Fisher GB-2 versus DeepTech Gold - dry sand beach

It will be interesting.
Looking forward to this video.

Ouch that hurt . But give me credit , i dont hide behind a bunch of sudo names to jump on forums with. .
Last thing you said before you were tossed, i will use another name or have someone post for me.
Your true colors right there.

Extreme: Maybe you know a lot about detectors, but I'm afraid you don't know
much about sales and marketing, and how to successfully bring a new product
to market.

Denigrating other manufacturers products, and then making personal attacks
on the Principals of other companies while in the public arena will NEVER increase the
sales of the product you are promoting.

So, how do you approach the issue? Best way would have been for you to tell folks
about the machine whose manufacturer you are representing, and THEN asking if it
would be possible to have a 3rd party do a "head to head" test with other machines.

Show what ya got, and let people make up their own minds without all the drama,
as no matter, win or lose, the drama leaves a bad taste in peoples mouths. Worse
yet, once they've read your complaining (above) many will have a permanent
distaste for the brand you are selling, and not even remember you or the

Fisher has been producing quality, proven equipment for many years, and your
product is new to the market. You need to get in-front or people with it, and
show what it can do ON IT'S OWN, and then let people make up their own
minds. If it's a quality machine, the comparisons will be done by people
who don't have an agenda and are "neutral", and if your machine is better
the facts will come out.

Arguing over "specmanship" is only valuable to EE's (who understand it all),
and regardless of specifications, the machine has to EARN it's own place
in the field . Do that, and if the machine is all you say it is, you might
have a winner. Continuing your present course will never be beneficial to you
or the brand you are representing.

Last suggestion: Hire a Marketing Professional. Let them do what they
do best, and then you might be able to "break the ice" of the major
detector markets.

Terry: I too am very much looking forward to the results of your testing.

My two centavos worth.

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Well since he blocked my IP address - I couldn't get another name so I had to ask people to post for's not that I hid - I was no longer able to defend myself.
Ok - you and I are all good........let's just move onwards.........thanks.

Ouch that hurt . But give me credit , i dont hide behind a bunch of sudo names to jump on forums with. .
Last thing you said before you were tossed, i will use another name or have someone post for me.
Your true colors right there.

Hi Mike - I appreciate your taking the time to respond. However - all that video which was posted aimed to do was to set the record straight to disprove a comment made by an "expert" that the machine was not good for this or that and their tests revealed this and that. The comments that were made (by that "expert") were absolutely 1,000% wrong. Agendas abound...

The machine is now speaking for itself. And a "third party" was asked to join we're with you Mick...........

Bottom line - If you need the machine for what it excels at - you buy it. If it works you love it. If you like me or hate me - it ain't going to change the performance of the machine. I can be the nicest guy in the world and if my product does not solve your problem - you're not shelling out cash...

PS - I don't know you...and you really don't know me...but I'll tell you this - you have no idea what I've done in my life for some of the world's largest companies - in both a sales and marketing capacity. We'll leave it at that.

Again - thanks for your thoughts.

Extreme: Maybe you know a lot about detectors, but I'm afraid you don't know
much about sales and marketing, and how to successfully bring a new product
to market.
Terry: I too am very much looking forward to the results of your testing.

My two centavos worth.

I met Barry and Carter this morning at a beach in Old Greenwich, Connecticut. It was about 34-degrees, with a steady wind – brrrrrr. Things warmed up pretty quickly as Carter put the first target in the sand, a 14K gold chain with a very small clasp. Buried at 3.5”-4”, the DeepTech Vista Gold picked it up easily in All Metal, and Discriminate mode. The Fisher Goldbug 2 found it easily in All Metal, but not in Discriminate; The Tesoro Vaquero also made easy work of the chain in All Metal, but also did not hit it when switched to discriminate mode. The Tesoro Compadre with the 5.75” coil missed it completely.

The results were the same with all the targets. The small gold and diamond stud earring was an easy target for the Vista Gold, Vaquero and Goldbug 2, but only the Vista Gold could hit it in the discriminate mode. The results were also the same for the gold ring buried at 10”. Unfortunately, the Compadre (which I took out of the box brand new this morning) missed everything in these tests, which means the Whites Coinmaster, Garrett Ace 250, and Fisher F2, would have missed them all as well.

I was very impressed with the DeepTech Vista Gold in the beach sand, which was damp from rain and melting snow. The DeepTech VISTA GOLD operates at 25-kHz, and is very sensitive to small non-ferrous targets. Unfortunately, its slow recovery time and separation ability compared to some other Discriminating machines gave me pause. If there is a ferrous target within 3”-4” of a non-ferrous target, you will probably only hear the iron “grunt” tone.

There is no doubt that the DeepTech Vista Gold is deeper and more sensitive to chains and small targets running at 25-kHz, and using tone discrimination than any other discriminating machine in its price range. I did not like its separation ability when the iron nail got within 4” of the gold target, but I’m still extremely impressed. Questions?

DeepTech Vista Gold
DeepTech VISTA Metal Detectors
- Operating frequency 25 kHz
- 8"x11" DD fully waterproof Elliptical search coil
- 2 tone ALL METAL mode
- Adjustable between Fast or Slow recovery speed
- Easy manual ground balance
- Fully adjustable discrimination for ferrous materials: both 2 tone or silent
- Lightweight - about 3 lbs
- Operates 20+ hours on 8 AA batteries - included
- Treasure Wise 8 ohm stereo headphones – included

My Gal took a "Behind the Scene" video, but I want to wait and see Carter's first. Did I mention how freaking cold it was this morning? I bet those guys stayed and detected the sweet cut that was there!


Terry, thanks for taking the challenge! I bought a GOLD and love it. Deeptech are supposed to be coming out with about a 5 x 7" coil which should help with seperation. We'll have to see how deep it goes as well. The audio on the Vista Gold is amazing, and the disc really knocks out the iron. I love the iron volume control as well, and no EMI. :thumbsup:

I met Barry and Carter this morning at a beach in Old Greenwich, Connecticut. It was about 34-degrees, with a steady wind – brrrrrr. Things warmed up pretty quickly as Carter put the first target in the sand, a 14K gold chain with a very small clasp. Buried at 3.5”-4”, the DeepTech Vista Gold picked it up easily in All Metal, and Discriminate mode. The Fisher Goldbug 2 found it easily in All Metal, but not in Discriminate; The Tesoro Vaquero also made easy work of the chain in All Metal, but also did not hit it when switched to discriminate mode. The Tesoro Compadre with the 5.75” coil missed it completely.

The results were the same with all the targets. The small gold and diamond stud earring was an easy target for the Vista Gold, Vaquero and Goldbug 2, but only the Vista Gold could hit it in the discriminate mode. The results were also the same for the gold ring buried at 10”. Unfortunately, the Compadre (which I took out of the box brand new this morning) missed everything in these tests, which means the Whites Coinmaster, Garrett Ace 250, and Fisher F2, would have missed them all as well.

I was very impressed with the DeepTech Vista Gold in the beach sand, which was damp from rain and melting snow. The DeepTech VISTA GOLD operates at 25-kHz, and is very sensitive to small non-ferrous targets. Unfortunately, its slow recovery time and separation ability compared to some other Discriminating machines gave me pause. If there is a ferrous target within 3”-4” of a non-ferrous target, you will probably only hear the iron “grunt” tone.

There is no doubt that the DeepTech Vista Gold is deeper and more sensitive to chains and small targets running at 25-kHz, and using tone discrimination than any other discriminating machine in its price range. I did not like its separation ability when the iron nail got within 4” of the gold target, but I’m still extremely impressed. Questions?

DeepTech Vista Gold
DeepTech VISTA Metal Detectors
- Operating frequency 25 kHz
- 8"x11" DD fully waterproof Elliptical search coil
- 2 tone ALL METAL mode
- Adjustable between Fast or Slow recovery speed
- Easy manual ground balance
- Fully adjustable discrimination for ferrous materials: both 2 tone or silent
- Lightweight - about 3 lbs
- Operates 20+ hours on 8 AA batteries - included
- Treasure Wise 8 ohm stereo headphones – included

My Gal took a "Behind the Scene" video, but I want to wait and see Carter's first. Did I mention how freaking cold it was this morning? I bet those guys stayed and detected the sweet cut that was there!

It was good to see Carter and Barry, and a lot of fun to see all the metal detecting firepower these guys haul around with them. Fisher, Whites, XP Deus; Minelabs and now the DeepTech machines. Here is Kate's video.

Terry thanks BUT - you made one mistake in your analysis..........

Hey Terry - great to see you and Kate as always...we left right after you did too...thanks for the kind words about the DeepTech...

I do have to take exception to your separation ability comments - you may want to revise them or add in a VERY key fact.

The DeepTech Gold may be the fastest separating machine on the market today.

The missing FACT was - the nail was placed on the surface of the sand and the gold object was buried in the sand as was clear in the video and pointed out by Carter. EVERY detector we have tested so far will have a problem detecting a buried object (especially gold) with the iron on the surface. Here are a few videos to dispute your separation claim and some to actually support it (iron closer to surface than buried non-ferrous)...

Separation ability of DeepTech on gold - amazing:

Separation ability with object buried and iron on surface - everyone fails:

Here is a video done with iron buried at the same depth:

Great to see you again,


I met Barry and Carter this morning at a beach in Old Greenwich, Connecticut. It was about 34-degrees, with a steady wind – brrrrrr. Things warmed up pretty quickly as Carter put the first target in the sand, a 14K gold chain with a very small clasp. Buried at 3.5”-4”, the DeepTech Vista Gold picked it up easily in All Metal, and Discriminate mode. The Fisher Goldbug 2 found it easily in All Metal, but not in Discriminate; The Tesoro Vaquero also made easy work of the chain in All Metal, but also did not hit it when switched to discriminate mode. The Tesoro Compadre with the 5.75” coil missed it completely.

The results were the same with all the targets. The small gold and diamond stud earring was an easy target for the Vista Gold, Vaquero and Goldbug 2, but only the Vista Gold could hit it in the discriminate mode. The results were also the same for the gold ring buried at 10”. Unfortunately, the Compadre (which I took out of the box brand new this morning) missed everything in these tests, which means the Whites Coinmaster, Garrett Ace 250, and Fisher F2, would have missed them all as well.

I was very impressed with the DeepTech Vista Gold in the beach sand, which was damp from rain and melting snow. The DeepTech VISTA GOLD operates at 25-kHz, and is very sensitive to small non-ferrous targets. Unfortunately, its slow recovery time and separation ability compared to some other Discriminating machines gave me pause. If there is a ferrous target within 3”-4” of a non-ferrous target, you will probably only hear the iron “grunt” tone.

There is no doubt that the DeepTech Vista Gold is deeper and more sensitive to chains and small targets running at 25-kHz, and using tone discrimination than any other discriminating machine in its price range. I did not like its separation ability when the iron nail got within 4” of the gold target, but I’m still extremely impressed. Questions?

DeepTech Vista Gold
DeepTech VISTA Metal Detectors
- Operating frequency 25 kHz
- 8"x11" DD fully waterproof Elliptical search coil
- 2 tone ALL METAL mode
- Adjustable between Fast or Slow recovery speed
- Easy manual ground balance
- Fully adjustable discrimination for ferrous materials: both 2 tone or silent
- Lightweight - about 3 lbs
- Operates 20+ hours on 8 AA batteries - included
- Treasure Wise 8 ohm stereo headphones – included

My Gal took a "Behind the Scene" video, but I want to wait and see Carter's first. Did I mention how freaking cold it was this morning? I bet those guys stayed and detected the sweet cut that was there!

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Video on the beach makes ol Tom D. look like a buffoon. I lost just a bit of respect and trust with his Fisher bias tests.

The actual test video

Terry Soloman is an avid gold hunter and wanted to join us for a side by side test where he was able to tune in the gold machines.

Some people who own Fishers, plus some self professed expert gurus, thought the Gold Bug II was the benchmark for micro gold jewelry on the beach but in my estimation it was the 3rd best today. There are many "experts" on forums that make claims about machines that are inaccurate so instead of debating, I would rather post the video so you can be the judge..these "experts" never back up their ramblings with video proof...

Its a little windy but the signals can still be heard..

Thanks again Terry for making the trip and providing your expertise; thank you Barry for extending the invitation to Terry. It was great seeing both of you guys today.


Extreme: My apologies as I didn't mean to come off sounding disrespectful.

And you're right, I don't know your background; I was out-of-line there. From what I've seen
go on in the detecting industry of late, it's clear there is huge competition amongst the
major players (manufacturers, distributors and dealers), and that competitiveness probably
makes your job all the harder.

Sounds like the DeepTech Vista Gold more than proved it's mettle against the GBII, and
since I'm getting ready to buy my first gold nugget hunting machine it makes sense to
look into the machine a bit deeper.

How do you feel it would do on small gold nuggets (<1/2gr.) in a highly mineralized, dry soil?
Any testing been done in that arena?

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Great! We now have a winner.

So the next question is; How does it stack up to the new Detech EDS?


Thank you Mike - appreciate the thoughts...

Please offer some explanation for the question: "How do you feel it would do on small gold nuggets (<1/2gr.) in a highly mineralized, dry soil?"

Is this ironized or mineralized soil? if it's heavily ironized soil the soil will stick to a magnet?

If it's highly mineralized - the DeepTech will balance out just fine.

PS - in good spirit - I removed that line that bothered you..........the fact of the matter is the truth is not that important on the Tom D forum - all they do is delete videos that dispute their written opinions...

How do you feel it would do on small gold nuggets (<1/2gr.) in a highly mineralized, dry soil?
Any testing been done in that arena?[/QUOTE]

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Larry - send one over and we'll give it a whirl and send it back.......

Great! We now have a winner.

So the next question is; How does it stack up to the new Detech EDS?


Thanks for the videos guys. I would have liked to see all of the settings on each detector as you used them for reference but it was informative. Maybe we could get Terry to do a comparison of the machines in Arizona to see how they react in his dirt as nugget hunters. I own the Deeptech Vista Gold and the Goldbug II so I really have no preference as to which is better, just like to know which is best for each situation. Always looking for the right tool for the job at hand. Keep making videos so we can all be better informed. I have to say that the one Tesoro that Terry used did a good job of showing its ability as well so long as it was used in all metal mode.

If I owned one I would send it, but since I don't, I'll let others do the videos and see how it goes from there. I used to test them a long time ago when I worked as a supervisor producing detectors, but now I let others do the work for me. I fully expect this test comparison to be forthcoming soon though, no matter who does it. But no, I can't reveal the name of the company because it was tied in with joint efforts regarding Top Secret National security and nuclear warfare. However, I can say that the hobby metal detectors we now use are like drops of water in a bucketful - compared to what Uncle Sam uses for its purposes.

HH all,


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Thank you Mike - appreciate the thoughts...
Please offer some explanation for the question: "How do you feel it would do on small
gold nuggets (<1/2gr.) in a highly mineralized, dry soil?"

Is this ironized or mineralized soil? if it's heavily ironized soil the soil will stick to a magnet?
If it's highly mineralized - the DeepTech will balance out just fine.

While I have yet to get any "hands-on" experience nugget shooting, I've been
advised by many that the soil in the northern counties of Nevada is highly mineralized
soil, and that some gold machines had issues ground balancing, or losing a lot of depth
due to the mineralization.

I had settled on the Gold Bug Pro for that very reason, and would like to see how the
DT Gold compares in that environment, and on very small pieces of gold. The GB Pro I'm
looking at also comes with 2 coils (5" Double D round and a 5"x10" elliptical), and that
5" round is far better suited to the smaller washes and tight spots I'll be detecting in. The
DT Gold website shows a pic of a 5" coil, but the link is broken to access any data on the
coil, nor does it show the cost of the extra coil.

Can you help with a price, or cost of a package including the extra 5" round coil and a set of
Black Widow headphones? (feel free to PM me with price).

I've got about 2 weeks to make a decision on which machine, and to this point I had settled
on the GB Pro. It's been tried, and proven to perform well on smaller gold, but it seems foolish
to not check out a potentially better technology.

PS - in good spirit - I removed that line that bothered you..........the fact of
the matter is the truth is not that important on another forum ...

Removed it from my quote, as well.

As for "Truth", IMHO it is always important as it builds trust in the brand you represent.
I owned a sales rep. firm for many years, and we worked specifically in the fields or EMC
(Electro-magnetic Compatibility) and RF Shielding for EMC testing purposes. Our customer
base rarely changed, as we dealt with the engineers and physicists that were building/designing
or testing the products. Our personal reputation is what kept us in business, as we dealt with pretty
much the same client base at all times, and all these engineers were also tight with one
another as it was a very small slice of the industry.

(OK, enough blather about my background...whole point...TRUTH counts to a whole lot of
us who rely on you (distributors/dealers) to give us the straight poop on a machine (any) so
we can select the best one for our application. Don't know who (or where) Tom D's forum is,
but I do hope they clean up their act as it won't be long til' honest folks will just avoid the site.

Back on topic: Any plans to do a NUGGET shooting video with the DT Gold?

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Any more attacks against any TreasureNet members and someone will find they can no longer post for a long while!

We also do not attack other forums here, so I advised that not happen as well......

WOW Larry - sounds like really cool stuff you were involved in...and you're right someone will probably do a test on that soon...

If I owned one I would send it, but since I don't, I'll let others do the videos and see how it goes from there. I used to test them a long time ago when I worked as a supervisor producing detectors, but now I let others do the work for me. I fully expect this test comparison to be forthcoming soon though, no matter who does it. But no, I can't reveal the name of the company because it was tied in with joint efforts regarding Top Secret National security and nuclear warfare. However, I can say that the hobby metal detectors we now use are like drops of water in a bucketful - compared to what Uncle Sam uses for its purposes.

HH all,


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