Thank you V !!!
Your inputs are always valuable for me, and especially when I'm trying to learn a new machine, the first thing I do is finding aaaall your posts about it and keeping notes from what you're saying to shorten my learning process
Yes, I too feel a little sorry for selling the Deus but couldn't afford having two machines unfortunatelly, so I pulled the trigger for the Nox to have an "all arounder" since I do beach hunt a lot and Deus wasn't as much stable in the salty wets.
Anyway, regarding your complete response above I feel a little more confident now that I'm in the right direction to learn my new Nox. Some key points:
- Yes, it must be an imporper GB issue since I really had a lot -8/-9 vdi signals in an iron free beach (I know that from deus hunts there). So I came in the same conclusion that I must meshed up with the initial auto GB process (which maybee stabilized at higher numbers than needed for this beach)...I have to test again and be more carefull this time or use tracking from the beggining there.
Make sure you do a ground balance first before engaging tracking so that you get tracking "in the ballpark" of the actual ground phase. Tracking is designed to track relatively slowly so as to not overtrack and cancel targets, so it is best to start out with GB set at the actual ground phase than just engaging tracking.
Regarding reactivity, I was running beach 1 with lower Reactivity @4 in order to gain some xtra depth to reach the hardpack underneeth the maybee that was another reason for increased ground noise as you suggest. I'll return to the default setting of Re @6 since it seems to have minimum effect on depth, and allows for higher sensitivity setting (much for important for depth) while running more steady and noise free.
Does higher Reactivity @6 vs 4 makes VDIs more unstable/less accurate or shouldn't worry about it?
Higher reactivity does not affect displayed target ID stability, it only affects your ability to hear the tones because the tones are shorter in duration as the processor resets to acquire the next target.
- As for the gold: Even in Beach 1 mode, I was chasing tiny little milimiter sized bits of aluminum staff (a nightmare in a pebble beach like mine) so I hear you when you suggest to better go for larger staff (rings, pendants, and large chains) time efficiency wise.
Would you propose to disc out some low VDIs also (reject VDIs 1 to 5) or just put these VDIs in iron tone if running all metal, to get rid of them/ignore them? In every VDI NOX "statistics" I read, the vast majority of gold seems to come in the 5 to 20 range...(up to 25 for some very big gold rings or gold coins) I'm thinking to play with the odds and use my hunting time more efficiently by ignoring at least the low 1-5 VDIs and maybe 25 to 40 if I'm after only gold and not silver. I know I may loose any thin chains / small earrings but better to play with the odds I think...chasing tiny aluminum is a nightmare in that pebble beach
(comments here are for the dry part only. In the wet, aluminum is much less so i'll run Beach 2 full open in the wet part)
Resist the temptation to disc out small TID stuff unless you really are wasting too much time chasing ghosts or small aluminum. It is a judgment call. But every time you do that you take the chance of missing micro jewelry keepers, broken rings, and chains which tend to ring up in the single digits.
- Regarding all metal mode: do you personally use it always on (horseshoe always on) or push the horseshoe only occasionally when you wanna interrogate a specific suspect iffy signal? I'm asking for both beach and inland hunting....I'm used by the Deus to run all metal to hear everything and help me identify iron falsing (inland)...or bottle caps (beach) by edging the coil of the target or "weight" the % domination of iron vs good tone in suspect logic is "you can't reject something if you can't hear it"....However I read some interesting posts regarding Equinox, that VDI and signal are
more accurate and stable when NOT running all metal....and that with the horseshoe on, it tends to put more negative numbers on the meter vs horseshoe disengaged....What's your experience tell? Do you use all metal always on or not? is there any disadvantage to always run in all metal like I was doing with Deus?
I tend to like to run with Horseshoe engaged (always in no disc mode). Sometimes I get audio overload and switch disc back in. But I really want to know if that high tone is mixed with a low tone because that tells you a lot about the potential target.
- Lastly, you and another valuable member also already told me, there is a difference between FE/F2 levels...Based on these, I was thinking to run new
F2 mode @0 both for inland and beach hunting (= least possible iron bias for best possible unmasking, and least possible effect on signal tone's Deus @silencer -1) you use/suggest F2 @4-6 only on the beach or in inland also? I suppose you're using F2 @4-6 to help some with iron falsing and bottlecaps? I remember that you were usually using silencer off (-1) with your whats the advantage in using F2 @4-6 vs using F2 @0 with the Equinox?
Like Cuda, I run with higher F2 settings (usually 5 min or just run with the default at F2). With the Deus, I opted to cut in Silencer at the beach to break up the bottle caps. Less chance of target masking at the beach so forcing the bottle caps to sound bad with higher F2 overrides any concern with ferrous masking. Also, running F2 much below 3 or 4 things start to get really chatty chirpy. F2=0 is impossible to use most places I hunt.
Again, huge thanks for all responses and pms here guys!
Sure, no problem. Good luck with the new Equinox.
Best to all,