Dutchmans mine most likely not in the Superstion Mountians

If your're looking for the "LOST Mine of Tayopa" !
You're not going to FIND IT! ;D
The reason being ...
That the Spelling, that you are using, is totally INCORRECT!
I have seen "The Map", of the mine, "a copy", of course, from the Archives of Seville, Spain!
It sure doesn't spell the Mine's name.. like what everyone is using !
In Fact, The holder of this copy and the person who got permission to and did! Copy it,
From the "Archives" !
Told Me:
"If Anyone Spells it Differently, you'll know, that They DON'T Know !"
The Present spelling, was made up, a ways back!, by a Well Known Western/Treasure Writer !

I really feel that I shouldn't tell you :-\ the "Real Spelling" !
'cus, I'm greedy, or anything like that,
You are going to "kick yourself" in the "fanny" .. :o
Because, You !, I am, Dead Sure! ;D already know ! :-\
Especially, since you are living in Northern Mexico!
Snicker :D .... Snicker ! ;)

Here's a hint !!!
Do you know any "Aleman" ?

i corrected thousands of maps and charts for the US navy . i have found the 3 sites and if you think how the name is spelled is going to get you there good luck ! . i saw the LDM and it took me 17 years to brake the letter code kino is useing ,its a binary letter code much like the bible code , i well come you all to step up , i will prove i have found these sites after i have the legal paper work & permits needed to clam them legally ....and i can in fact read the peralta stones word for word ....if you think the spelling makes a diffrence spell it out and i well tell you first hand what it means .. because i have already found the mines ,it is very easy for me to place the clues in their right order ....come on lets hear this great spelling if you dont want to give it out ,pm me and i will tell just you ...

If & When ! A person is allowed into the Archives in Seville...
You want to research something,
1..Then IF! You are qualified to Reseach there,
2..You MUST describe the Research Item, in writting, to the Department!
You fill out a card with the NAME! of the item you wish to have information on!
Try handing in this research card, a/the card with the WRONG spelling and see what you get !
This was the problem for years and still is..
No one! Spelled that name correctly, until "Jim" realized how to spell it!
A few simple solution to a very hexing problem !
He was then, handed the information !
SO! The Spelling Does Matter !
As to your "Navy" experiences ...
In My 30 Years in the Military .....
I was in "FDC", aka.. Fire Direction Control ... ( for most of it )
Working with Topo and Photo Maps...
I Know the value of exact numbers and proper spelling....

How could you find & "correct" a location, if the Modern spelling is incorrect!

dose the spelling matter yes but not if you know where the mines are already ! that was the point i was trying to make i am not hunting for the mines i know just where they are at right down to 1/20th of a secound ....with in 25ft..... and yes the tonto nationial forst knows the locations already and my request is on going ... the spelling may very well matter to you but it dose not matter to someone that has already found these sites ...
and yes agree if you are defineing data verything matter in some way ....even if a clue dose not look as if it fits what you are working on dose not mean it dosent matter later in the legend ...

i am only going by the spelling on the letter head and the bells ...

if you think that another spelling well help good luck to you ! ....

if you look back kino spells his name 3 diffrent ways in his records over the time he was leader of the jesuits for all of northern mexico ......he did that for a good reason as well ...

so yes i well restated the wording the spelling dose not matter to me now . but may matter to others still hunting for the mines ...is that better ?

=cptbil Blindbowman:
How could you find & "correct" a location, if the Modern spelling is incorrect!

S H A D D U P ! BLL, hhehe A rose by any name sitll smells the same. Tayopa Gold smells sooo nice.

Tropical Tramp

p.s. They have been looking for all variations of the spelling Tayopa ever since the mid 1600's. "All" variations of have been checked many times. Since no-one ever had any success (until me), this meams that it is NOT in the Archives of either Spain or Rome. Pistols at 400 meters?

Tropical Tramp

do you think the mine is in spain or rome ? lol

remember this if you dont beleave anything else i say . every map maker has his own profile . it is every bit the same as a finger print and just as detailed ... in fact reflecting the education and as well as where they are from and there up bringing ...

=cptbil ]
I have seen "The Map", of the mine, "a copy", of course, from the Archives of Seville, Spain!
It sure doesn't spell the Mine's name.. like what everyone is using !
In Fact, The holder of this copy and the person who got permission to and did! Copy it,
From the "Archives" !
Told Me:

Hi mi buddy I have known Henry and his brother's map since 04. .

Tropical Tramp


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