firday afternoon and sat. morn


Silver Member
Apr 8, 2009
North Dakota
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russy and me found the busted hook fri morn
then sat. morning comes some more all in about 30 minutes
not much time to hunt with this (too) big of a garden
i am interested in trying to identify this KRF point w/one leg shorter than the other one
i have not found one like this in my field, but have found a lot of different stuff over the years but i don't think one like this

my thanks in advance to anyone who can come up with any info about it
the one tail that looks like it was a broke is finished and i tried to show it on one of the images
what type of point would it be and from what time period

i know this site had many occupations so who knows what it could be ?


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Steve, it might have broken off while they were knapping it & just decided to finish it like that so there wasn't any real sharp edges..
I thought maybe it was a swift currant, they have one ear longer than the other, not sure though, notches look a tad shallow.

Real nice finds.


I like that point! Nice form on that beauty....

Your guess is as good as mine on what type it is though. :dontknow: late Archaic maybe...?

Pretty scraper too.

Great finds larson. I really like the Knife River Flint you find out your way.

As for the point, if I had found that here I would have considered it a Woodland type. It resembles a Chesser Point.

man those are nice... dont u love going out and finding 3-4 nice ones at the least each trip.
wonder if it will be so plentiful in the next 20 years? or is everything gonna be paved over?
or damaged beyond recognition.....
one day they are gonna run out.

great finds as always though

thanks molly, srv, coteau,and treefrog
i think you are right about the point getting broke while knapping and then being finished the best way the maker could
i'll bet the maker was ticked off when that happened, i could just here the indian cuss words flying
as far as the type i cannot find a chesser point image but the swift current type sure looks right to me
it sure is nicely made, too bad about what happened to it
treefrog, i think that the dakotas with the small populations will take a terrible long time before all of these areas are gone
i just don't see it running out here for an awful long time
does anybody have a picture of a chesser AND a swift current ?

thanks SRV
it a difficult one to ID
it does resemble the swift current a little more
what do you think ???



I don't see any Swift Current characteristics in that point... :icon_scratch:

Here is the illustration again.
kehoe up.jpg
kehoe up.jpg


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I can't tell if it's a small dart point or an arrowhead. Heck, it could even be a small cutting tool.

It's probably more than 500 years old, judging by the patina. KRF sometimes patinates very rapidly in the soils around here, depending on how deeply buried they are, but rarely do you see the white patina on artifacts that are less than 500 years old.

Without holding it, my best guess is that it is in the Besant/Samantha time frame. Middle Woodland or Late Archaic. Around 2000 years old. I know it doesn't look like a classic Besant but there were numerous corner and side-notched points and expanding stem forms from the Late Archaic to the Middle Woodland that are unclassified. I call a lot of my points unclassified Woodland points. :)

Another possibility is Mckean Complex (hanna) but I won't go there. I'm sticking to my first impression.

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