East fork Nov 13th.


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Here is the take from 4 buckets, Friday the 16th.
EF Heaton Flats Bend, West side, 3'to 4" down.
Gold is where you find it...It just aint always where ya look.

Nice! Dang I need to get back!

"Gold is where you find it...It just aint always where ya look." <-- No truer words!

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GH - So far, when it's come up, 100% of the regulars I've talked to are carrying weapons. Necessary for a variety of reasons.

Depending on where we're digging and how cemented in it is or how many big rocks we have to move to get dirt out, we try and run 6-12 buckets a day. It's like buying lottery tickets, the more tickets you buy, the better the chance to win (or at least win a bunch of $2 tickets).

I think you were just digging in a bad area, no matter how deep the holes were. But you sampled, worked it and now you can write those spots down in your log as where the gold ISN'T. We have an extensive log of where it isn't too, heh heh.

Rawdog here checkin in...

Hello Grey Eagle. i had really hoped you had changed your handle to "grey eagle" I suppose that was wishful thinking on my part...

Looks like you have been putting in LOTS of back-breaking hours of hard work with your new letrap river robber, as well as making some new friends along the way...like Martin...Looks like you have some nice gold in your poke!

Sad to say I was ambushed and pulled over by both the sheriffs department and ranger law enforcement officers in a joint effort upon exiting the watershed area last Sunday. It was a nice little shakedown, and show of force, but rawdogs license and plates are clean...I guess they wanted to send ole Rawdog and all us prospectors a message...i took the experience as "all prospectors are outlaws" and they may have guns drugs weapons etc...I was up there again today guys...u gonna arrest me for metal detecting?

Ok....all these "stories" people tell on the river about fines and court, and this and that, should be taken with a grain of salt... including "stories" about where they are getting gold... If anyone is telling you where they are getting gold, they arent getting good gold...You ask me where..I'm telling you 3 miles up or a mile down...

I took an old timer up to nugget gulch today, and we talked about some of the happenings in the 90s that relichunter eluded too..As we were talking about the approximate location people were working in the 90's, (namely the 10 x 10 hole) we were approached by a beautiful girl that was clearly on drugs...we believed it may be a setup, being that we passed her pulled off the road bending over into her trunk while driving on the way up (tattoo teared boyfriend in the passenger seat). Turns out they were "broken down" Both bob and I were immediately suspicious when approached...she was 6 foot and under 100 lbs...definite meth casualty...she asked for a jump...sorry hun, maybe if your boyfriend didnt have tattoo tears and you didnt look the way you do. Thats no mans land up there and we arent trying to get "jumped" no pun intended

Sure I had cables, and bob prob did too...but we didnt question our decision.. even as they desperately waved for help as we exited shoemaker in our vehicles. Some may call it cruel, but We have families to make it home to too...And although I'm ALWAYS prepared for conflict...One should always look for a means to avoid conflict, if possible...its As ole bob said..."I was raised in the desert, and my dad always told me...when you see a pretty girl in the middle of know where asking for help, RUN! iT'S A SETUP" Wise words bob, wise words...

The east fork is abandoned for the most part and in a sad state...I don't know what to really say about it..except hope there is a major flash flood soon....major

Ive read all your posts...Keep filling those vials

Yours Truly,

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Hey Rawdog, it's been a while, good to hear from you ...

The handle change has been on the list of things to do, sadly that list gets ever longer. Plus I've been spending more time on the East Fork Prospectors Facebook page, which isn't handle friendly obviously.

Fortunately I've managed to miss all the shakedowns, but I've also purposely never been there on weekends. It seems more of that happens on the weekends. Sucks that you had to deal with that but seems like you made it out unscathed.

We were there yesterday too. We've been pretty well skunked the last half dozen trips we've made (averaging about 2 trips per week). So I've made a couple trips up river to the 2 and 3 mile marker with a couple "regulars" (which were both unrewarding days gold-wise too) and yesterday I went up with my regular prospecting partner and we hiked up to Swan Rock. We worked what looked like some great areas (behind big rocks, inside curves and up against some bedrock) and were mostly skunked again. I think all the obvious "good" places have been worked and re-worked, so it's really more a matter of luck now. Kinda bummed at this point as far as the lack of payoff, but I'm still quite happy for the physical workout (I need it) and generally just being out in nature. We've had a few nice clean outs, but after 23 visits, I'd be surprised if there's 2 grams in the vial, probably closer to 1.5. We just haven't found that decent pay streak yet.

I did speak with a Narrows regular named "Ron" yesterday. Nice guy who mentioned over the last 20 years he's had 4 court battles over the "prospecting/mining" thing at East Fork. He's won them all, but still, it's a lot of wasted time and effort. He had a nice 2.5g nuggie in his vial he was bringing down too. Nice.

Not sure what our plan is next, but we've got a few days off, with the rain and cold, to figure it out.

Grey Eagle / CT

Hey Rawdog, it's been a while, good to hear from you ...

The handle change has been on the list of things to do, sadly that list gets ever longer. Plus I've been spending more time on the East Fork Prospectors Facebook page, which isn't handle friendly obviously.

Fortunately I've managed to miss all the shakedowns, but I've also purposely never been there on weekends. It seems more of that happens on the weekends. Sucks that you had to deal with that but seems like you made it out unscathed.

We were there yesterday too. We've been pretty well skunked the last half dozen trips we've made (averaging about 2 trips per week). So I've made a couple trips up river to the 2 and 3 mile marker with a couple "regulars" (which were both unrewarding days gold-wise too) and yesterday I went up with my regular prospecting partner and we hiked up to Swan Rock. We worked what looked like some great areas (behind big rocks, inside curves and up against some bedrock) and were mostly skunked again. I think all the obvious "good" places have been worked and re-worked, so it's really more a matter of luck now. Kinda bummed at this point as far as the lack of payoff, but I'm still quite happy for the physical workout (I need it) and generally just being out in nature. We've had a few nice clean outs, but after 23 visits, I'd be surprised if there's 2 grams in the vial, probably closer to 1.5. We just haven't found that decent pay streak yet.

I did speak with a Narrows regular named "Ron" yesterday. Nice guy who mentioned over the last 20 years he's had 4 court battles over the "prospecting/mining" thing at East Fork. He's won them all, but still, it's a lot of wasted time and effort. He had a nice 2.5g nuggie in his vial he was bringing down too. Nice.

Not sure what our plan is next, but we've got a few days off, with the rain and cold, to figure it out.

Grey Eagle / CT

Grey eagle,

It's always about luck if you go up for an hour or two here and there... to some extent..but mainly about following the path of gold..

Let me put it this way...If i break down a freakin 10 x 10 section and take out all the gold, its about lots of hard work. You are going to get to the gold if you are on a path of gold...and if you keep digging when you arent getting gold..then you arent in a good spot... Id recommend you stop hopping around so much...We all do it..and its a lot of fun...you need to open up your own hole...you need to put in days or even weeks at one site (such as where our hole is). Our hole is in a rich section of the river...youve hopped around...go hop in for a swim with your new waders (the damn water is freezing right now) and start shoveling as fast as you can into the letrap...I got .3 in my last hour in a flood layer with a small shovel...after only getting .2 the previous 3 hours. You have to decide what kind of prospector you are...the kind that brags and acts secretive over fly turd pieces..the type of man that is just in it to say they prospect..or are you like rawdog and goldpaw...Let me put it this way..We wouldnt have bestowed that river name upon you if we didnt think you had heart...Lets meet up and work together soon...just one on one. We'll setup both letraps and start rockin...every man keeps his own cleanout..Sound good? Ill also take yopu to a very interesting site we wanna drywash like yesterday (hope it doesnt rain too much) you will love this site if you havent found it yet!


Going to be starting a new thread about the encounter we had today at Heaton Flats but since this thread popped back up I thought i'd share what happened. So my girlfriend and I randomly decided to go up to Heaton Flats this morning because we had to make a few stops along the way.

We were digging about 500ft below the campground and for about an hour when I noticed a figure standing at the top of the hill staring down at us. I didn't think anything of it when I glanced up and saw he was gone but when I walked up to where my girl was digging I noticed a figure hunched behind a rock at the top of that cliff right before the campsites and what looked like binoculars. Now having years of experience dealing with these types of people, I knew he was up to no good. My girl had been digging which involved a lot of bending over and I noticed that the bugger was looking down at my girl with binoculars just barely visible.

Now I won't have any of that, so I marched up to where the guy was hiding and I noticed they have a huge camp with 4 tents hidden to the left of where the bathrooms are at heaton. They are hiding in those woods and when I walked up I saw trash and crap was everywhere. These guys clearly have been there for months. You can't see the campsite and you would never know it was there unless you walked those tiny trails that leads to the edge where the campsites are. So as I approached I was hesitant because I thought it was just one random guy up there but when I noticed 4 tents there I stayed at the edge of the camp and called out "Hey guy with the binoculars" He replied "yea" Then I told him to "come here" in a stern voice and he came into view but stayed at the other end of the campsite. I told him he was creeping my girl out and he said he was "looking for his friend" well bullshit. You don't stare with binoculars at one spot if you're "looking for your friend." I told him he was making us uncomfortable and he just said "well i don't f-ing care." Big mistake buddy. I am not an enemy you want to have and now you and all your friends are on my bad list.

So I walked back down to the dig the the a-hole stood up on a rock and proceeded to stare down at us with the binoculars making it very obvious. Then his friends came out of their shanty tents and one took his shirt off and they were just standing up there staring down at us. If my girl wasn't there, they would have had another thing coming but out of respect and safety of my girlfriend we decided to pack up. She didn't feel comfortable being there anymore and is now saying that she doesn't think she wants to go back.

I can't express how angry I am that I was run out of the mountains by these shitbags and retaliation is being planned.

So just watch out for that spot if you don't want to have your day ruined. We only got to dig for about an hour when we were pretty much forced to leave. I will never be forced off a mountain and these guys have made the worst kind of enemy.

This tent site is right before the Heaton Flat campsites on the left. There are small trails that lead to the edge. The tents are completely invisible from any other direction until you walk those trails to see it. Probably how they have eluded the forestry for so long. Why can't they actually do their jobs and get rid of these people and leave us law abiding citizens alone.

Anyway this whole experience has put a bad taste in my mouth about the East Fork and I don't think i'll go back without my Smith and Wesson .40c. Really sucks that we can't feel safe in such a peaceful place. What a shame.

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Rawdog - We're always digging for 6-8 hours each time, or more. We have spent several days working on a single spot a couple times. It's just hard to know when to give up on a spot, you know, the paydirt could be just under the next inch. I'm definitely not the casual digger, I move dirt and rocks with a vengeance from the second I get there. If I had a drywasher, there are definitely a couple places I've found that I'd put it to work at. I'd definitely be down for going one on one ripping out a hole with you. Let me know where and when and I'll be there for sure. Yeah, I do need a pair of waders though, I had a heck of a time getting the blood flow back in my feet for that 3 mile hike back from Swan Rock with the 30lb pack on my back, heh heh.

Grey Eagle

Rawdog - We're always digging for 6-8 hours each time, or more. We have spent several days working on a single spot a couple times. It's just hard to know when to give up on a spot, you know, the paydirt could be just under the next inch. I'm definitely not the casual digger, I move dirt and rocks with a vengeance from the second I get there. If I had a drywasher, there are definitely a couple places I've found that I'd put it to work at. I'd definitely be down for going one on one ripping out a hole with you. Let me know where and when and I'll be there for sure. Yeah, I do need a pair of waders though, I had a heck of a time getting the blood flow back in my feet for that 3 mile hike back from Swan Rock with the 30lb pack on my back, heh heh.

That river is freezing right now (california freezing lol)...It can take a few hours...one of my feet was numb forever! Thats when you know its time to stop wearing shoes and flip flops (rawdog signature) into the river. Ill pm you to set something up...


Rawdog - We're always digging for 6-8 hours each time, or more. We have spent several days working on a single spot a couple times. It's just hard to know when to give up on a spot, you know, the paydirt could be just under the next inch. I'm definitely not the casual digger, I move dirt and rocks with a vengeance from the second I get there. If I had a drywasher, there are definitely a couple places I've found that I'd put it to work at. I'd definitely be down for going one on one ripping out a hole with you. Let me know where and when and I'll be there for sure. Yeah, I do need a pair of waders though, I had a heck of a time getting the blood flow back in my feet for that 3 mile hike back from Swan Rock with the 30lb pack on my back, heh heh.

Grey Eagle

Ill bring out my whites gmz and fisher 1265-x for deep search and iron elimination...that damn 1265 hits gold deeper than the gmz, but not the small stuff...we really need some pi detectors up on this spot

The forecast is for mid thirties at night and upper forties to mid fifties during the days for the next week or so. The water ain't getting any warmer anytime soon. Picked up waders tonight, so let me know.

Gray Eagle

The forecast is for mid thirties at night and upper forties to mid fifties during the days for the next week or so. The water ain't getting any warmer anytime soon. Picked up waders tonight, so let me know.

Gray Eagle

Grey Eagle? Big 5? I picked up a pair that smells SO bad..that chinese rubber...oh well ..waders are a must have...you wont even feel the river man...good call...Wanna get your waders wet next week? I am tempted to go this sunday..its deserted...except for the law enforcement presence....I have to work mon and tues..wed may work too...What area are you referring to when you say heaton bend? Is this just below the huge slab of concrete from the washed out bridge? Or is this right when u come into heaton flats, where the river bends a bit? Ive had similar experience in heaton..its either feast or famine...general rule, golds getting better as yopu get upstream...I know a good spot no one talks about up in heaton..I told martin about it some time back, but there was a REALLY good layer we were working...it supposedly got worked out..but im sure the layer can be picked back up if you dig in the right direction (sample) also, theres a sinkhole in cattle canyon area that a strong team of miners must have built...grey eagle...next purchase food grade barrell..seen the guys using it up in heaton?

Yup, Big 5 with a discount coupon. Picked up some snowboarding socks that are pretty warm and evacuate water pretty well too if they get wet. Working on gloves now. Frozen fingers aren't good either.

Even though it's pretty deserted, I'm still gonna steer clear of that place on the weekends. Plus this Sunday is a no go for me anyway. I was gonna go up for a winter test run on Monday ... I've got a spot I started with a EF regular at about the 1.5 mile mark. We found tons of black sand, a rusted bolt, coins, lead flakes, rusted BBs ... every kind of metal but the one we're looking for, heh heh, but I want to give that spot some further work. If not there, I also have an area just past Longhorn that sampled out pretty well on our way up to Swan Rock (which was a bust unfortunately). We've worked both areas of Heaton ... around the first bend from the parking lot and just south of the broken bridge you mentioned. The broken bridge area we had both good days and bad days. Now, that area has been worked back to the treeline and it's pretty tough to find a spot where you're not undermining trees, which I'm not down for. Wednesday is clear but the coldest of the week (28/50), Thursday is a little better (34/55). Working in the direct sunlight helps a bit, but those temps and working in the shade is gonna get pretty brutal I'd expect. Let's touch base closer to Wed and see how it's looking. Let me know how far up we're going too so I know how and what to pack ;-).

Grey Eagle

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