I love these kinds of threads.For me,nothing great,but a lot of little finds.The last thing I found in a thrift store was a copy of Johnny Cash's "The Man in Black" from '73 written by him.Cost 50 cents,it sold for $26 and change on Ebay,a few months back.I found a McCormick whiskey porcelain decanter in the form of "Elvis Presley" still sealed and full,paid $5 for it.The wife confiscated it,she collects Elvis junk.
I still have a lot of "stuff" to get rid of,just can't find the time to list it all, vintage cookie jars,florida tourist pottery from the 40's,old "Life" mags,occupied Japan items,old lighters,paperweights,bakelite utensils,old postcards,some older 1st edition books,collector plates,pocketknives,sports memo. and too many other things to list.Most of the stuff we find we get for a dollar or two and it usually sells for $10-20 or more so I don't do too bad when I do sell stuff.My best finds have come from the curb (or dumpster) in years past,the wife's family owns a small sanitation company in Miami and I used to help out every now and then.
They are fixing to open a huge new Salvation Army down the road a piece, on the 21st of this month,workers from the other stores in the area have said that all the "good" stuff has been getting directed to the new store,I will be there when it opens,believe that!
nhbenz-way to go on that book! I'll keep an eye out for some of those 70's-80's rock band t-shirts,do they have to be "concert" shirts to sell for that much or just vintage? So many things to look for,so little time! If I thought I could make a living at it,I would do it full time,but i'd probably starve to death in the process! It is fun searching though.Good luck on your varied and profitable hunts and searches!