Why do the television shows Mountain Monsters and Finding Bigfoot not spend more than a couple of days on an investigation? The A.I.M.S. team and the BFRO researchers have all the right equipment and hopefully the time to spend a few weeks in a location. Most encounters in the woods seem to happen when people are out camping, hunting, or hiking, so why don't the producers have the teams set up camps in areas that look promising. It seems like going into the woods knocking on trees and howling is not the way to draw them in but more likely a way to scare them off. If the producers of these shows truly wanted to prove bigfoot exist, I think they need to spend the time in the woods with night vision and thermal camera's, and allow bigfoot to come to them. Wildlife researchers spent months and years in the field, clearly to find an elusive creature would require the same.
AMEN brother! I can't see a single word to disagree with,
good post.
It is most aggravating that we have these several television series, supposedly focused on finding proof of Bigfoot, and yet they can not come up with anything. Part of their problem is in the TV format - they must film an entire episode in a short time (a week or so) and this means they must find that evidence in a very short time, almost
'on command'. It is
not possible and not just with Bigfoot but
any kind of wild animal. Just grab your camera and go get film footage of a mountain lion in seven days, in the wild. It won't work!
Also agree 100% about their habit of screaming, pounding on trees etc. Any turkey hunter can tell you that if you call TOO much too often, it only drives away the animals you are trying to call in because
they know it is wrong. The wood knocking is another example of TV hype. It is a RARELY reported activity by Bigfoot from eyewitnesses, and now we have people whacking trees late at night all over the continent. A Bigfoot that may have used that method of communication would be alerted that it is all wrong by how much our TV experts keep doing it.
I wish that our TV experts would try NOT making so damned much noise as they do, constantly talking, yapping, yelling, roaring around in the woods on ATVs etc. Anyone could
easily avoid them, with all the noise and commotion they make. Unfortunately they are "reality TV" with an emphasis on
entertainment and
not on getting factual evidence. I still end up watching them in their comic attempts, sometimes it is tempting to try getting some photos on my own.
Just my own personal theory but I strongly suspect that Bigfoot is not a wild animal but a wild type of humans, perhaps descendants of Meganthropus or Gigantanthropus. As was recently discovered with the 'Hobbit' people, humans come in different sizes and species, and from the sightings reports it appears that Bigfoot is certainly intelligent enough to avoid humans most of the time. Not all the time however, and careful hunting and trapping techniques should work to capture one eventually. I don't expect to see that happen on TV any time soon however.