Fayette County

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Well I have a (maybe) "IN" Buckle, I am an Operations NCO In Richmond, and there are places that I can go, no problem, I just need to find out where I need to go? The guy that I coordinate all my training thru is on vacation the next couple of weeks (he is Civillian), but me and several of the miltary personnel including the post CDR are on pretty good terms, so there may be a MAYBE in there, if I can get on, do you think you and Jamie may be up for it?


I would most certainly be interested, as long as ALL the security details were worked out. In the post-9-11 world, I wouldn't want to be arrested or shot. Been a while since I've looked at a map of the battle. I would say that you'd have to be very specific about the areas you'd like to hunt, and they'd probably need to be a good ways away from the bunkers in order to have any chance at getting permission. Permission in writing prob. wouldn't be a bad thing to have--it'd prob. have to have specific dates and times on it. I would imagine that any area along 25 would be good. Good luck, and let me know.

I work in Richmond Guns! Small world. Of course I'd be in!!! WOW, awesome place. I have battlefield maps if that is necessary but rest assured, the entire enclosure offers promise. I have permission to hunt a farm just down and across from the golf course. I haven't spent much time there but did manage a few fired bullets and one flat button.

well then we may have a plan gentlemen.... Like buckle says, we would have to narrow it down location wise, and we couldnt get close to the outside perimeter, let alone the inside one... but it is a very large place so we may get lucky?????? Do you guys know anything about Blue Grass Station (Lexington)? we can go about anywhere there with the exception of the Hangers, or the Classified bldgs..... from what I understand, they kept WWII German POW's at both places???????

That sounds like there's some promise there too! I would urge you to get this in writing though. Seriously.

If you're lookin for a huntin buddy for either site, let me know. I lived down the road in Berea for six years before movin' to Louisville.


You got Blue Grass Station at exit 87 between Lex and Winchester, and Blue Grass Depot at Richmond, got the Station covered, but waiting on word for the Depot....

Hey guys... don't mean to rain on your parade but keep in mind that it is illegal under the provisons of Federal ARPA to even have a detector in your vehicle when crossing ANY piece of Federal land... even if its broken down with no batteries. Technically for even that minor of a violation they can sieze your vehicle, bank accounts and property, if they want to.

You MUST have WRITTEN permission from the TOP person cause if its anyone of lesser authority on the base the commander could later say that they did not have the authority to issue permission and you could find yourselves being prosecuted.

Its good if you have contacts there but BE SURE to "dot all the I's and cross all the T's" before putting a foot on any type of Federally controlled/owned property.

Even a first time offender can get 5 years in the pen and a $10.000 fine if the judge is in a bad mood. If you have ever been published in a treasure mag or written a book on some type of TH'ing they can prosecute you as a "professional" and a first offense can net you 10 years penal servitude and $100,000 in fines. And all this in addition to any confiscations they do on you.

I know some folks prosecuted under ARPA and even though the charges were dropped at the last minute they never got the things taken in a raid on their home back. And all over 2 or 3 sawmill tokens dug on private land next to the national forest. Fellow made his mistake by parking on a forest road and then walking with his detector to the private land he had written permission to be on. The ranger and archaeologist were waiting for him at the car and that was that... the p--p hit the fan and it took two years and a lot of bucks to the lawyers to resolve the problem.

I have tried to work with the Feds over the years and my firm conviction is that THEY CANNOT BE TRUSTED... so... HUNTERS BEWARE!!!

That said hope you can hunt the depot... there is no doubt some nice relics out there waiting to be found.


Good advice DC. Dont want anybody getting in any trouble especially with a detector in hand!


My understanding, at least as far as state parks go, is that use of detectors is prohibited in KY but the penalties for violation would be much less severe... state can't confiscate your personal property other than the detecting equip you're using if caught. Don't know if they can take your vehicle if parked on state property. Jail time,if convicted would be much less than a Federal offense conviction. With the Feds they can now take your vehicle no matter where it is if they want to. In fact... thanks to Patriot 2 they can now do a complete confiscation (house, cars, bank accts. etc) just from someone calling them and ACCUSING you of violating ARPA IF THEY WANT TO! At least, so far, I haven't heard of them hauling any detectorists off to Guantanamo or Abu Gharib yet... but... stay tuned. WELCOME TO THE "NEW WORLD ORDER', KOMRADE!!!

I am just waiting for them to coin the term "ARCHAEOLOGICAL TERRORISM" to describe what we do in our hobby. : > (


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