But grandpa got me a pretty neat fishing hat. Can't wait to get after the big ones.
This is all Mike and I fish for.The Nepalese take everyone,they even fight among them selves who gets them.
GOD Bless
damn near lost my life working on the boat yesterday....luckily I had just finished up sliding the port shaft back up to the transmission coupler. The mechanic came within inches of his life and was able to jump off the ladder as the boat fell !! I was unable to sleep last night and actually threw up from stress and anxiety. Just a giant mess now. I'm so sad !!
Holy mother of God Bart, So glade to hear this mishap didn't seriously injure anyone or worse get killed. Definitely a time for the crew to sit down and have a discussion on this event and reflect on how this and other potential accidents can be best prevented in the further. Be safe out there. It really sucks for the wives and children who've depended on a bread winner who will now, no longer bring home the bacon because of an accident on the job. Being in mining for over forty years I've sat in too many, should've, would've, could've meetings after a fatal accident had taken place.damn near lost my life working on the boat yesterday....luckily I had just finished up sliding the port shaft back up to the transmission coupler. The mechanic came within inches of his life and was able to jump off the ladder as the boat fell !! I was unable to sleep last night and actually threw up from stress and anxiety. Just a giant mess now. I'm so sad !!
just waiting till season....mmmmmm !!
Thank you, same to you. I think they may be hinting to me.lolHappy fathers day simplex.....I love that line spooler!
I finally got out and did some fishing with buddies Nick and John. We packed all our gear and food into a van and trekked over to the Driftless area in WI for some good trout fishing.
We stayed out of the town and the stores (and bars) and just plain fished until we couldn't hardly walk anymore. Some days we hiked into streams and covered 6 miles by the end of the day.
Nick found a nice little riffle that held some trout and shared it with me, Thanks Nick! Here's a 5 minute video, so wait until about the 2.5 minute mark for the action...