If you know a place to get really cheap hand guns, would you please tell me, I'd like to get some. There is no such thing as real cheap hand guns. If you know so much, tell us price do you call cheap, where is the break between cheap and expensive. So how does the cheap hand gun cause crime. Does cheap mean it can operate by itself? If someone is fat, is that the fault of the spoon force feeding them. If spoons don't make people fat, how can a hand gun cause crime? It's the son of a b#$!&^$ that uses the spoon that gets fat, and the same holds true for the cause of crime. If limiting honest peoples access to firearms stops crime, then what happens in places like Chicago where --- I can't really speak my mind because at the best this post will get locked, and at the worst I'll be banned. Lets put it this way, liberals are in total control of everything in the city, and the politicians are crooks, the gangs in control, and the strongest gun laws in probably the world, where it's impossible for honest people, and illegal for crooks to own a pistol or rifle, there are more murders than in the country of Iraq. So I can hardly wait until this entire country is run by liberal, ie: communists, and we'll all be safe with no worries at all. That said, your question was just bait trying to pick a fight, and I'm sure you'll be happy when I can no longer own or use firearms.