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Was the federal assault weapons ban unconstitutional?
0121stockpicker said:Was the federal assault weapons ban unconstitutional?
If that's the case than how was this made into a constitutional law and remained on the books until it expired. If you were correct wouldn't it have been immediately deemed unconstitutional? But it wasnt, it was deemed totally constitutional. Maybe it's as cut in dry just dropping the "shall not be infringed". Looks like that has not been deemed to be a constitutionally relevant argument. Correct?
In the end has can this constitutional law have existed, yet any sort of gun control be unconstitutional. Or are there plenty of controls, limits, checks etc that can be put in place yet still not run afoul of the 2nd ? Any thoughts?
Red James cash said:If youre dealing with a corrupt government expect corrupt laws to be passed regardless of law.
But fed assault weapons ban was passed without corruption - right. Reagan himself lobbied to get it passed. It was a failure of a law, but a constitutional one none the less correct?
Red James cash said:Maybe,but deep down inside how do you really know.Reagan was shot with a .22 revolver why pick on the socalled assault rifles that nobody can legally own without a class 3 permit.
Chadeaux said:Was a big issue in the 70's even prompted a song . . .
YouTube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFfiSGy26wA
Problem is . . . the AWB isn't about people dying, it IS about disarming the public.
Handguns are the most popular weapon of criminals, but they want to take away the long rifle?
You don't smell something fishy?
Chadeaux said:Was a big issue in the 70's even prompted a song . . .
YouTube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFfiSGy26wA
Problem is . . . the AWB isn't about people dying, it IS about disarming the public.
Handguns are the most popular weapon of criminals, but they want to take away the long rifle?
You don't smell something fishy?
I completely agree the real problem is hand guns ( but lets face it that the NRA and big gun would be up in arms if the gov tried to regulate hand guns).
Was the federal assault weapons ban unconstitutional?
So, Reb, were you guys going steady or something?