Finders Keepers takes on the NSA Codebeakers about the Beale Codes

I am not out to prove that I solved the codes, I did that 7 years ago and I did not do a book or anything for money. I was not going to show the answer in the codes until I could dig at 2 sites first. Now I believe this film company can make this happen. If the show airs and we prove the codes are broken and you are not part of the show , then what do you think your info will be worth, less than $2.50 Its better to do the show at any cost. Call her back and say YES.

I am not out to prove that I solved the codes, I did that 7 years ago and I did not do a book or anything for money. I was not going to show the answer in the codes until I could dig at 2 sites first. Now I believe this film company can make this happen. If the show airs and we prove the codes are broken and you are not part of the show , then what do you think your info will be worth, less than $2.50 Its better to do the show at any cost. Call her back and say YES.

If you did solve them you do not need me there Bro. Have fun with that and I will do what I have been planning all along.

I need $250,000 period! For that, I will be in the show and believe what you want me to believe but to be honest, I really don't know jack crap about the Beale Codes. Oh, and I will also dig.


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I need $250,000 period! For that, I will be in the show, believe what you want me to believe but to be honest, I really don't know jack crap about the Beale Codes. Oh, and I will also dig.


You can have my spot Brother Frank

I am requesting a small retainer to take care of my normal expenses while away.

Just to cover the few weeks out and the prep times with some gear for the job, as I have rent to pay and a business to put on hold in cold storage.

I am hoping to be able to get a mere 25,000.00 out of the whole Beale gig, with only 5,000.00 for the retainer

We hope to go to the Locale in VA, and examine markings, going then to AZ to Walk the Line to their mines, then back to the 2 calculated areas in VA where they stashed their goods

After the areas are examined and the clues are all filmed, with troves located, I am hoping to take them through another coincidental part of these discoveries,

I hope to film a second Show with them, but that will all come after we end the segment looking at the graphics drawn from the air in the terrain as the camera ascends over the map, showing the Heart Shaped areas and the Keyhole, with all of the layers intertwined into an awesome graphics display of the area, showing the way they held their ceremonies around the fires of a Charing Cross. one that begins in the areas in the markings of VA's hillsides and makes the connections to another location included in these older cults' practices and travels.

one that connects to a marking of terrain found in Bedford Basin, Nova Scotia. :headbang:

One that makes it to VA, all the way from an exploration team in Halifax, called the Oak Island Eldorado Company :skullflag:

after the examination of the Beale, the discovery of the areas' clues in Nova Scotia, we journey there to film a second segment under the examination of this company and its history, with a discovery of the areas' major clues, offering insight into a group of Business Plotters who were trying to continue this conspiracy into the early 20th century, by claiming to be the King's Chosen Born men.

We will track all the way through the Nova Scotia Island chains, showing the exact likenesses of these carvings to the clues spoken in the KGC's rituals and their manuals, how the creators of these original clues had made an exact copy of these older stone markings, and using the encryption techniques of the "Pirates of Old" and move through a set of clues to majestic carved markings, overlooking the coast, showing the original set of codes laid by Nicolas Poussin, and set into the area by Samuel Champlain himself. Discovering the series of clues we move into action and sail the routes as I showed you in the collage I sent you Dennis

We take the trip that leads through to the St. Lawrence Seaway, down to the Richelieu River Stones we found, and into the basin of Lake Champlain to finish in the original discoveries of the area, that hide a secret Royal trove, and a fabled Masonic Vault, with contents that the Mormons were claiming to have found, holding the evidence of the kingdom of Henry IV, Francis Bacon's works of the Bible, Shakespeare, and more:hello2:

I am pretty psyched after the interview

I hope she will pass on my idea to the directors about them setting up a show and taking a Forrest Fenn ride with Expedition Unknown in Colorado with me, to grab hold of some great footage.

Then who knows whats next.

May all your plans come true!

Paradas filmed for ‘America Unearthed'
Monday, March 25, 2013
By Josh Woods Staff Writer
Tracking the famed Oak Island treasure has been a long and frustrating endeavor for Clearfield-based Finders Keepers, a treasure location and recovery service. Dennis Parada and his son, Kem, have been hot on the treasure's trail, but have yet to locate it and dig it up. Fortunately, good things come to those who wait.
March 15, Finders Keepers' patience began to pay off.
The Paradas and their associates, James and Ryan Trymbiski and Patrick Whelan, were featured on H2's season finale of "America Unearthed."
"I liked it ... I agreed with 90 percent of the show," said Dennis Parada. "They got all of us on camera, and I was happy with how they ended it."
The show followed forensic geologist Scott Wolter to Nova Scotia where he met up with Finders Keepers. Parada showed Wolter a "V" rock carving on Hobson Island he believes is a pointer to Oak Island. It's Parada's belief Templar treasure was located on Oak Island and relocated to a castle site in New Ross.
Cameras followed the Trymbiskis at the New Ross castle site as they used a long-range locator to triangulate a position. They appeared to use ground-penetrating radar to pinpoint a well, and images showed a void next to it. Whelan, an experienced diver was lowered into the well to investigate. He found indicators of a filled in archway inside the well.
Armed with this new information, Kem Parada is shown discussing the plight of the well. The group pumped it dry and sent Wolter in for a closer look. A large drill truck was then brought in. As the group looked on, operators hoped to drill into the void next to the well and locate the Templar treasure. Wolter hoped to find The Holy Grail.
"We were just tracking the Templar treasure," said Parada. "We didn't know if there was such a thing as The Holy Grail there. We were just hoping to find treasure."
Parada's team was filmed on Hobson Island and New Ross in October of last year. Filming for the show took about four days from sunrise to sunset, Kem Parada said. Writers for the show took their story and condensed it into an outline for them to follow, he said.
"There were a few things they wanted us to say word for word, but the show wasn't scripted or fake," said Kem Parada. "They basically gave us an outline of who's turn it was to talk and key words, so we knew whose turn it was to talk."
"If we do this again, I'd want to take more control of the filming," said Dennis Parada. "There's a lot of things you didn't see on TV behind the scenes that make a hell of story. Things the camera crew didn't know about."
After the show, Parada and Whelan continued to research the site. Finders Keepers has legally formed a Canadian branch of their company, and bought mineral rights there. Parada said the group located naturally occurring gold at the New Ross site in the form of a nugget and fine pieces.
"The biggest chunk is still in a drill hole," said Parada. "Our biggest fear was the camera company put it there for a happy ending to the show. They didn't put it there, so we believe it's original to the site. There used to be a smelting office there, so we're not sure if we're finding misplaced bits at the surface."
In addition, Finders Keepers might have located tantalite, a rare Earth metal that China and Brazil have cornered the market on, Parada said. Possible tantalite samples from the site would be tested, he said.
"Tantalite is used in cell phones, televisions, computers and nuclear reactors," said Parada. "The United States just opened a mine to produce it out West that should be in operation next year. Canada was thought to be mined out."
Fresh off their television debut, Finders Keepers has moved on to its next film endeavor. The Paradas are working with an area film company to develop a documentary on their hunt for Civil War gold.
"Being on TV is unusual experience," said Dennis Parada. "It's a lot of pressure, and you have to watch what you say."
Note: The "Hunt for the Holy Grail" season finale of "America Unearthed" featuring Finders Keepers continues to re-run on H2 and can be found on YouTube.

I just watched Expedition Unknown on the beale coades, funny but the conclusion about them is that it was a publishing prank!! LOL!! I have to agree. To bad its a farce-lots of people spend lots of time researching and looking. Endever to persevere! Something that started with some basis in fact might be worthwhile to investigate.

I think 250,000 and 50% is a good deal to go on some tv show and show them were it is.

Good job if you can get it, but we all already know the outcome of your never ending requests for payment.

Good job if you can get it, but we all already know the outcome of your never ending requests for payment.

To quit your job just to be on a tv show without pay? I don't work at Walmart.

Thread: Production Company's looking for Treasure Hunters Thread

Post #2

My guess would be less than what you would make at a good paying job! I was contacted about 5 shows the production company wanted to do.

1st one was told I would be very well compensated but gave no figures in dollars but said it could be in the 6 figures range. The show ended up getting canceled a month prior to actual leaving for filming because Discovery wasn't happy with the one show, "Siberian Cut" was a flop, so they didn't want to fund for a different show in Siberia.

The other one pretty much said I would be paid something like less than $5,000-$10,000 for a season episode for 8-10 weeks of filming, but claimed I would make more money after I got exposure from the show by being used for commercials and other promotional products that I would be selected and fit for!

One of the 3 shows said no one, (actor/treasure hunter being selected), would not be paid unless they found the treasure and whatever the treasure is and is sold, the treasure hunter only gets a percentage of it and assuming after the film crew and production company got their shares, treasure hunter share would be less than someone would be getting at a $7.00 an hour job. 3 other those producers were associated with Metal Flowers Media who will NOT PAY any money's but they sure brag about, "but you will be on a reality TV show and get exposure" spill and expect people to do it for free!

Don't listen to them if they can't give you dollar figures and stated on contracts or live recorded videos on what will be paid. The executives KNOW how much money they have to spend on producing a show, they have all the dollar figures figured out for everyone so they HAVE A BUDGET!

Based on the outcomes of recent treasure shows. I wouldn't do it. Some terrible writers and editors out there.

Based on the outcomes of recent treasure shows. I wouldn't do it. Some terrible writers and editors out there.

C'mon Jeepin,

You don't like wandering through the guano shooting at tarantulas?

How about diving into a 18" tube that's already clogged, just so you can justify using a camera to probe the hole?

Its really not the shows and the editors. To be honest the edits were very professional and enhanced and remastered very well in almost every show.

The problem is that the people doing the shows didn't have very much Concrete Evidence to show.

The other problem is that there is a great amount of intelligence and knowledge stored away in the mainstream that is able to be found, old footage, and other works that are needed to be shown, but they didn't really go deep into the history at all showing the facts in a sequence that made a solve even slightly possible from the information presented

The other problem was the fact that there was no assistance from outside resources, and it was being made into a full on competition, a race

This is the road to Eldorado, not a rat race like they have been showing almost daily. I'm going with or without cameras to finish my work here, and love the fact there is media attention. to me that is a degree of publicity that will help make more information manifest to perhaps expand on the discovery after we hunt the final two troves.

They should be ready now to finally see something real, at least in a direct and interpretative manner that shows both the adventure of the Boots on the Ground in the moving the scenes, combining the sequencing, the graphics, and the research spent in creating a format to document the efforts involved in the whole affair.

It would be 5 shows as I see it, and begin with a stumper, a dead end, go to retracing and reconfiguration of all the clues, to find new evidence in the second, travel to new areas and bring home the gold from a few sources, while making great peace with the Apache, Pima, Dine, and others from the area so they cam enjoy in the big suprise, and also lay more evidence on the table for the needs of clarification of the 30 dead.

What can I say, I feel sorry for the others searching AND getting lost and have it down to a science now. It will stop the monotony, and help redirect all the efforts towards using the foundation of research we will produce.

Thats really why I am doing this, and the fact that they were hiding the location of the largest gold mines in all of the world ..... Oh Yeah ! Time to saddle up.:headbang:

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<<<<< this finderskeepers wouldn't know a Beale code if it came up and bit him in the leg:icon_scratch:

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I'm disappointed. It's all about ibjeepn,ibjeepn,ibjeepn. lol I'll eat a snickers (or 2) and be over it. I wish you,Justintime,Jean,Frank and the rest, well and a safe and glorious hunt. I will enjoy the TN version, that's for sure.:coffee2:

please note* this finderskeepers is talking about himslef


not the Treasure Hunting Group
"Finders Keepers" or the member FinderKeeper
so this is not an insult

Please Note*. We have a Member

his avatar

he does not wish to be mistaken for

the Treasure Hunting Group
"Finders Keepers"

or the Member

their Avatar


since FinderKeeper &
the Treasure Hunters "Finders Keepers"
names are Grandfathered here by about 5 extra years this post is the full extent of what I can do

confused ? probably not as much as I am :tongue3:

[ please Note if I am mistaken on what " finderskeepers " is asking this post will disappear ]

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The NSA will surely be THE authority to go to confirm these acts happened and the ecodes are real,

after they are handed the information that shows how they have been covering the affiars of Business Plotters for years.... poetic of an ending

Had a question for Ping Pong Production. Sent it to them by there Facebook. Lets see if they respond to what I have said. Seems someone said this all was a fake attempt at some Tom Foolery.

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