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Pardon my ignorance on the CSS/KGC stuff but wasn't the CSA and KGC codes found in books at the LOC? Just remember seeing that on that 2 hr Jesse James outlaw show

HH Jay

Pardon my ignorance on the CSS/KGC stuff but wasn't the CSA and KGC codes found in books at the LOC? Just remember seeing that on that 2 hr Jesse James outlaw show

HH Jay

Saw that too... "google" 2 hour "special" on Jesse James: HISTORY CHANNEL; MAY find info, there... keep us posted. THANKS!

As to the confederate colonies in brazil. Has there been an evidence to any confederate currency found among their museums or collections? I've not just looked at the legends around the CSA and KGC, but the more I see you folks chat about the more interested I'm becoming. So chat on!

HH Jay

Library of congress?

You may have to pardon my ignorance? What is LOC?

LOC = Library of Congress; AWESOME PLACE! Been THERE! To THINK, LOC started when TJ sold a few of HIS books after the War of 1812!

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One code device utilized by both the CSA and KGC was the PERSHER CODE.Developed by the TEMPLERS,it was contained in a letter or story which was straight forward,but to the initiate,the code was "hidden" in the letter or story.It is where the phrase "read between the lines" originated.
Now the Beale Pamphlet mentiones the "2nd year of the Confederate War"and was written or published by Freemasons-coincidence?
Could the real cipher be in the pamphlet story if one just reads between the lines?
Is the B2 DOI cipher just a ruse to distract from the real code?

The pamphlet writer(s),and the letters,writers,are two different people. Maybe the pamphlet writers was the other guys,the impersonators Beale was worried about. Relatives of the ones who refused. Heard the story, Freemason influence, couldn't solve keyless. The Pamphlet writers probably had more info,than in the pamphlet. The letters were written before the letters dates. Beale was a delivery man do boy,who had to Report, to very Secret people. Did Ward hunt four miles from Bufords Tavern.

As to the confederate colonies in brazil. Has there been an evidence to any confederate currency found among their museums or collections? I've not just looked at the legends around the CSA and KGC, but the more I see you folks chat about the more interested I'm becoming. So chat on!

HH Jay


One code device utilized by both the CSA and KGC was the PERSHER CODE.Developed by the TEMPLERS,it was contained in a letter or story which was straight forward,but to the initiate,the code was "hidden" in the letter or story.It is where the phrase "read between the lines" originated.
Now the Beale Pamphlet mentiones the "2nd year of the Confederate War"and was written or published by Freemasons-coincidence?
Could the real cipher be in the pamphlet story if one just reads between the lines?
Is the B2 DOI cipher just a ruse to distract from the real code?


The Beale Treasure is rumored to be CSA Treasury in coffins transported by train to Bedford County, Va., according to Peter Viemeister in SEVERAL of HIS books on the Beale Treasure. It was supposedly buried in a barn, after being off-loaded at Thaxton Switch, up in the hills, near Peaks of Otter...

Burial under the "remains of a CSA Warrior, makes sense (Danville, Va.); who would DARE... to disturb "the DEAD"...? Like Danville, Va...
CSA Col Richard L T Beale,knew E S Hutter,and his cavalry patroled the Danville area.Beale captured the papers detailing the plot of Union Col Ulric Dahlgren to kill CSA Pres Davis and his cabinet.Beale also had many encounters with Union Maj Gen George Stoneman,who raided the Dannville area,and is mentioned in the Band's song"The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down"
It is claimed that the Dahlgren Plot was the motivation for Booth's actions,and the KGC was involved.

CSA Col Richard L T Beale,knew E S Hutter,and his cavalry patroled the Danville area.Beale captured the papers detailing the plot of Union Col Ulric Dahlgren to kill CSA Pres Davis and his cabinet.Beale also had many encounters with Union Maj Gen George Stoneman,who raided the Dannville area,and is mentioned in the Band's song"The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down"
It is claimed that the Dahlgren Plot was the motivation for Booth's actions,and the KGC was involved.

It was...


April,1865,while CSA President Davis and his cabinet stopover in Dannville after fleeing Richmond,CSA Sec of State gives his personal copy of Vattel's LAW OF NATIONS to a CSA Major who is related to Risque/Ward,as a CSA Col Beale patrols the local countryside for Union incursions,as a CSA Lt buries kegs of Mexican silver dollars from the CSA treasury in Dannville's Green Hill Cemetary in the grave of a fallen CSA soldier,it seems to be more than happenstance and coincidence,but a deliberate action.Some involved were Freemasons,Some KGC,and some were both.

ECS Where do you get the information for this latest post. You say "a LT. buries kegs of Mexican silver dollars from the CSA Treasury in Green Hill Cemetery in the grave of a fallen CSA soldier." This does not occur in any writings are you just making this up?...
...but it does.CSA Lt Robert S Jones,18th Virginia Infantry Dannville Blues Regiment is said to have buried 40 kegs of Mexican silver dollars of the CSA Treasury taken from the Dannville train.
Benjamin's copy of Vattel's LAW OF NATIONS still exists today in the possession of a Hutter decendant.

...but it does.CSA Lt Robert S Jones,18th Virginia Infantry Dannville Blues Regiment is said to have buried 40 kegs of Mexican silver dollars of the CSA Treasury taken from the Dannville train.
Benjamin's copy of Vattel's LAW OF NATIONS still exists today in the possession of a Hutter decendant.

Yes, about VLON; it IS "on-line" in ENGLISH... the ORIGINAL was in FRENCH! NOT sure if what Hutter saved as a SECRET Book of the Confederate Gov't was in ENGLISH or FRENCH...

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That would be quite a feat by a dead man. Robert S. Jones died on April 9, 1865. He was wounded at the Battle of Appomattox Hospital.

WHEN & WHERE were the 40 kegs of MEXICAN silver dollars buried...? Sounds like the "lost" (& stolen, Mexican Treasury of 1848); Robert E. Lee was CAPTAIN of US Army, then...

The 40 Kegs of Mexican Silver Dollars was obtained through and by a cotton deal in Matamoros, Mexico in 1862 by Fraser, Trenholm Shipping out of Liverpool, England. The 200,000 Mexican Silver Dollars were sent to Liverpool, England and then sent to Locketts in Richmond, Virginia and placed into the Confederate Treasury by George Alfred Trenholm. The Mexican Silver Dollars stayed there in the treasury vault until evacuation of Richmond, Virginia on April 2. The treasure train departed Richmond, Virginia at 12:00 A.M. which is April 3, President Davis' train left Richmond at 11:00 PM April 2. The Mexican Silver Dollars were off-loaded at Danville, Virginia and placed in the Ann Benedict House on Wilson Street. Since this was the new location for the CSA Government Headquarters. The treasure train left Danville, Virginia on April 6, 1865 but 33 Kegs of the Mexican Silver Dollars were left behind at the Ann Benedict House, 7 of the kegs of Mexican Silver Dollars left for Greensboro, North Carolina. One of the kegs left behind was a keg that John Hendren a CSA Treasury Clerk had busted the head off of to exchange silver Mexican Dollars for Confederate Currency but the citizens of Danville did not want to except the Mexican Dollars they wanted US Dollars -----a few hundred of the Mexican Dollars were exchanged. As of August 6, 1865 there were still 165,326 Mexican Silver Dollars still in Danville, Virginia. These Mexican Silver Dollars were all dated 1862 or before therefor they did not come from the Mexican Treasury during the Mexican War in 1848.

THANK you for clarifying this IMPORTANT part of history.

That would be quite a feat by a dead man. Robert S. Jones died on April 9, 1865. He was wounded at the Battle of Appomattox Hospital.
The Davis party stayed in Dannville from April 3-10,1865 at CSA Major William T Sutherlan's house.Davis had an upstairs bedroom,and held the last cabinet meetings in the dininng room.Davis's final proclamation was on April 4,1865.
Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox on April 9,1865.
By all accounts,CSA Lt Robert S Jones was still in Dannville between April 3-7,1865,still very much alive.

"By all accounts, CSA Lt. Robert S. Jones was still in Danville between April 3-7, 1865, still very much alive."

By what accounts furnish us with your accounts. Lt. Robert S. Jones suffered sever wounds at the Battle of Salyers Creek on April 6, 1865. On his headstone he died on April 9, 1865 and was buried.

ALIVE, yet wounded...?

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