Equinox models 600/800 full instruction manual

Regarding the 5 frequencies used in Multi IQ for BOTH the 600 and 800, yeah that was news to me as that info was buried in some Minelab blog somewhere.

We don't really know that for sure or not. Minelab has never said what freqs are primary drivers in the multifreq setting, they only said that the 600 and 800 both use the same multifreq. They just show that picture covering the 5 - 40 khz and say that it s a representation and not a true description.

Professor of Engineering, that is an excellent question and probably one only Minelab will answer. And I bet it's a secret. I wondered if 5 frequency occilators were working simultaneously sending 5 signals back and forth to the coil at the same time. Or...is it one single, one frequency being sent, followed immediately by 4 other signals, think of a fast spinning game wheel. As big as the loop is on the standard model, in a very heavily trashy place, I think they are going to have a huge problem. You should have seen the place we were yesterday. A 2' x 2' area had 20-30 items in it. Including my eagle button and kepi buckle! The Deus picked them out but we were using 74 khz, the 28 did not do it.

Hello smokeythecat,

In the 600/800 user manual on page 29 (1st paragraph – “Single Frequency Ranges”) There is a mention of how the power is distributed to the frequency spectrum. I would like to know how the power is distributed among the 5 frequencies when in Multi-IQ mode. Is it 20% per frequency or is it weighted (more power %) depending on the mode selected. For example in Park mode 1 is the weighted power towards the lower frequencies - high conductors and Park mode 2 weighted in the higher frequencies for mid-conductors.

Sorry, just my Physicist brain thinking again.



Good question, I never considered changing the power distribution. When they said certain modes were "weighted" toward an area, I thought it meant that they were actually adjusting the frequencies used.

Good question, I never considered changing the power distribution. When they said certain modes were "weighted" toward an area, I thought it meant that they were actually adjusting the frequencies used.

They are using Pulse width modulation which is a fancy way of saying that the time slice allocated to transmitting each particular frequency during a given time interval is varied (modulated) with respect to time. This modulation apparently varies from mode to mode (which determines frequency "weighting" in addition to amplitude modulation discussed below). I suspect that modulationg the transmit power of each frequency comes into play (amplitude modulation) also.

Suffice it to say all 5 frequencies are utilized in some manner in all 4 modes, just the degree varies on a per mode basis. Note also that simultaneously transmitting the frequencies results in harmonics at other frequencies occurring as a result of the complex interactions of radio waves at different frequencies which means that radio wave energy is generated at frequencies above and below and between the 5 base frequencies.

Another interesting tidbit is that Minelab decided late in the game to change Gold Mode default from a single discrete frequency at 20 or 40 kHz to Multi IQ based on pre release performance test results.

How Minelab executes Multi IQ including the weighting algorithms for each mode is obviously their proprietary secret sauce so we will likely never see that level of detail out of Minelab.

HTH (and doesn't make your heads explode)

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Hello vferrari,

Based on what you are saying, I would like the know the Duty Cycle for each frequency transmitted, this would basically answer the question. I too believe they are modulating individual frequencies with a greater weight being for mode of specific selection; this would make sense. Smokeythecat spoke of possible 5 individual oscillators producing the given frequencies. This would be similar to the Whites v3i (if I remember correct) mode of operation. Another way is to use the 5Khz fundamental frequency and utilize harmonics (2, 3, 4 & 8) to produce the frequencies. We will probably never uncover the exact method and algorithm, since they are Minelabs intellectual property, but it's fun to have this much excitement of a new product and its inner workings.

Maybe it is just best to get the detector and test it out in the "real" world and enjoy the new machine, :dontknow: but I sure like the tech talk. :icon_thumleft:



They are using Pulse width modulation which is a fancy way of saying that the time slice allocated to transmitting each particular frequency during a given time interval is varied (modulated) with respect to time. This modulation apparently varies from mode to mode (which determines frequency "weighting" in addition to amplitude modulation discussed below). I suspect that modulationg the transmit power of each frequency comes into play (amplitude modulation) also.

Would pulse width be dependant on the types of targets it is aimed at? signal decay rate is dependant on type of metal, which is why PIs can be adjusted to pick up very tiny gold but then become useless in salt environs.

Another way is to use the 5Khz fundamental frequency and utilize harmonics (2, 3, 4 & 8) to produce the frequencies. We will probably never uncover the exact method and algorithm, since they are Minelabs intellectual property, but it's fun to have this much excitement of a new product and its inner workings.


We can put it on a oscilliscope and watch the wave length and time periods. This is how people found out that FBS only uses 2 primary freqs and the rest are harmonics. Once we get them in our hands, I'm sure someone will test it.

Regarding whether the pulse width is target dependent, I don't think so, just mode dependent.

Regarding generating the other frequencies as harmonics, I think someone asked ML and they said the 5 base frequencies were generated independently and were not harmonics.

I guess we will soon see how easy it is to hack and reverse engineer the beast. Thanks you tube. I frankly do not have much interest in this and certainly don't endorse it.

Thank you Jason in Enid, FBS uses only two primary frequencies? I thought they used three, I learned something today! :icon_thumleft:

Do you happen to have a link to the oscilloscope waveform?

Has anyone determined the duty cycle of the two primary frequencies? It appears the FBS series may use two oscillators (Whites uses three fundamental frequencies from three oscillators, but do not process the harmonics...from what I have read in the past), of different frequencies as the base and take the rest as harmonics. I would like to know if all signals are processed. Just because the machine is "pumping" 28 (read somewhere) frequencies (2 + harmonics) in the ground doesn't mean they are all being processed. Also, I would think that the very high frequencies (low conductors) would not have much depth.

Regardless of what they did in the FBS series, they are great for pure depth. I use the Minelab Explorer 2, SE and Quattro and all three are very deep using the FBS Technology.



You know every new thing that comes out someone reverse engineers it.

Thanks vferrari!

Therefore, 5 independent oscillators producing five frequencies! Now, I bet there algorithm is such that reduces the power output of each oscillator corresponding to the mode selected. For example, Coin mode would have a higher output power for the lower frequency (5 kHz) to "hit the higher conductors a bit harder". Another mode, say Gold would favor the higher frequencies. Hence, 100% of available power output will be weighted (distributed) by varying the user mode.


Is it me, or Professor, or does that sound bad? Less power in my car means I can't outrun the bad guys.

Do you happen to have a link to the oscilloscope waveform?


No, I didnt bookmark the discussion. I'll do some google-play and see if I can find it again

ETA- I found the discussion on another forum but the pics are gone, likely due to the age of the posts.

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I find it odd an Austrailian company would give US veterans a discount. If it is Kellyco, I would like more info but no one is getting to keep a copy of my DD-214, especially a random person at a detector store.

Link info.

Now, folks click on the other manufacturers portions of Kellyco's site here, see any military discount offered?? One would think this is Minelab driven, not Kellyco per se.

Note bottom in this link

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I find it odd an Austrailian company would give US veterans a discount. If it is Kellyco, I would like more info but no one is getting to keep a copy of my DD-214, especially a random person at a detector store.
The discount is Minelab's not Kellyco. You have to produce proof your a vet, what you use to prove it is your choice as long as it proves your a vet.

So, in theory the 600 should be as deep a machine as the 800? Just not as sensative to the small gold.

So, in theory the 600 should be as deep a machine as the 800? Just not as sensative to the small gold.

That is what one of the testers have stated.
The gold mode lacking on 600 model and some settings.
I personally think, looking at different forums, 600 model is going to be the real sleeper unit. For the loot, it may be rated come the end of 2018- best detector overall for the loot ever made period.

Don't forget, folks who purchase 600 unit, can later if they desire buy wireless ml 80 wireless headphones and rock and roll using them.

That is what one of the testers have stated.
The gold mode lacking on 600 model and some settings.
I personally think, looking at different forums, 600 model is going to be the real sleeper unit. For the loot, it may be rated come the end of 2018- best detector overall for the loot ever made period.

Don't forget, folks who purchase 600 unit, can later if they desire buy wireless ml 80 wireless headphones and rock and roll using them.

Sleeper unit would be a good description I think. I guess the features are important uniquely to the individual. For me personally, the tone break options are the most important....followed by the wireless setup.....then the gold program (which would never get used).

Minelab deserves huge kudos for the Equinox Instruction Manual.
Readers should notice the embedded links where a person can utilize and navigate to areas for more detailed info.

Super helpful here.

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