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While most are familar with Edgar Allan Poe's "THE GOLD BUG",published 1843,which showed how any simple substitution cipher can be solved by using the frequency of letter occurrences,few are aware of Poe's analytical writings on cryptography written nearly 20 years before the Civil War.In his articles he described a new way to read a "skytale" message and told how to make cipher grilles,disks,book and dictionary codes.Spies and soldiers on both sides during the war used Poe's works as their guides,and Poe is considered the founder of American cryptography.
The SIGNAL CORPS OF THE US was headed by Union Major Albert J Myer,who devised the ciphers and codes for the Union Army,and two of his best student,JEB Stuart and E P Alexander joined the CSA with their knowledge of Union ciphers and codes.
The point being both sides used codes and ciphers,but the SOUTH developed counter "double" ciphers,codes within codes to lead to the real message.
Now to Beale.Everyone agrees the KEY is the DOI,but is that just the first cipher that leads to the real message?
...Or the other 9 CSA state "DOI''s known as "THE ORDINANCE OF SECESSION" ( April 17,1861 is the date on the Virginia version)?
Then we find that CSA Major E S Hutter saved head of the CSA Secret Service Judah P Benjamin's personal Vattel's book,and it is well known the connection between Benjamin and Albert Pike of the KGC.
It is possible that the BEALE PAMPHLET contains codes within codes and has more to do with the KGC than with any Beale treasure.

There does seem to be Confederate/KGC subterfuge surrounding the Beale Pamphlet-from the incidents and people at Danville,April 1865-to the codes employed- to who actually wrote it.


While most are familar with Edgar Allan Poe's "THE GOLD BUG",published 1843,which showed how any simple substitution cipher can be solved by using the frequency of letter occurrences,few are aware of Poe's analytical writings on cryptography written nearly 20 years before the Civil War.In his articles he described a new way to read a "skytale" message and told how to make cipher grilles,disks,book and dictionary codes.Spies and soldiers on both sides during the war used Poe's works as their guides,and Poe is considered the founder of American cryptography.
The SIGNAL CORPS OF THE US was headed by Union Major Albert J Myer,who devised the ciphers and codes for the Union Army,and two of his best student,JEB Stuart and E P Alexander joined the CSA with their knowledge of Union ciphers and codes.
The point being both sides used codes and ciphers,but the SOUTH developed counter "double" ciphers,codes within codes to lead to the real message.
Now to Beale.Everyone agrees the KEY is the DOI,but is that just the first cipher that leads to the real message?
...Or the other 9 CSA state "DOI''s known as "THE ORDINANCE OF SECESSION" ( April 17,1861 is the date on the Virginia version)?
Then we find that CSA Major E S Hutter saved head of the CSA Secret Service Judah P Benjamin's personal Vattel's book,and it is well known the connection between Benjamin and Albert Pike of the KGC.
It is possible that the BEALE PAMPHLET contains codes within codes and has more to do with the KGC than with any Beale treasure.

ACTUALLY, I would go with the HART PAPERS for an answer to that; N. Hazlewood CLEARLY indicated a TREASURE buried near his home in the Peaks of Otter area. N. Hazlewood was Sgt. - CSA; POSSIBLE CSA Spy; FreeMason (PROBABLY Marshall Lodge); owned FULL set of Shakespeare's Books (ALSO Francis Bacon), as did "BUCK" WT Wright & "BUCK" Frank James. "Buck" Wright ALSO was a FreeMason, by the RING he wore. Will share MORE info as "time goes by"; have YOU seen the turtle go by...?

NOW! About E.A. Poe... THE GOLD BUG, etc. YES, the GOLD BUG could have been utilized as "inspiration"; Poe was ALSO a student at UVA, living in Room #13 at the Academical Village (as the ORIGINAL UVA was called); been to his room... NICE! Spent LOTS of time in the OLD UVA, near TJ's Rotunda, Serpentine Wall, etc. Been to E.A. Poe's home in Richmond, Va. & it was also nice. OLD UVA had MORE of his "essence" there... SPOOKY!
"Google" UVA TODAY: At the University of Virginia, the SPIRIT of POE resides EVERMORE.

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Will share MORE info as "time goes by"; have YOU seen the turtle go by...?
The closed eye legless turtle can still snap!
Constitution of the Confederate States of America - The U.S. Constitution Online -
Based in part on the US version,but also on Vattel's LAW OF NATIONS.Pay attention to the CSA extended "Bill of Rights".
Hutter saving Benjamin's copy.
The Beale Papers written in code by a southerner.
Many southerners who served THE CAUSE where versed in ciphers and codes.
Many CSA codes were "double" ciphers-that is the first message is a ruse until deciphered into the real message.
Benjamin's Vattel may well hold or be the key to Beale,and the Beale treasure may be a "ruse" to conceal a KGC cache.

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NOW! About E.A. Poe... THE GOLD BUG, etc. YES, the GOLD BUG could have been utilized as "inspiration"; Poe was ALSO a student at UVA, living in Room #13 at the Academical Village (as the ORIGINAL UVA was called); been to his room... NICE! Spent LOTS of time in the OLD UVA, near TJ's Rotunda, Serpentine Wall, etc. Been to E.A. Poe's home in Richmond, Va. & it was also nice. OLD UVA had MORE of his "essence" there... SPOOKY!
"Google" UVA TODAY: At the University of Virginia, the SPIRIT of POE resides EVERMORE.
Died once,buried twice. Westminster full of vaults. I would prefer a mock use for stores.

The closed eye legless turtle can still snap!
Constitution of the Confederate States of America - The U.S. Constitution Online -
Based in part on the US version,but also on Vattel's LAW OF NATIONS.Pay attention to the CSA extended "Bill of Rights".
Hutter saving Benjamin's copy.
The Beale Papers written in code by a southerner.
Many southerners who served THE CAUSE where versed in ciphers and codes.
Many CSA codes were "double" ciphers-that is the first message is a ruse until deciphered into the real message.
Benjamin's Vattel may well hold or be the key to Beale,and the Beale treasure may be a "ruse" to conceal a KGC cache.


AND! MANY "mock graves" WERE used...

Any found near shipping/waterways?

In vattel second book is mentioned"surety".
At any time it could exist as being from other countries, as well as from country its in till used in other(s).
Some party would be required to keep it secure?.one with international credibility and range and able to be impartial even during war time.

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Any found near shipping/waterways?

In vattel second book is mentioned"surety".
At any time it could exist as being from other countries, as well as from country its in till used in other(s).
Some party would be required to keep it secure?.one with international credibility and range and able to be impartial even during war time.

1860's +... RAILWAYS via TRAINS.

While most are familar with Edgar Allan Poe's "THE GOLD BUG",published 1843,which showed how any simple substitution cipher can be solved by using the frequency of letter occurrences,few are aware of Poe's analytical writings on cryptography written nearly 20 years before the Civil War.In his articles he described a new way to read a "skytale" message and told how to make cipher grilles,disks,book and dictionary codes.Spies and soldiers on both sides during the war used Poe's works as their guides,and Poe is considered the founder of American cryptography.
The SIGNAL CORPS OF THE US was headed by Union Major Albert J Myer,who devised the ciphers and codes for the Union Army,and two of his best student,JEB Stuart and E P Alexander joined the CSA with their knowledge of Union ciphers and codes.
The point being both sides used codes and ciphers,but the SOUTH developed counter "double" ciphers,codes within codes to lead to the real message.
Now to Beale.Everyone agrees the KEY is the DOI,but is that just the first cipher that leads to the real message?
...Or the other 9 CSA state "DOI''s known as "THE ORDINANCE OF SECESSION" ( April 17,1861 is the date on the Virginia
Then we find that CSA Major E S Hutter saved head of the CSA Secret Service Judah P Benjamin's personal Vattel's book,and it is well known the connection between Benjamin and Albert Pike of the KGC.
It is possible that the BEALE PAMPHLET contains codes within codes and has more to do with the KGC than with any Beale treasure.
T.J.B. the judicial branch. Article 3. Thomas Jefferson Boynton near substitute for a branch never created.(an empty space provided for something to occupy that does not).
Despite union occupation key west home to Joseph Browne, masonic lodges,and cemetery's with in range of the ocean. Even with masonic vaults.

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T.J.B. the judicial branch. Article 3. Thomas Jefferson Boynton near substitute for a branch never created.(an empty space provided for something to occupy that does not).
Despite union occupation key west home to Joseph Browne, masonic lodges,and cemetery's with in range of the ocean. Even with masonic vaults.


T.J.B. the judicial branch. Article 3. Thomas Jefferson Boynton near substitute for a branch never created.(an empty space provided for something to occupy that does not).
Despite union occupation key west home to Joseph Browne, masonic lodges,and cemetery's with in range of the ocean. Even with masonic vaults.
Please expound on this.
Does it relate to Beale,Hutter,Vattle's,or the KGC?

C.S.A. documents part of president Davis baggage seized at cedar key. The known plan was south to water. with a regrouping far south. Key west on the way to cuba where years later president Davis did make it.(visiting in key west on way to cuba.) Who was involved in plan and was any thing of monetary value a part of it? Depends on how long before flight it was planned. During war a network of blockade runners and distribution existed there despite union pressure. Money or goods in exchange for cargo accumulated and stored some where close to transaction. Just need a secure storage area. What party i don,t know but for speculation entering a cemetery with a wagon do able for the right people. leaving too. Slave graves on beach almost confirmed as such,(occupied) right under union guns so likely not related to a cache. A ship at night from north at wars end not likely to go unnoticed but possible. gambling contents though.

What do you know of plan to head south then regroup as far as lead time? I have found it quite short,would like to be wrong and find how next step was to be financed.

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C.S.A. documents part of president Davis baggage seized at cedar key. The known plan was south to water. with a regrouping far south. Key west on the way to cuba where years later president Davis did make it.(visiting in key west on way to cuba.) Who was involved in plan and was any thing of monetary value a part of it? Depends on how long before flight it was planned. During war a network of blockade runners and distribution existed there despite union pressure. Money or goods in exchange for cargo accumulated and stored some where close to transaction. Just need a secure storage area. What party i don,t know but for speculation entering a cemetery with a wagon do able for the right people. leaving too. Slave graves on beach almost confirmed as such,(occupied) right under union guns so likely not related to a cache. A ship at night from north at wars end not likely to go unnoticed but possible. gambling contents though.

What do you know of plan to head south then regroup as far as lead time? I have found it quite short,would like to be wrong and find how next step was to be financed.

NEXT step was PROBABLY financed by CSA Treasury "Funds" to establish REBEL colonies in Brazil... SPANISH-speaking REBEL descendants are STILL there! HA! CONFEDERADOS!


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You can ALSO "google" Confederate Colonies of Brazil; REBELS... WAY Down SOUTH; there is even a SVC chapter "down there"!

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1.C.S.A. documents part of president Davis baggage seized at cedar key. The known plan was south to water. with a regrouping far south...2. Depends on how long before flight it was planned.3. During war a network of blockade runners and distribution existed there despite union pressure...

4.What do you know of plan to head south then regroup as far as lead time? I have found it quite short,would like to be wrong and find how next step was to be financed.
1.David Levy Yulee's (cousin to CSA Secof State Judah P benjamin) Florida Railroad went from Fernandina to Cedar Key,but Davis's baggage,papers,and $35,000 of the CSA Treasury was captured by the Union,May 22,1865 at Yulee's COTTONWOOD PLANTATION in Archer,Florida.
2.Richmond fell,April 2,1865,and Davis and CSA cabinet fled to Danville by train,where CSA Major E S Hutter had his encounter with J P Benjamin.April 14,1865,President Lincoln was assassinated by Booth,and the Union felt Benjamin/KGC were involved-Benjamin,like the others in the flight party were now wanted men.
3.Benjamin set up the blockade routes as part of the CSA Secret Service.
The escape was quickly put together,not much planning,but just to get to Florida and then,beyond.April 19,1865,Benjamin and CSA Sec of War John C Breckinridge split from Davis's group at Marshall's WHITEHALL PLANTATION,Abbeville,SC,and headed to Ocala,Florida by way of CSA Capt Hubbard Hart's JAMES BURT riverboat down the St Johns and Oklawaha rivers.
Daivs was captured May 10,1865 near Irwinsville,Ga.
Benjamin and Breckinridge made it to Ocala,and ten on to the Bahamas(Benjamin) and Breckinridge(Cuba-stayed with relatives of CSA Lola Sanchez,Palatka,Florida).
Davis was imprisoned at Fort Monroe for two years and Yulee was imprisined at Fort Pulaski.
Benjamin remained in England,provided financial assistance to former CSA members,including $12,000 to Davis.
Breckinridge was pardoned March 9,1869 and retured to Lexington,Kentucky.
4.There was no plan beyond escaping the now Union country.
Other names involved:
CSA Capt Archibald-blockade runner who transported Benjamin to Bahamas.
CSA Capt J J Dickinson-gave Breckinridge boat to sail to Cuba.
Solomon Benjamin-Ocala cousin to both Yulee and Benjamin.
CSA Capt John Martin-Ocala resident who aided in escape.
CSA Brig Gen Robert Bullock-Ocala resident who aided in escape.
Elizabeth Anne DeBruhl Marshall-wife of CSA Col Marshall(of the Abbeville Marshalls),ran the Ocala Marshall Plantation after husband was killed at 2nd Manassas,and supplied goods to the CSA by way of Hart's blockade riverboat running.
CSA Capt James McKay"Cow Calvary"-aided Benjamin at Gamble Plantation,Ellenton,Florida.

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1.David Levy Yulee's (cousin to CSA Secof State Judah P benjamin) Florida Railroad went from Fernandina to Cedar Key,but Davis's baggage,papers,and $35,000 of the CSA Treasury was captured by the Union,May 22,1865 at Yulee's COTTONWOOD PLANTATION in Archer,Florida.
2.Richmond fell,April 2,1865,and Davis and CSA cabinet fled to Danville by train,where CSA Major E S Hutter had his encounter with J P Benjamin.April 14,1865,President Lincoln was assassinated by Booth,and the Union felt Benjamin/KGC were involved-Benjamin,like the others in the flight party were now wanted men.
3.Benjamin set up the blockade routes as part of the CSA Secret Service.
The escape was quickly put together,not much planning,but just to get to Florida and then,beyond.April 19,1865,Benjamin and CSA Sec of War John C Breckinridge split from Davis's group at Marshall's WHITEHALL PLANTATION,Abbeville,SC,and headed to Ocala,Florida by way of CSA Capt Hubbard Hart's JAMES BURT riverboat down the St Johns and Oklawaha rivers.
Daivs was captured May 10,1865 near Irwinsville,Ga.
Benjamin and Breckinridge made it to Ocala,and ten on to the Bahamas(Benjamin) and Breckinridge(Cuba-stayed with relatives of CSA Lola Sanchez,Palatka,Florida).
Davis was imprisoned at Fort Monroe for two years and Yulee was imprisined at Fort Pulaski.
Benjamin remained in England,provided financial assistance to former CSA members,including $12,000 to Davis.
Breckinridge was pardoned March 9,1869 and retured to Lexington,Kentucky.
4.There was no plan beyond escaping the now Union country.
Other names involved:
CSA Capt Archibald-blockade runner who transported Benjamin to Bahamas.
CSA Capt J J Dickinson-gave Breckinridge boat to sail to Cuba.
Solomon Benjamin-Ocala cousin to both Yulee and Benjamin.
CSA Capt John Martin-Ocala resident who aided in escape.
CSA Brig Gen Robert Bullock-Ocala resident who aided in escape.
Elizabeth Anne DeBruhl Marshall-wife of CSA Col Marshall(of the Abbeville Marshalls),ran the Ocala Marshall Plantation after husband was killed at 2nd Manassas,and supplied goods to the CSA by way of Hart's blockade riverboat running.
CSA Capt James McKay"Cow Calvary"-aided Benjamin at Gamble Plantation,Ellenton,Florida.


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