Dutchmans mine most likely not in the Superstion Mountians

Who's land is he digging on? I can see getting wacked if your pokin around stealing something on the res, otherwise it's nuts.

I can't understand the whole Apache attack thing either. Back during the wars and uprisings the Indians had no use for gold as they were still in the stone age. Are you guys trying to tell us some old pride thing is keeping anyone from mining that gold today? :)

Kaene & Jonster - Boys, I don't have the time right now, but I would bet that the Apache Junction Newspaper would know something about that happening, etc. Ya might check them out, before ya go off the deep end saying things ya might regret later. ::) ;D Comanchero

Re: Dutchman's mine most likely not in the Superstition Mountains

I tried to search the paper, doesn't work now. I'm not saying somebody wasn't shot and left, but to say anyone is passing on the gold today cause Geronimo did it is ridiculous. IMHHO.

Jonster, you have not said how old you are, and it don't really matter. You are making assertions and statements that clearly reveal your ignorance of history, unfortunately. But there are plenty of others in that boat with you. If all of you were really serious about the truths, then you really should go to a good library and spend some time really researching your materials before making "off the cuff" statements and accusations about anything. >:( By not doing your "homework" it is obvious to us "oldtimers" why people like you are never successful in your endeavors, because you work on pure speculations alone ::) with no hard facts to back you up. 8) And that is very sad Bud. :'(

The gold mines that Geronimo always referred to was the old Spanish gold mines in the Guadalupe Mountains of New Mexico, not Arizona. :D

It is exactly your kind of attitude that turns us "Old Timers" with years and years of experience against you and thus a deaf ear to anything and everything you gotta say. :( Not Good. You need to work on your personal relationship or personal skills if you want to be successful in this business. ;D If you already know it all, then you are on the wrong forum. 8) Adios, Muchacho - Comanchero

Jeesh, it must have been the 'stone age' quip.

To be successful, we must also separate the wheat from the chaff. I am looking at the facts,and facts alone. While legends and folklore attracts us all, intuition and rational thought matters as well. These facts at hand and historical reference is how we form our opinions.

I don't even care what mines are lost in lore, for if they are there, we will find them whether they have been found before or not. The equipment available today is a bit better than sheer shoe leather of old.
My reference to the Indians and gold applies across the board, practically. When enslaved by the Spanish they certainly knew where the mines where. They weren't ALL killed after the labor was done. Still Cochise and others didn't hoard gold, wear gold, worship gold, mine old, sell gold and he isn't buried with the stuff either! He stole it so the owners wouldn't have it and come looking for more.

Today, sure as there are casinos on top of graveyards, the gold would be mined by those who own it.

Your were obviously offended, not my intention. I only gave my opinion, not a personal attack. I don't find that 'brave' on the internet.

Hey all. I an a newby to the treasure stash part of this website as I'm usually in the shipwreck part but this talk of a lost mine caught my eye. So what is the story behind it an what sort of thing is so great about it anyways?



Heard on the news here in Phoenix that their permit ran out May 24th. They didnt find anything and had 2 caveins. Think his name is Ron Feldman, runs OK Corrals riding stables. Nice guy... I take the out of town visitors there riding....

Comanchero said:
Bill, was lookin' for ya all day yesterday.? ???? Yeah you two are right.? This time of the year or late fall is the best time for that area.? And it is wicked in the summer, been there.
Did ya read or hear about that guy just a couple of years ago that they found murdered just inside the Supers line with a backpack full of gold.? Even had his picture in the newspaper I read it in. ???? ?Well, take care and be safe now. ;D
That legend I did not hear. But I did see a thing on the history channel on a guy named Adolph Ruth who was crippled and went up to the Supers and was later found dead (shot in the head with a .44 according to some) the officials said he died of "heat exaustion and dehydration"( but he had a hole in his head).


He died because the .44cal. hole in his head :-\ had allowed that darn!... dry desert air to blow thru..
1..Heatexhaust..by Overheating his brain .. ::)
2..Deyhr.. by absorbing the body's moisture :P
Heck! Anyone knows about The/A Sheriff's " PC Speak " ! ;D

Hi all

The dutchman had a lot of mines in the Arizona
superstitions. He was outting gold in, not taking
it out.


To All Concerned:
There are two documents that'll prove where the L.D'man's Mine is!
I wonder why no L.D'man Reseacher has not mentioned them! ::)
I can show you one of them, :o No! I do not own it!
It is a Public Documnet!
It is Free for the "viewing" !
I'll be in Phx. or Gilbert in about two months!
Anyone caring to view &/or copy them, :o let me know!
I will not be running a schuttle back and forth,
I will conduct ONE Trip!
Any takers ?
You guys buy the gasoline, :D it's not a very long trip, and "spring!" for the "Coffee" !
AND! I'll be happy to show you! :P
;D Anyone ??? ;)
There's lots more, Apparently unknown, ::) info :P in the document for any L.D'man Hunter! ;D

Hay Guys!
"Bugs" & I are in the Phoenix Area right now! :P
I have time to show anyone these documents!
??? Any Takers? ::)
PS! :(
The Guy's name, who was shot in the head, was named, "Ruth" and the date was somewhere in the '50's Or! the '30s

Here's a nice link for ya! Don't know if it's just to promote yet another book, but if you click on the left side of the site on the map and or other area's you can get some info...

Many people have died looking for the mines... Be careful out there...

Former AZ resident and fellow TH'er


this book looks good and he is one of the people like me who believe the mind is NOT in the Supers.

Good Luck


HEY guys !

I am a artist and about 6 months ago I was contracted to build a 1:4 scale model of weavers needle for a guy in germany
and he intrusted me with his map so that was great and he asked me what I know about it well then I did not know alot but now I know more then I will ever want to know .thank god it is back in his hands now
the map was on some kind of leather or hide or something and it marks weavers needle as a hand on a clock also the 5 miles around weavers needle is the time markers
it has 6 guards that watch the mine no hart on it at all? it was wild when I put it to a test
I and 2 of my friends went into the hills about 3 months back and followed this map that he has and well lets just say they are dead on to the clue the miner left
for some reason I cant get this thing out of my head
I charged him alot to make it and that is because the billets are alot clay

? ? ? ? ? there is also a maker in the center of weaversneedle canyon that tells what is there .the stone are fake but one is right (stone map )
also the mine is no more then 4.3 miles from weavers needle .but there are closed mine shafts all over out there we came across 6 just in weavers needle canyon
the shaft to the mine is closed off .because Jacob waltz and wiser were freemayson they know how to close and die rock build walls but also know how to hide it.
North running canyon my mine is located where? ?no miner will search to the south a pointed peak these are the clues waltz left and are true but not
you would have to be standing in the location to know but it is the mine it there and I think it is Aztec's gold because there are catches all over out there one thing that was fond there? was a old cross and some metal rings that are rusted? ?but have Spanish writing on it
also his map had a waterfall on it .Dose anyone know where that was back then ?? Earth quick took it out as that is what I have found out so far
need to know the where about of this water fall any one it marks a wild path to a hidden cave?

Why has no one, thought to mention that there ARE TWO, YES! TWO ! Weavers Needles? ::)
The are just about in sight of each other!
If you know the Superstition Mnts!
You'll know exactly what I am talking about! ;D

I look at everything objectively,and I believe Waltz's mine is in the Salt River Indian Community,Red Mountain/Mt. McDowell ;)
and there is not anything anyone can do to get it out
Belongs there!, it should stay there :D
The way I see it back in them days a mine/find/whatever,was like an old style ATM,run low on cash?take a little trip,carve yourself off a 1/2 oz. or two,spend it, return,lots of ol places like that just waiting to be rediscovered ;)

Here is the picture of Brownie Holmes (Tracker), Music (dog), and the skull of Adolph Ruth 1931. The guy everybody is having coniptions about was Walter Gassler. Heres the story:

In May of 1984, Walter Gassler (then in his 80s) set out to find the LDM. He had several manuscripts and believed he could go straight to it. On May 4th Don Shade and a guide from the OK Corral found him dead sitting on a rock on Charlebois Ridge (right on trhe Pinal Maricopa County lines). They also saw a man darting in and out of cover above them on the ridgeline. They went straight to the sherrifs office and reported the body and the stranger.

A few days later, a man introduced himself as Roland Gassler (son), showed up at Tom Kollenborn's home and asked him for some manuscripts that Gassler had loaned him before heading out. He said that his father nust have found the mine, and showed Kollenborn some very high grade ore that he said came from Gasslers backpack that was not found with the body. A few months later, Tom Kollenborn met another Roland gassler (the real one), and told him the story. Who was the fake Roland Gassler? Nobody has ever found out, and nobody has ever seen those manuscripts again!

So.....Jonster and Kaene! I think you two might want to hone your researching skills a little more before trying to shoot down a story.


  • AdolphRuth1.webp
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  • WalterGassler1.webp
    46.8 KB · Views: 966
HAY! Boy!
You're Correct !
Way too many Amateur's show themselves up, as such, by making or jumping to "conclusions"!
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing !
A little "research" is a very good thing!
Knowth before thy speakth !
Atleast, a Little Knowth, !!

the lost dutchman mine is in fact in the superstition my range as is the Tayopa mine in the tunnle under the LDM as well as the old jesuit chruch is across from the tunnle ... i am proveing this to the tonto nationial forst as we speak .. when i get my treasure trove permits i well be glad to post the fact here at this site ... but the fact remains the ldm is there as well as the Tayopa mine ....

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