Im always amazed at how different the bass look from up north. That one looks gold compared to the big black swamp monsters of the south !!
Flathead?(The fish , not your son...)
Fun times fishing them in the past. They're different that channel cats which are our other option here. With flatheads more interested in live bait.
I enjoyed eating small ones now and then.
Had some flatheads in a fish tank awhile. Interesting fish for sure.
He caught a pike and the Big Mouth Bass yesterday, there's the small mouth version as well.
This one he figured would be around 4.5 lbs last weekend the father caught a 5.5 lb 22inch large mouth.
Now talk about a couple of fellows that the fishing passion runs deep in the veins.
Lol Yes flathead. He uses creek chubs for bait. He said they were biting like crazy that night. We had an albino channel cat in an aquarium. When it finally died, I used a slim fast carton (almost as long as pop carton and it was all I had) to bury it. The tail stuck out about 3 inches.
My bud Gary and I launched at Kowaliga landing at 7:20 AM and fished hard until 2:30 PM. It was 55 degrees at first and warmed up to +/- 77 with a sunny sky all day. Water temp maxed out at 80 degrees from 77-78 w/10-15 mph wind early in the morning. Caught these in tree tops in mostly deep water (25'-30') with Texas rigged 4" Watermelon Red ZOOM Lizards. We did catch a few on spoons when we saw them briefly breaking top water and was able to pitch amongst them! After culling our catch, we kept these 17 that yielded 5 pints of fillets--much better than we expected!
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Trying to figure how to load the short videos from my phone....check out the cat from the docks in the bahamas....he passed out in my buddies car