tyre kicker said:
Jimmy(PA) said:
WOWWWW amazing find. I love the hammered silver and these are great looking designs on the coins. So im guessing they are early 1300's era silver peices? I just researched Edward the 3rd some, seems he was a pretty good king. My family was still living there when he was king so they probably knew of him.
Hi....yes Edward111 was one of the better Kings of England, you must have a lot of family history, were does your family originate from
To tell you the truth I have no idea but I know they had to have been there during the time of King Edward cause they wernt in America yet.

They all moved here from Scotland, England, and Ireland in the past 200 years, then again I think most American families did. We have some pictures of my gg grandfather in his British uniform during the India Campaign in 1896? and some more pics of him in ww1 but he moved to the states sometime in the 20's, thats all I know of us in the UK haha. I should find out and go detect there lands.

Detecting over there is ALOT better then it is here, our finds bottom out around 1620ish. Too bad the Romans didnt colonize the America's 2k years ago. haha Can you detect in Ireland and Scotland? I know of family still in those countries but for some reason I think I remember hearing its illegal there.