F2 Reading


Hero Member
Aug 15, 2013
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Puerto Rico
Detector(s) used
Minelab Equinox 800, Fisher F75, Garrett AT Pro, Fisher F2
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I have an f2 as well, looks like a can to me.

Or a metal plate/ scrap metal. Could you get the signal even when the coil is high above the ground?

Or a metal plate/ scrap metal. Could you get the signal even when the coil is high above the ground?
Well now that u mention it I did not do that... I should have done it! Doh!!

Well now that u mention it I did not do that... I should have done it! Doh!!

No, thats's alright! When I get a good signal I often get excited and start digging it out before I investigate it further.

to me thats a really BIG target "WAY" down there.

Probably a honking huge piece of rusting Iron or maybe a old beer can.

I dig anyway.

I can't help myself.

WHAT IF.... it was soemthing good. If I don't i'll beat myself up thinking about it all night long and not get any sleep. Was it just in that one spot OR would it move around like that in that area? Big items that are pretty far down can give some really funky signals. What if it was a cannon ball and you left it?!

DOH! The horror.... and I can't even go dig that spot!!!

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.............. go back and back off that FULL sensitivity level you had on there. See what it did on 3 or 4 instead of 5. Alot of times if it's showing like that and it "could" be really far down I go back tot he car and get the shovel and take a inch or two off and see if I get the same reading.

UGH!!! :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead:

that's driving me crazy now. I would have stayed there and dug till a submarine came out that hole.

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You know after you said that in your message. I got to thinking. I saw something kinda like that one time. It ended up being underground powerlines. So be careful!

UGH!!! :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead:

that's driving me crazy now. I would have stayed there and dug till a submarine came out that hole.
I'll be careful then! Today after I get out from work I will try to dig it up and let u guys know what was the mystery target! LOL!

Somethig big and nothing good as far as I am concerned.
I would never dig a signal like this.
Used to...but it was never anything good, always trash.
Unless it sounds real good I rarely dig anything that jumps more than 2 numbers.
All my good targets have always been in that range, lots of trash also but a lot of trash jumps way more than those 2 numbers.
Keep in mind I got pretty good at working that coil over all targets to get to that 2 number only jump.
Lots have posted that they have dug good targets with bigger jumps but I haven't done that in a long time since I learned to work that coil, plus I use the sniper most of the time so that makes it easier.

Couldn't go. I had to get home early. Have to wait till this sunday morning.

Somethig big and nothing good as far as I am concerned.
I would never dig a signal like this.
Used to...but it was never anything good, always trash.
Unless it sounds real good I rarely dig anything that jumps more than 2 numbers.
All my good targets have always been in that range, lots of trash also but a lot of trash jumps way more than those 2 numbers.
Keep in mind I got pretty good at working that coil over all targets to get to that 2 number only jump.
Lots have posted that they have dug good targets with bigger jumps but I haven't done that in a long time since I learned to work that coil, plus I use the sniper most of the time so that makes it easier.

You don't dig it if it varies more than two numbers!?!?
The F2's ID does vary a fair amount sometimes, and you would be missing a lot of targets if your that picky with the numbers.

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Exactly.... I couldn't imagine not digging on two changes of the ID.


I look at it THIS way. If I dig it now. I won't have to worry about it later if it's something bad. More room for me to find THAT one or two things that makes Metal Detecting fun easier to find.

You don't dig it if it varies more than two words!?!?
The F2's ID does vary a fair amount sometimes, and you would be missing a lot of targets if your that picky with the numbers.

I figured somebody would say that but I don't believe that is the case.
I am very good with that F2, so good that I have the ability to get all good targets down to just 2 numbers...or at least as far as I can tell with my several hundreds of hours experience hunting with my F2.
I also am a dig it all kind of guy but only solid signals.
Lots of trash will come in solid so I dig those because you never know, but in my case in recent times especially after switching to the sniper coil I have found that all good targets and every great one won't jump more than two if I work that coil right and sometimes turn and hit it from another angle.
I used to dig more, including numbers that jumped way more than 2 and once in awhile I still do if the signal is strong and sounds real good, but after digging thousands upon thousands of signals good and bad I have decided if those numbers jump more than 2 and I can't get them to stabilize there or if I don't hear at least a little something good in the quality of that tone I just ain't digging it.
There is a chance I could be missing a few things but I doubt it.
There is the possibility that deep signals at the end of my scanning field can be real jumpy and I could be missing those but I am a jewelry hunter and most of that is shallow and well within the range of even my sniper coil at the park sites I usually hunt.
Without digging those jumpier signals I guess we will never know, but I have to draw a line in the sand somewhere and that is mine.
You might not believe any of this, most hunters I have read post about digging good signals at jumpier numbers but they are not me and it might sound like bragging but I believe I am that good and understand the F2 so well I can do this and leave jumpy signals in the ground with all confidence.
Of course I believe that you never know what you are swinging over till you actually dig it and hold it in your hot little hands, but my percentage of being right about id'ing my targets before I dig them and identifying and recognizing trash is unusually high so those are my current rules and for right now I live by them.

This year it has worked for me very well.
A couple hundred dollars worth of clad, a few civil war relics, my best 2 silver coins, (2 Franklin halves), some of my biggest, baddest silver rings and silver chains I have ever dug plus one 14k white gold bracelet, one 14k gold medallion and 8 gold rings, (that came in from foil to zinc), from 10k up to one that I believe is close to 24k including one with 9 diamonds that was appraised for $1299 is my total since Jan 1 of this year with just my F2 and sniper coil...most dug in some extremely trashy sites so I am not doing too bad.
If I am missing a few things by not digging the jumpier signals I am fine and made my peace with that, I dig a huge volume of targets good and bad as it is....but most only within that 2 number spread.

I write about my methods and way I hunt a lot on some other forums, many have used my methods including digging only those most solid of signals and have gone out and found something great for themselves and have thanked me.
I have one thread on a forum that has been running for over 3 years that is now over 30 pages long, has over 87,000 views and over 1,300 comments and posts from me and many other users that has many tips, techniques and insights about using the F2 that I started as just a simple review thread when I first got mine, (as a backup/take on vacation unit only), but turned into way more and a depository of everything I learned about the F2 as I learned it.
According to several F2 owners that thread was and has been and still is responsible for literally dozens of F2 sales in the past few years because of what people have read in it and after seeing what I have found with mine plus many other very happy F2 owners.
I was told by Bart from Bigboys Hobbies that some folks at Fisher know who I am and what I am responsible for in the area of many extra F2 sales that might not have happened without my posts about it on the forums.

I get a great kick and much satisfaction out of helping others find great things with any tips or insights that I have and can pass on.
Many on other forums call me a master with the F2, a Yoda, but I think that sometimes you just click with certain detectors and with the F2 I sure did.
Several hunters and F2 owners have said if I ever write a book about hunting with the F2 they would be the first in line to buy it, but for now I just post on the forums for free as my way of paying it forward.
As good as I am I am still trying to learn new stuff on every hunt and I do that with all of my detectors.
Master of the F2...nahh...real good, oh yea.

Again you probably don't believe me and I am sure you think I am blowing a bunch of hot air or just have too much confidence in my abilities and you are sure that by not digging jumpy numbers I am missing things, but if you ever hunted with me and watched how I do this, understand and use the sniper coil vs the larger ones and what it can do to get you to that 2 number only jump, or have seen the shear amount of bad jumpy signals I have dug in the past to get to this way of thinking you might understand.

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I figured somebody would say that but I don't believe that is the case.
I am very good with that F2, so good that I have the ability to get all good targets down to just 2 numbers...or at least as far as I can tell with my several hundreds of hours experience hunting with my F2.
I also am a dig it all kind of guy but only solid signals.
Lots of trash will come in solid so I dig those because you never know, but in my case in recent times especially after switching to the sniper coil I have found that all good targets and every great one won't jump more than two if I work that coil right and sometimes turn and hit it from another angle.
I used to dig more, including numbers that jumped way more than 2 and once in awhile I still do if the signal is strong and sounds real good, but after digging thousands upon thousands of signals good and bad I have decided if those numbers jump more than 2 and I can't get them to stabilize there or if I don't hear at least a little something good in the quality of that tone I just ain't digging it.
There is a chance I could be missing a few things but I doubt it.
There is the possibility that deep signals at the end of my scanning field can be real jumpy and I could be missing those but I am a jewelry hunter and most of that is shallow and well within the range of even my sniper coil at the park sites I usually hunt.
Without digging those jumpier signals I guess we will never know, but I have to draw a line in the sand somewhere and that is mine.
You might not believe any of this, most hunters I have read post about digging good signals at jumpier numbers but they are not me and it might sound like bragging but I believe I am that good and understand the F2 so well I can do this and leave jumpy signals in the ground with all confidence.

This year it has worked for me very well.
A couple hundred dollars worth of clad, a few civil war relics, my best 2 silver coins, (2 Franklin halves), some of my biggest, baddest silver rings and silver chains I have ever dug plus one 14k white gold bracelet, one 14k gold medallion and 8 gold rings, (that came in from foil to zinc), from 10k up to one that I believe is close to 24k including one with 9 diamonds that was appraised for $1299 is my total since Jan 1 of this year with just my F2 and sniper coil...most dug in some extremely trashy sites so I am not doing too bad.
If I am missing a few things by not digging the jumpier signals I am fine and made my peace with that, I dig a huge volume of targets good and bad as it is....but most only within that 2 number spread.

I write about my methods and way I hunt a lot on some other forums, many have used my methods including digging only those most solid of signals and have gone out and found something great for themselves and have thanked me.
I have one thread on a forum that has been running for over 3 years that has over 87,000 views and over 1,300 comments and posts from me and many other users that has many tips, techniques and insights about using the F2 that I started as just a simple review thread when I first got mine, (as a backup/take on vacation unit only), but turned into way more and a depository of everything I learned about the F2 as I learned it.
According to several F2 owners that thread was and has been responsible for literally dozens of F2 sales in the past few years because of what people have read in it and after seeing what I have found with mine plus many other very happy F2 owners.
I was told by Bart from Bigboys Hobbies that some folks at Fisher know who I am and what I am responsible for in the area of many extra F2 sales that might not have happened without my posts about it on the forums.
I get a great kick and much satisfaction out of helping others find great things with any tips or insights that I have and can pass on.
Many on other forums call me a master with the F2, a Yoda, but I think that sometimes you just click with certain detectors and with the F2 I sure did.
Several hunters and F2 owners have said if I ever write a book about hunting with the F2 they would be the first in line to buy it, but for now I just post on the forums for free as my way of paying it forward.
As good as I am I am still trying to learn new stuff on every hunt and I do that with all of my detectors.
Master of the F2...nahh...real good, oh yea.

Again you probably don't believe me and I am sure you think I am blowing a bunch of hot air or just have too much confidence in my abilities and you are sure that by not digging jumpy numbers I am missing things, but if you ever hunted with me and watched how I do this, understand and use the sniper coil vs the larger ones and what it can do to get you to that 2 number only jump, or have seen the shear amount of bad jumpy signals I have dug in the past to get to this way of thinking you might understand.[/

If it works for you, then I won't argue.

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I really haven't added it up but somewhere close to or maybe even well over 1000 hours so far.
Could be somewhere nearer to or over 2000 hours...I really don't know for sure.

Yes, for me my way of hunting does work, and many others have read my stuff, done at least a few things the way I do it and have found some great things themselves.
Like I said I love when that happens.
If I can help anyone find one great thing that makes them close to being as happy as I am doing this hobby this also makes me very happy and in a strange way very satisfied.

Well said Digger27! I think that your method is my method. I basically dig solid signals, I do my 90' turns and lift the coil every time I think I have good or bad hits. The F2 is a great machine! Specially with 11"DD coil and sniper coil! But! Honestly I'm the guy that digs mostly everything. In fact my first and only silver that I have dug (1964 Rosy Dime) wasn't the best sounding signal. Probably had to do with depth and low batteries since I dug it out almost at 9" deep. It was giving 80's 90's + and high beeps.

Yea, anything that is near the end of the scanning field with any of the F2 coils can and will break up and be iffy.
Large cans can do this too if they are deep, and lifting the coil up high to see if you get a signal might not work on the deeper stuff, but the depth meter on the right side of the screen will usually say shallow and the pinpoint numbers too.
If those things say 2-3" on a high tone and I am already past that when I dig I know it is large and junk so I fill in the hole and walk away.
Now a high tone that maxes out the depth bars solid and pinpoint numbers that show up anywhere near the end of the scanning field depth of your coil you gotta dig, even if that signal is a little iffy and jumpy.

What do u mean when u say "and pinpoint numbers that show up anywhere near the end of the scanning field depth of your coil"?? Still in the learning process u know!
Yea, anything that is near the end of the scanning field with any of the F2 coils can and will break up and be iffy.
Large cans can do this too if they are deep, and lifting the coil up high to see if you get a signal might not work on the deeper stuff, but the depth meter on the right side of the screen will usually say shallow and the pinpoint numbers too.
If those things say 2-3" on a high tone and I am already past that when I dig I know it is large and junk so I fill in the hole and walk away.
Now a high tone that maxes out the depth bars solid and pinpoint numbers that show up anywhere near the end of the scanning field depth of your coil you gotta dig, even if that signal is a little iffy and jumpy.

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