The 40 Kegs of Mexican Silver Dollars was obtained through and by a cotton deal in Matamoros, Mexico in 1862 by Fraser, Trenholm Shipping out of Liverpool, England. The 200,000 Mexican Silver Dollars were sent to Liverpool, England and then sent to Locketts in Richmond, Virginia and placed into the Confederate Treasury by George Alfred Trenholm. The Mexican Silver Dollars stayed there in the treasury vault until evacuation of Richmond, Virginia on April 2. The treasure train departed Richmond, Virginia at 12:00 A.M. which is April 3, President Davis' train left Richmond at 11:00 PM April 2. The Mexican Silver Dollars were off-loaded at Danville, Virginia and placed in the Ann Benedict House on Wilson Street. Since this was the new location for the CSA Government Headquarters. The treasure train left Danville, Virginia on April 6, 1865 but 33 Kegs of the Mexican Silver Dollars were left behind at the Ann Benedict House, 7 of the kegs of Mexican Silver Dollars left for Greensboro, North Carolina. One of the kegs left behind was a keg that John Hendren a CSA Treasury Clerk had busted the head off of to exchange silver Mexican Dollars for Confederate Currency but the citizens of Danville did not want to except the Mexican Dollars they wanted US Dollars -----a few hundred of the Mexican Dollars were exchanged. As of August 6, 1865 there were still 165,326 Mexican Silver Dollars still in Danville, Virginia. These Mexican Silver Dollars were all dated 1862 or before therefor they did not come from the Mexican Treasury during the Mexican War in 1848.