I C/R just for the fight,Russians,Nepalese will take them for table fair,this fella said not to eat breakfast Friday(I fish every day it isn't raining)he will bring fried carp and rice for me,looking forward to it.I'll let you know how it is.Jus curious. Are you eating these carp? I’ve always heard people didn’t much like them.
I LOVE broccoli !Ya gotta try it before ya judge, and I've seen many a trash fish treated like treasure in other islands/countries. All depends on personal preference, and an open .ind to try something and be impartial....I for one keep trying broccoli 🥦, and still don't like it much after years of tasting !! Just my personal opinion, and many others disagree....that's fine....I just don't like it much !! I must say everyone says carp is no good....I would try it though. Looks like BBQ pork in that photo !!
I hate broccoli!I LOVE broccoli !
It's like venison,you either like it or you don't,I love venison too.I hate broccoli!
Connecticut River,dang few skeeters too.Is that the Indian river...lots of fish in the mosquitoe lagoon!
Awsome pics Chris looks like it was a wonderful day !!Late start today,didn't wet a line til 6:44.water was like glass,small mouths were jumping and swirling sucking up bugs on the water surface,a couple of big ones jumped on the other side of the river,full out of the water,heck of a splash landing back in the water kinda hard to get a pic of one,blink of an eye it's over.One rod up river,the other down river.
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I'm always looking for something,exactly what I have no idea,but,when I see it I recognize it,that is why I wear my Nikon as uniform of the day to capture it.
A cool green dragon fly
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F.D. out slow cruising the river,man that's a big flat bottom
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didn't get the first one till 9
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second one almost 10
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been wanting to get a shot like this,happened twice this year so far,this cedar waxwing stuck around long enough to capture him
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third one an hour later
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Packed up,worse part of fishing,and headed home.
tyvm should be down your way tues,wed weather permittingGoliath grouper, reddish, and monster snook...awsome fish pics linesider !!