Finds in Thrift Shops or Local Dump

Some of my latest thrift store finds- A Sony TFM1600 transistor radio for $3.99,sold it for $25.00 to a neighbor that collects old radios and stuff.
Also found a nice green depression glass platter that books for $30, got it for a buck.
depression platter.webp

About a dozen other green depression glass 6 in. plates, dollar for all, the square one books for $20.
more depression glass.webp

A few anchor hocking jadeite bowls and a small plate,fifty cents each.
anchor hocking.webp

A Garretts Master Hunter ADS III, got it $10.00,several months back.. I may sell the Garretts on Ebay since the last one on there just sold for $185.00.

And this cool ashtray from the 50's I believe, marked JAPAN for fifty cents.

alligator ashtray.webp

Sweet Haul Diggumup! I take all of my finds to an annual antique show/sale and Deppression glas is always a slam dunk ;D I have got @5 bucks a pop for the green cobalt sells better burt is hard to find. Those jadite bowl are nice too. We sold a ton of Pyrex this so snag them if you see em. Keep posting and treasure cherry picking the "T" stores amigo.


I frequent our local flea market on a regular basis. one of my best finds was a powerwinch anchor winch for $15.00. all it needed was a switch and it works perfectly.

best book find was a peter maxx airplane book in mint condition for a dime at the local library book sale. it is worth way over $100.00.

I also saved from the dump a beatles yellow submarine book without the front cover. I don't know if it is worth anything.

see if the redline has a 3 piece crank, it will be worth more, that's the crank with the bolt in the middle on each side. Also the Proline was the elite of the racing bikes Redline made.
Hope you can get good money out of it. I always enjoyed mine.

I do a lot of metal detecting, but also I search thrift shops and the local dump for books and other items I collect or put on eBay. One of my recent finds was a 1939 1st edition 12th printing in 1948 of Alcoholics Anonymous. It just sold for $280.00. Yesterday at the dump before the bulldozer got to it a Redline BMX RL-20 20 inch bike that was all original and in good shape. By researching on eBay and the internet it ?seems it can be worth over $200.00 or more. Gretchen.

Those are some pretty great finds Gretchen. Do you always find that type of stuff at the dump?


Gretchen hasn't even logged on in well over 2 years.

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