🥇 BANNER Fantastic Bayonet found at our school!

Congrats on the Banner..
I bet the kids are tickled pink?
Looks like you guys are going to have a great summer..
Iam so glad people are showing what this hobby is all about. .

This is the best thread I have seen in a long time . Congratulations to you and your students . There is a special place in heaven for teachers like you

please Note. I don't want to be a downer &
I am not pointing fingers at anyone.
so please don't get offended .
Discussions of Donations should not be going on in this thread.
our Rules Specifically state You may not...
request the donation of money or material goods,
either to yourself or to any other person or organization.

that said, There is no rule I see against making or offering the donations.
Just please do this via Pm's
:thumbsup: don't make the thread about the donations.
make it about the cool Find :thumbsup:

As for the Bayonet .. Awesome Find !

Congrats on earning the Banner !

Your right Jeff is there a fourm to donate to schools?

Simply amazing. The soldiers on both sides feared the bayonet more than the musket balls back then.

Sorry I missed this one, very cool find, very interesting thread, should be allot of fun when that shipment gets there. Should be allot of finds, dig everything that repeats!

please Note. I don't want to be a downer &
I... Discussions of Donations should not be going on in this thread.
our Rules Specifically state
you may not... request the donation of money or material goods, either to yourself or to any other person or organization.[/B]

Just splitting a few hairs, counselor. If I recall correctly, the original poster did not request donations; the kind-hearted forumeers volunteered to donate.

Advocatus Diaboli

I've decided to change this up a bit After talking with Vino we are both going to send you a Go-Find 40 and pinpointer.... so look for a pair of each in the box. One pair courtesy of Vino, the second from Fort Bedford Metal Detectors.

Just be sure to keep posting the finds the boys make with them for all of us to enjoy. Hope they find a few more as interesting as this bayonet! :)

Fort Bedford, Class act all the way. I'm saving for my first MD. Soon as I have enough, you have my order!

Vino, awesome job.

Kindle, great find, thread, and lesson. I'm late in life to the pursuit of treasure, but your class is getting an early start. You will be remembered by many of your current and future students as "that great teacher that used to get us outside for REAL TREASURE HUNTS!"

Congrats on many levels...including the banner find.

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Just splitting a few hairs, counselor. If I recall correctly, the original poster did not request donations; the kind-hearted forumeers volunteered to donate.

Advocatus Diaboli

correct,and this was not Directed at the OP.

but I feared another member may have decided to spearhead a donation thing
on their own. which still would have been against the rules.
Simply put, no member is allowed to publicly request, manage
or suggest other members donate money or goods to any cause.
even if they themselves don't benefit from it.

This is because there are too many laws these days, & we do not want to cause legal issues for anyone.

If a member is to decide to do so, it must be 100% their idea. :thumbsup:

No I am not going to edit anything at this point.
I just want this thread to be about the Bannered find.
that is all that matters here now that it is on the Banner.

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3 years ago they did an open day to the Tower of London a guy found the middle part of the bayonet no socket no blade just 15 inch of metal none could ID it i met him on a spot a week later and he brought the bit and i recognise it straight away he was jumping all over the place Happy ending:)


please Note. I don't want to be a downer &
I am not pointing fingers at anyone.
so please don't get offended .
Discussions of Donations should not be going on in this thread.
our Rules Specifically state You may not...
request the donation of money or material goods,
either to yourself or to any other person or organization.

that said, There is no rule I see against making or offering the donations.
Just please do this via Pm's
:thumbsup: don't make the thread about the donations.
make it about the cool Find :thumbsup:

As for the Bayonet .. Awesome Find !

Congrats on earning the Banner !
I like the way you handled that Jeff.

wonder where you've been - WTG on the find
hope all is well with you :thumbsup:

Thanks everyone! We started our Treasure Hunting class last Fall. So far we've found a few flat buttons, an engraved sterling thimble, a VT Copper, Civil War General Service button, and an 1800's pocket knife. We did coin roll hunting in the winter and managed to nearly fill a few old Whitman binders of pennies and nickels. The kids love the activity. It has been great to get to introduce treasure hunting to our students as it is one of my personal passions. On my own time I post as Oxbowbarefoot here on T-Net, but I felt that the school should have it's own profile to share our finds :thumbsup:

What a terrific find,don't know how I missed this.

cool find. i just found mosin nagant rusty bayonet from trash

Absolutely amazing find KindleFarmer!! Congrats on the banner as well. Here's hoping there's similar history buried at your locale, and we're looking forward to seeing it all! Please PM me if you find the time-like to continue this ongoing discussion offline...

-- Jeff --

best thread in a long time !!Job well done and wonderful find also.:thumbsup:

fort bedford...will soon pm you on a new tector,my way of honoring your generosity.also job well done.

to those who helped ty for your efforts.you all brought me joy in reading every post.a tip of the hat to the t-net community !!!proud to consider myself a member

Thanks for the comments everyone!

This thread deserves some special award itself! The find is most certainly deserving of the banner, but the generosity of the members is just as incredible. Wtg all! I wondered where you had been too Oxbowbarefoot. Your finds always impressed me when I first joined this forum. It is a very inspiring thing you are doing and I know your students will always revere and respect you.

Great thread! I'm very proud of Tnet and all it's great members who make this site a "treasure"! :notworthy:

This thread deserves some special award itself! The find is most certainly deserving of the banner, but the generosity of the members is just as incredible. Wtg all! I wondered where you had been too Oxbowbarefoot. Your finds always impressed me when I first joined this forum. It is a very inspiring thing you are doing and I know your students will always revere and respect you.

Thank you. I've been around, but I moved to VT last Fall. I haven't been out as much as I'd like, but now that the weather is nice, I think I might be motivated :laughing7:

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