Ever seen or had an encounter with a Bigfoot, aka Sasquatch?

Ever had an encounter with a Bigfoot?

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    Votes: 10 15.2%
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    Votes: 13 19.7%
  • No

    Votes: 43 65.2%

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If I found the correct report, I would say that the thing you encountered, was unlike 99.8% of Bigfoot reports. Several key points stand out, like the rounded head, while most bigfoot reports mention a pointed or crested head not round, sharp teeth are another point, most of the bigfoot reports that mention seeing teeth state they are like human teeth only larger, not pointed like a bear or canine. I am NOT saying you encountered a bear - and I would sure not want to run into it myself either, but I suspect that it is something other than a bigfoot and certainly more dangerous sounding.

NWMP wrote

Logical and reasonable, are you then taking the position that all eyewitness reports are mistaken encounters with bears? Certainly you know that bears can not walk on their hind legs for any great distance, and can not run on their hind legs at all. They can stand certainly, but it is not a comfortable stance for them and walking is unsteady.

Reb wrote

Well we do have reports that mention seeing bigfoot eating water plants, berries, nuts, roots, fish, deer, hogs, and even roadkill. My guess would be that they are opportunistic omnivores, able to digest most anything (and that is also like humans) and taking advantage of every food source they run across.

Please do continue;

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Bobbie Short edited my report and changed it. She put the sharp teeth in, I told her pointed incisors like a human. She also put the rounded head in and the werewolf crap. We talked online and I corrected her, but she never changed it. It fit all the common descriptions and I should have gone to BFRO and put the sighting there. I'm just too lazy. That veggie stuff is crap. They eat deer and small animals too I see from other reports. It was not a bear. I sort of have a way with animals, especially cats. I had a bobcat climb in a tree(deer blind platform) when I was young, walk over and lay down next to me. He would go to sleep. In 1975 at Yosemite National Park, we spent the night in the parking lot of the lodge(Jan) because the rangers let us. It snowed heavily that night and we awoke to two little bear cubs on the car. We chased them across the lot and into the woods. We rounded a corner and there stood mama bear on her hind legs. I started telling her that we would never hurt her babies and that she and they were beautiful. She got down on all fours and walked over to me. I thought I was dead, but she nuzzled my hand and I scratched her chin and then petted her. She looked me in the eye, turned and she and the cubs walked into the woods. The rangers didn't believe me, but my buddy George told them the story. He was still shaking. They told us that when a sow grizzly has her cubs late, she will stay up and not hibernate to feed them and that we were lucky we were not mauled like a person had been the month before. So I know what a bear looks like. Now I read about dozens of park disappearances across the U.S. ????? Don't know. I have 6-7 raccoons that eat out of the dumpsters here at my apt. I go down, talk to them and give them apples. They ran away the first time, but now they all line up because the "apple guy" is coming. I guess I smaell like an animal?? I just wish I would have had that power over women...

LOL! Want the babes to "line up", so YOU can give 'em an apple...? Heh...

I never saw a bigfoot but i have always been curious about their exsistence every since i was young and apart of me wants to belive and apart doesent,just like I would like to encounter one but yet I dont.My reason for an encounter would be to try and communicate with bigfoot and not harm them but on the other side I do not know if the old heart would give out!

I never saw a bigfoot but i have always been curious about their exsistence every since i was young and apart of me wants to belive and apart doesent,just like I would like to encounter one but yet I dont.My reason for an encounter would be to try and communicate with bigfoot and not harm them but on the other side I do not know if the old heart would give out!

I would only suggest that if you do wish to encounter a Bigfoot, try to avoid the mistakes that the TV "experts" are making constantly. For one thing, keeping as quiet as possible is a must for any kind of wildlife you might want to try to meet up with. Wild animals keep their ears, eyes and nose alert at all times for intruders and possible dangers, so if you go roaring into some place on an ATV, blab on walkie talkies etc you are likely not even going to see a rabbit, or at best will only see fleeing animals. Try to keep the wind in your face or if you cannot, then work across the wind and NEVER with the wind at your back. Move in short spurts, and then 'freeze' and look carefully all around you, including behind you. In hunting this is called still hunting and it works very well. Try to see the wildlife before they see you. Try to move when the wind is making branches move, this helps cover any noise you make and makes your movement harder to spot. If you spot any wildlife, do NOT move when it is looking at you, only when it is looking away. It is not easy but you might be surprised at how close you can get to wildlife, if you are careful, move as little as possible, spend most of your time frozen still and LOOKING carefully, as well as listening. Birds will often give alarm calls at the movement of large animals near them too, so the wildlife may even help you in your quest. A creature the size of a Bigfoot may well make enough noise that you might hear it approaching you, well before it becomes alerted to your presence, so keep your ears open.

This Bigfoot creature, animal or man or whatever it is, almost certainly has all the instincts of wild animals and may well have a sense of smell as good as a dog. Anthropologists believe that Neanderthal man had a sense of smell as good as a dog, so it is not wild speculation to suppose that Bigfoot has a keen sense of smell. By many eyewitness accounts, they will often 'freeze' in place, stay crouched down or standing against a tree etc so be prepared to spot them doing this behavior. It is a behavior used by other animals, whitetail deer will often freeze in one spot when a hunter is approaching, and often enough the hunter fails to see the motionless animal so the behavior works quite well. Bigfoot must need certain things too, just as any species of wild animal - it has to have water, food supplies, cover, (for concealment) and quite possibly shelter, which may be a rock ledge or an upturned tree or even just a cut bank, as was reported by some witnesses of the Borrego Sandman. So it would probably be wise to look for food sources, like wild berries, nuts, fish, roots etc that are edible. Based on what little we know, it appears that Bigfoot is likely an omnivore and may even eat carrion, so don't dismiss a dead carcass as a possible food source. Cover is vital too - they need to be able to hide from any possible enemies, so it is not likely you will find them in open fields, look for thick brush, dense stands of timber, swamps etc. Don't forget the water too, they must have water so if you are searching an area where NO water source exists, your chances of an encounter are greatly diminished. I am not recommending to set up camp on top of a water supply, which could result in an ugly wildlife encounter you do not want, but keep it in mind that any area must have these things for a Bigfoot to be able to live there, even if it is only migrating through. Remember, to this creature the wilderness is HOME, as much as you feel in your living room right at home, so keep that in mind too. If someone set up a tent in your back yard how long would it take you to spot it?

Good luck to you Digzit, I hope you will get lucky enough to have that encounter. Of course as the old saying goes, you must hunt for elephants in the elephants country, so to see a Bigfoot will require travelling to some place where you stand a good chance of seeing one, but if you don't mind camping out this is not a big problem. I hope too that if you are lucky enough to see one, or better yet get a photograph, you will keep us posted? Thanks in advance,

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Here's quite an interesting new video from ThinkerThunker. It's an interview with the cameraman who shot the Great North IMAX documentary in 2001, in which a large black biped (not a bear) was accidentally filmed chasing through a large herd of caribou way up in the far northern Canadian wilderness. The cameraman was unaware that this happened until a friend recently linked him to an earlier TT YouTube video of the event.


So on the Lake Michigan shoreline you have the sandy beach and behind them huge dunes and woods. If u climb them and get in the woods there's miles of trails that run over these hills following the beach basically. I've been going there since I was a teenager spent tons of hours exploring I know them well enough I was told they are old Indian trails. The only way you can get to them now is go in through the state park hike down the beach a mile or more and climb the dunes to get into the woods. When I was younger you could just park on road run in the woods and find a trail within fifty yards. They basically built a wall though to keep people out and if you park your car on the road when u get back someone from the township or the sheriff will be waiting. A few rich people have some really nice house on the shore and they do what ever they can to keep people away. So I have my girl friend drop me off on the road grab my gear and hike in she's going to the state park I'm gonna hike in do some metal detecting hit the shoreline and head south she's going to get to the shoreline and head a bit north were gonna meet and spend the day at the beach. Both ways in are about a 30/40 minute hike to get to the water. So I head in get to an area that I want to detect start digging around not wearing the headsets creeps me out in the woods alone not hearing anything plus I've had trees fall out of nowhere if rather be able to hear what's going on. Now I didn't see anything but all of a sudden I hear a loud noise like something jumped out of a tree and took off that wouldn't have freaked me out but whatever it was was heavy I could feel the whole ground shake right up through my feet was it Bigfoot idk but it scared the crap out of me grabbed my stuff and got the hell out of there

Sorry to dredge up an old thread but I've had a few experiences with something up in the woods. First and most notable one was with my Wife. We were car camping at a claim owned by a friend. We were new to the area and wanted to test some new equipment. While cooking soup for dinner after dark we hear a very loud howl from the creek. It sounded like,"oooooOOOOOHHHH THAT'S COOOLLLLllllld then jabbering. I know you're thinking human but now way any human could make that noise. This was early in the season, very few miners were in the area yet. No camps within a couple miles of us. We bailed immediately and on the way out in our car we saw a doe she was running down the middle of the road not afraid of us, I think something was chasing her. I strongly felt she'd have been real happy to jump in the back seat. When we stopped the car she stayed right in front of us in the headlights. I had to repeatedly try to get around her, yes lights on dim. Finally getting around her as she went into the brush.

Later after we calmed down we returned to our camp and found dinner untouched. We cleaned up and turned in for the night laying the back seat down in the Blazer made for a nice bed. Then about an hour later something very big repeatedly crept up on us. We could hear large branches snap and dry brush crunching as it approached, then silence all of the sudden we could hear it breathing right outside the car. Then it'd leave or so we thought only to be right outside the car again. During all this I tried to wake my Wife but she wouldn't move. It was only after the thing finally left and she started sobbing that I found out she had been awake and aware the whole time, yet somehow paralyzed. She tried to move and scream out to me but couldn't move or even whisper. She said that was the most terrifying part of the whole encounter. That thing was two legged for sure. I've hunted for many decades and been around horses my whole life. I know what a 4 legged animal sounds like. I do believe they run the dry creek beds, just like we use the road systems. Where we were camped was at the mouth of a smaller creek dumping into a larger creek. I think it hollered up the other creek as it was passing us. Take that as you will. Might post another if your interested. These were all in Western Oregon Cascades.

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I'll go ahead and put one more up. We were back in that area a few years later working a different drainage. We had upgraded to a travel trailer much more comfy. This trip we had our dogs. She was cooking dinner again after dark. We were camped along the side of a gravel road, dredge was in the creek tied off well due to Spring Melt. We hear loud heavy footsteps coming down the road. Again, early in season, no one had driven past us to work the upper claims and this was mid week. The dogs who were outside started going crazy as it got closer. One is an Akita, and one a Rat Terrier. Now that Terrier thinks he's pretty big and once he gets to barking he won't shut up for anyone, let alone a stranger. This thing kept coming closer footsteps getting louder, Dogs were livid. I was getting my flashlight to go check things out and keep whomever it was from having to deal with the dogs. Just then the thing was right up next to the trailer and yelled at the dogs, "Get Back!!" in an insanely loud voice, at least that's what it sounded like, the dogs were silent after, dead silent not a peep. Now someone might punk one dog, you'll never punk two of them at the same time. Two dogs is completely different than one. I turned the corner of the trailer with my light and there was nothing at all on the road for as far as the light would shine and it's a good one too. After that is what I find most interesting.

The dogs refused to go out at night anymore. Actually they whined to get inside at Sunset and wouldn't go out for anything before well after Sunrise. The Akita would no longer follow me up the trail to my upper diggings, she'd lay in the trail whining and peeing on herself. Not sure if you're familiar with that breed but they are used to hunt bear in Japan, not a timid dog at all. I did once drag her in on a leash but as soon as I took her off leash and started digging she was gone only to be found hiding under the trailer back at camp. Whatever that was ruined our dogs. Is BF vocal and can he speak English? No idea. It clearly sounded like it said "Get Back!!", we do question whether we actually heard that out loud or just in our heads, more like telepathy of some sort. I said earlier I think they run the creeks, but this was high water from Spring Runoff, water was high bank to bank.

We've had lots of other issues there in that spot, and read reports of others having the same or worse happen to them. That Big Foot show did an episode further down the creek from us, kinda a joke really with all the people they drag up there, catered and everything. Something is definitely out there, I doubt it would actually harm you though unless you started messing with it. That's what I hope anyway. I still work the area alone way up the smaller creek. There are no roads into it and many old shafts something could hide in. Have you noticed there are more concentrated incidences in Mining Districts? I'd love to make friends with one and have him help me roll boulders. I've left treats out and they'd remain in the morning.

We also hear what I can only describe as children playing, much like the din or noise from a distant playground at recess. Everyone who goes there comments on that, takes a few days to get used to it. Several game cameras have failed to catch what ever it is. We did get pics of what looks to be white mist moving up the creek. This in the middle of the Summer though when you wouldn't expect to see fog. It wasn't a large patch either more like a 10 ft long misty cloud moving past the camera.

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Yes... I think I dated one once. :P

Sorry to dredge up an old thread but I've had a few experiences with something up in the woods. First and most notable one was with my Wife. We were car camping at a claim owned by a friend. We were new to the area and wanted to test some new equipment. While cooking soup for dinner after dark we hear a very loud howl from the creek. It sounded like,"oooooOOOOOHHHH THAT'S COOOLLLLllllld then jabbering. I know you're thinking human but now way any human could make that noise. This was early in the season, very few miners were in the area yet. No camps within a couple miles of us. We bailed immediately and on the way out in our car we saw a doe she was running down the middle of the road not afraid of us, I think something was chasing her. I strongly felt she'd have been real happy to jump in the back seat. When we stopped the car she stayed right in front of us in the headlights. I had to repeatedly try to get around her, yes lights on dim. Finally getting around her as she went into the brush.

Later after we calmed down we returned to our camp and found dinner untouched. We cleaned up and turned in for the night laying the back seat down in the Blazer made for a nice bed. Then about an hour later something very big repeatedly crept up on us. We could hear large branches snap and dry brush crunching as it approached, then silence all of the sudden we could hear it breathing right outside the car. Then it'd leave or so we thought only to be right outside the car again. During all this I tried to wake my Wife but she wouldn't move. It was only after the thing finally left and she started sobbing that I found out she had been awake and aware the whole time, yet somehow paralyzed. She tried to move and scream out to me but couldn't move or even whisper. She said that was the most terrifying part of the whole encounter. That thing was two legged for sure. I've hunted for many decades and been around horses my whole life. I know what a 4 legged animal sounds like. I do believe they run the dry creek beds, just like we use the road systems. Where we were camped was at the mouth of a smaller creek dumping into a larger creek. I think it hollered up the other creek as it was passing us. Take that as you will. Might post another if your interested. These were all in Western Oregon Cascades.

I am definitely interested, please do continue, great post!

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

In 1999 It was on opening morning of Fall Turkey Season. It was on family land that I started going to when I was 4yrs old, so '66-'67. Back then it was farmed with corn & beans. Been in the family since MO territories opened. Later after the Government started paying more to Not Farm Grain, the name of that program escapes me now. CPO?? Anyway in '99 I had a friend with me & later another friend was coming down for the evening hunt & the following two days. We left my place around 0315hrs & got to that land that is now used for cattle about 0340hrs. The cattle had been moved to another section due to our Hunting there. They liked to follow me around. lol! I had driven my truck to the back section & parked with lights off, drinking coffee & talking about the hunt. It was a pretty full moon & we had plenty of time to get to our spots before the birds woke up from the roost. As we were talking I happened to glance at my side view mirror & I see... I'm not going to sugarcoat it, a Bigfoot walking towards us but on the other side of a high 4 strand barbed wire fence. We had the windows down about two inches each & not wanting to make any noise or say anything I just manually pushed the door lock down on my side, still watching it & by then it was just about to the front of the hood but still not paying any attention to my truck & casually walking. At the same time I pushed the lock down my friend says in a panicked voice "Were You Going To Say Anything?" lol! Passenger lock button goes down & now we are both watching it. It gets to the corner of that section & Steps Over that Fence, like I would step over a log! Now it's in front of us on the other side of that fence walking in a direction of a Huge Cedar Grove Hillside. I've never liked Hunting up there because there is a REALLY OLD Abandoned Country Church & Cemetery up there & on windy days the doors open & bang shut, plus kids & drug users have used it to Party in. Just Don't like it. We both separately told my uncle about it...same story. My truck looked like his & so to anyone or anything it would have seemed natural that truck was parked there. Later that same day, my other friend showed up to evening hunt & we all walked the fence lines, being it was thick grass & fescue there were no footprints just several impressions. My other friend wanted to go up thru the cedar grove & these trees are so tall you can barely see the sky. The ground is a carpet of needles. We got about a quarter of the way up & all heard an injured rabbit sound. Once. We kept going maybe 50' farther & laying on the ground was a warm limp rabbit with its neck broken & a small amount of blood from its mouth & ears. That's all it took for me...BuBye. I will Not Go Out Anymore Before Sunrise. Not Happening. Never affected my Hunting at all, Just got Really Good At Calling! Never Saw That Before or After & My Uncle & Cousin Would NOT say a word when told. They knew & had seen it/them but didn't think it was a need to know....I disagree on that!! lol. I will go on record that after that I Am A Believer! Not Embarrased By It Either.

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I'd forgotten about posting my experience with the traveling ice block until this morning catching up on older threads, reviewing what I'd written about the experience. One thing I didn't mention was that I saw a drop of blood above the "corpse" suspended in the ice. Cousin Bill saw it too.

I wouldn't think that anyone faking it would have thought about putting a drop of blood in the mix.

I guess I'm just a gullible believer!

Stay safe!


I'd forgotten about posting my experience with the traveling ice block until this morning catching up on older threads, reviewing what I'd written about the experience. One thing I didn't mention was that I saw a drop of blood above the "corpse" suspended in the ice. Cousin Bill saw it too.

I wouldn't think that anyone faking it would have thought about putting a drop of blood in the mix.

I guess I'm just a gullible believer!

Stay safe!

Well I am a 'believer' too, and to those that scoff about how it could not exist without being detected, I would point out that it IS being detected, has been detected for centuries, and continues to get detected quite regularly. There was an article done with a study about how many Bigfoot are killed by humans, annually, and it concluded that on average one or two Bigfoot are killed each year by people! In virtually every case, on killing the Bigfoot, the person(s) whom had killed it, became frightened that they had murdered a large human!

The evidence has been slowly accumulating, that Bigfoot is quite real and we may soon have the case closed. It doesn't make sense for the US Marine Corps to assign a photographer to get photos of something that doesn't exist, which has been seen around the garbage bins at a certain Marine Corps base for decades. A base where there are no bears.

Thank you for sharing, keep 'em coming!
:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

I'm sorry if its shared before.. Video is here:


kicking just because this is an interesting thread.

I've never seen one but about 52 years ago while deer hunting in the Blue Mountains of Pennsylvania where I 81 now crosses RT 183, my dad and I were walking up the trail when a man and his son came running down it. they said they were scared up a tree by something that did not look like a bear, mountain lion or anything else they had ever seen. And they were running scared, you know the look. They even had their hunting rifles with them and were too scared to shoot. That has stayed with me all these years, I often wondered what they saw. Sorry I have no more info on that. If you are from that area it's where the Log Cabin restuarant used to be,

Bigfoot uses a Minelab Excalibur 2 to detect rivers.

And wears a huge gold chain around his neck that says "Big Daddy".

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