Finders Keepers takes on the NSA Codebeakers about the Beale Codes

And what did they say to you to make you think this was a sham production.?

They confirmed it to be real, The others did not as of yet.
So if you all find this Treasure will Obama step in and take it away?

I for one think the beale treasure is real,but that the true codes have been lost making solving it almost impossible,I think a lot of hunters believe they have solved the code by guessing and coming up with what they want to believe. I also believe that the key was destroyed in a St. Louis fire. I truley believe that beale and his men met thier death before being able to come back to Virginia.I also belive the treasure is real and still resting where it was hidden.

So if you all find this Treasure will Obama step in and take it away?

The First Black President stepping into Backwoods Virginia to take it from me? Cmon Laf it were thinking the same thing....

He will be Kissing MAH GOLD RANGZ when I bring him the History Lesson of the Century!!! :laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

The Feds will be saying hello knowing I am solving their Federal Murder Mystery from over 150 years ago, but we are Simpson's so our family is somewhat known for Burning Down the Confederacy.......

BTW there is no statute of limitations on murder, and this information will be added to their FBI files.....

I will get some sort of civil award or something in a nice wooden frame, complete with a little fake gold seal, wont that be Ironic to the Nth Degree?

I will get to joke with them about how blind they really are as an agency, on film........and ask them if they need any help up there in Warshington figuring out what's really going on.

I will show them how I even Cracked their Kryptos art piece wide open,

I will probably get a job offer by the FBI to become the legendary "ELDORADO".....again.

But I am not an agent......they call me .....The Consultant.....BWAHAHAHAHA

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Jean....just so you know why this is going down so heavy on my end, is that there are numerous other hidden objectives made from this solve....

The hungry guy will walk away with his belly full, looking to be fed

The guy after justice will come away knowing he is the truth, and that he is right to claim the discoveries, the wealth, and to do so in a way that will make this all a game changer that will never be forgotten in written records using this money to further these historical records.

The guy who solves the Peralta Stones, the Lost Dutchman, The Land Grab, makes a trail straight to the Beale Code bust with info finding 62 million dollar troves, claims the richest mines in the Western Hemisphere, Cracks Kryptos, and decodes the entire Bacon/Shakespeare, and Tenier and Poussin Codes, leading to the tomb of Jesus and Mary, the Torah, The Menorah, and some other relics of the late Henry IV and Marie Medici, some of the richest families ever.....

And this is my rookie year.
I hope you realize that it will be a good show, Jean, as we all have something to add to the mix...:occasion14:..granted, if I make podium and win the trove with my solves.....its not going to be argued about from the Feds, as this is a moot point for them, they will be more concerned with the nature of the presentation of the information, and how the person executes their work, either legally, or illegally, being televised, including the fact as to who has made the official discovery, using the due dilligence and independent investigative fact finding that is basically all that is needed to make these mysteries a clear path to follow to the end.

These are the facts in any discovery when the lawyers step in.....

mine is ready to serve you...Just kidding,

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I merely meant when you have to argue with the landowner about what the treasure really is, and he thinks he is next of kin and owns it all kinda thing.....realy nasty down there, so I dont expect to run away with the treasures on any find, just the nature of people

Imagine locating it, asking the land owner, 'can i dig up the millions under your barn'.........?

LOL....still havent figured out how to approach that one....

.....but I expect the typical reaction for someone who thinks he is sitting on a treasure, when its actually evidence in the murder of 30 men.

If anyone will find the beale treasure it will be franklin,I think he is onto something good.

Gee thanks fellows. I do believe I know a few things about the Beale Treasure that others may or may not know. But it takes time to get around to getting the job finished.

Just like my book about the missing CSA Gold, I have it finished but to get from where I was to what I wanted to tell people contains exclusive work of a few other authors and they do not want to share their copyrighted material. I even offered a 5 or 10 percent royalty but they said no. So now I will go back and rewrite the entire book with only my research, my findings and my photographs. Which most likely will make an even better book when published. At least it won't be any rehashed material.

The Beale Treasure will be recovered as soon as I can recover one of the 58 CSA Gold Depositories.


Gee thanks fellows. I do believe I know a few things about the Beale Treasure that others may or may not know. But it takes time to get around to getting the job finished.

Just like my book about the missing CSA Gold, I have it finished but to get from where I was to what I wanted to tell people contains exclusive work of a few other authors and they do not want to share their copyrighted material. I even offered a 5 or 10 percent royalty but they said no. So now I will go back and rewrite the entire book with only my research, my findings and my photographs. Which most likely will make an even better book when published. At least it won't be any rehashed material.

The Beale Treasure will be recovered as soon as I can recover one of the 58 CSA Gold Depositories.

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