is supposed to weigh only 2 pounds. Detech.webp

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Larry - the machine you're referring to about controls and the one that is pictured is the EDS (the more expensive and original model) - not the EDS "Winner" model you referred to. I think the original EDS was over $1000.

I would be concerned about auto GB too, but that machine has both auto AND manual. Manual adjust is activated by first changing the toggle switch, then pushing the rotary dial inward, making a slight 'click' and then turning the GB pot, as far as I can tell. That info is discussed at its home page, the home of Excelerator searchcoils. However, the control is clearly seen on the face of the detector, left-hand center. In videos I did notice that it has an affinity toward small gold with the standard 9x9 or smaller search coil. It was designed around the Excelerator SEF search coil, not the inverse. Most companies do the opposite, design the coil for the machine, instead of the machine for the coil. I'm no shill for the thing, I just have questions and curiosities about it. I suspect that it is at least somewhat akin to a Tejon on steroids, with some circuitry to smooth it out a bit. It does have a boost mode, AKA high/low switch, and is supposed to weigh only 2 pounds. View attachment 762527

Yes, I see that now, and I stand better educated, thanks. However, the original one with manual GB might be worth looking into, if still made. It is possible that they have created a faster auto re-tune to null GB in the Winner though. If so, that would place the detector in a position of even better performance (hence faster ground balance) than if done here and there manually - as ground conditions change. And if the loop fold-over (which causes reverse polarity) effectively creates an even better and more efficient ground balance than manual - it could possibly give us a better mousetrap if controlled. George talks about this ground phase control for Manual vs auto GB in his writings.. It certainly is possible that the EDS Winner has circuitry now that overcomes or compensates for much or enough of this to create a better mousetrap. George Payne said it could be done and he did it successfully in his Mark I. He also said that it could be improved too, and it was in his Treasure Baron, both subjects discussed about 3/8 to halfway down the page. I'll make a call or two.. This has an answer somewhere, and I'll find it.. A 16 or 17" air test on a US nickle is worth the effort, especially if the auto GB works better than manual GB.


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Whoever made the first video was deaf or lying. You could plainly hear the GB picking up the diamond stud in the sand at 3" deep in all metal but he said nope lol. Definitely needs to correct that part of the video at least with text saying he couldn't hear it for the wind if that was in fact the reason. But he knew it was windy and being a veteran detector he should have adjusted for it.

those detectors should be ran out of town
I would be looking into a pulse inducted
minelab or a white's

I'm with liftloop on his post. Additionally I have changed my mind having discovered that I have a bad taste in my mouth about foreign-made anything being sold to me or my fellow Americans right now, regardless of how well or poorly it might operate or present. So many people need jobs here - now that our economy has been degraded so much in the last 4 years. In fact, we need 4x more jobs just to keep up with our needs. The so-called "unemployment rate" is a facade. I may drive a BMW, but Mine and other BMW's are made in America now. If mine was not, I would have bought a Corvette instead.

Aside from that, if someone wants to (seriously) hunt wet salt beaches a PI is simply the most successful way to go, unless one only hunts in the really trashy areas.:icon_thumright:

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Hi there guys. Those metal detectors are suitable also for wet beach or only for dry?

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