Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Hi SilentHunter

Homework .... who's got time to do homework ...... I'm still jumping thru yesterday's hoop on Himmler's master plan ...... I did manage to get a copy of Paracelsus' alchemistry book from a bookstore .... so of course I don't have Crawford's notes, symbols, and things .... I did send Taylor an email requesting he let an associate of mine see the book Crawford gave him .... he said no >:(

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

daringEagle said:
Hay BB

In the case of the 1566 Zaltieri map, I could put in my panties ...... oh, I forgot .... I'm not wearing any panties.

Well you're a real tough cookie with a long history
Of breaking little hearts, like the one in me
That's O.K., lets see how you do it
Put up your dukes, let's get down to it!
Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Why Don't You Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Fire Away!
got to love pat's vocie

but whats it got to do with the topic ..

frist DE

lets get on the same page if thats what you want ..

put the sex BS on the back shelve and lets talk

i stated springfeild debated facts from observations of his own opioions . and they are logical .. he started his reply .. with the word "IF"

thats mean it is a speculation of opioion

there are many treasures and old mines threw out the west and south west ..you should go find one of them

if you want to talk PM me if not good luck ..

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Especially 'Me' BB. Incidentally that odor that you smell, is from my lovely mule, not from my decomposition.

Don Jose de La Mancha

"I exist to live, not live to exist".

your not dead yet ?

mule loven is good for soul i guess ...lol

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

BB, you posted -->put the sex BS on the back shelve and lets talk

are you sure that the bow inccident didn't further damage your brain? Sheesh.


your not dead yet ?

Yer cottin pickin right I am not dead, after all I invited you to my 150 th birthday party, I have to be there, no?

Don Jose de La Mancha

"I exist to Live, not live to exist".

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
BB, you posted -->put the sex BS on the back shelve and lets talk

are you sure that the bow inccident didn't further damage your brain? Sheesh.


your not dead yet ?

Yer cottin pickin right I am not dead, after all I invited you to my 150 th birthday party, I have to be there, no?

Don Jose de La Mancha

"I exist to Live, not live to exist".

just because i am not from here dose not mean you can play the human card on me ...lol

sex is not the topic .. its the taste after ...

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

BB. you posted -->dose not mean you can play the human card on me
But it "IS mandatory", since I am a direct descendant of the Planet (XYZ) colony planted here several generations ago. It is our duty to lead the world out of it's depth of dispair in the near future. They will let us know when.


Caddo, you posted --> the 7 citys of gold
They lie between Sinaloa and Durango.

As for Astral travel, if you have advanced that far, you don't need no stinkin maps.

Don Jose de La Mancha

"I exist to Live, not live to exist"

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Yeah! First he says put the sex BS on the back burner and then he says to private message him.

Hmmmm ......... a mixed message?

Ah .... me all alone on X-mas eve without my panites and no one to talk to.


Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

stinkin maps .........

astral travel .............

Can you carry GOLD when your astral traveling?

Hmmmmmmm ............. maybe you need a stinkin mule.

I don't know ..... didn't seem to do Fred C. Dobbs any good.

But then again my 45s are loaded and ready for some action.


Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

i exspect these things from the others .. not from you .. !

i said you were not my type and that i was not interested .. what part do you not under stand ?

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

François Ravaillac was a general servant in the courts of Angoulême, a commune in southwestern France. In 1609, Ravaillac claimed to have experienced a vision instructing him to convince King Henry IV to convert the Huguenots, which were members of the Protestant Reformed Church of France, to Catholicism. He made three trips to Paris to see the king. but was not able to meet with the king. When king Henry IV decided to invade the Spanish Netherlands, Ravaillac interpreted it as the start of a war against the Pope. Ravaillac took matters into his own hands and assassenated Henry IV by stabbing him to death. Of course he was excuted for this crime.

I'm uncertain as to what exactly is important about this assassination. Except, king Henry IV was the one who donated the land and building for the College of La Fleche, which is the College where Descartes attended. There has to something more substantial. For example, in 1598, he enacted the Edict of Nantes, which guaranteed religious liberties to the Protestants. So it seems very unlikely king Henry IV would have listened to Ravaillac about converting members of the Protestant Reformed Church back to Catholicism. It is interesting that his wife was Marie de' Medici, and that he financed several expeditions of Pierre Dugua, Sieur de Monts and Samuel de Champlain to North America that saw France lay claim to Canada. It may be in this that the real connecting dot is to be found.

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

DE, you posted --> RD i exspect these things from the others .. not from you .. !

Sniff, I am actually a very secluded, Chaste, Saint. - not fanatical on the chaste part though, but, sigh.

As for the esoteric, paranormal factors, yes, from both personal experiences, and years of fascinating, intensive investigation.

Yesterday's paraormal is todays normal, todays paraormal is tomorrrows normal, and on.

Bb is strictly an amature, native American,brujo, but he tries.

Don Jose de La Mancha

"I exist to Live, not live to exist"

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Himmler’s Castle by Andrew Aitken and Dave Flitton published by Madacy Entertainment Group 1996

In March 1945, five weeks before the collapse of the 3rd Reich, the Allied armies were sweeping thru Germany. For the Nazi leaders the end was in sight. Many were already destroying evidence they knew would betray their deepest secrets. One such man was Heinrich Himmler. On Friday, March 30, 1945 he summonsed SS Major Hins Markah and ordered him to take a demolition squad and destroy Wewelsburg castle. It was an SS Order Castle which Himmler had envisioned as the very center of his SS empire. Except for construction workers, few outside the secret elite of the SS had ever entered it.

As head of the SS Himmler was arguably the second most powerful man in the 3rd Rich. Yet many Nazi leader thought his beliefs were the ravings of a madman. He was deeply interested in the occult, and astrology, and firmly believed in reincarnation. He believed he was the reincarnation of the 10th century Saxon king Henry the foul. He believed he could physic communicate with the dead king, and inherited the king’s mission to conquer the East and create an empire. Wewelsburg castle was to be the focus of Himmler’s power and the capital of the SS state. It was built on the remains of a 10th century Saxon fort, so it appealed to Himmler.

Himmler wanted the rituals and practices of the SS to be based on those of the ancient Germanic tribes. He also sought advice from renowned psychic Carl Wiligut whom Himmler recruited into the SS. Wiligut told Himmler of an ancient prophecy in which Wewelsburg castle was to be a magical German stronghold in a future conflict between Europe and Asia. This coincided with Himmler’s belief that the SS was soon to carve out an SS state from the ruins of Russia.

It was in 1934 that Himmler started the renovation of Wewelsburg castle. It was to coast 300 million marks and finally reach completion some time in the 1960s. It was to be not just the capital city of the new SS state but the Vatican city of the SS religion. It was to be an enormous complex having libraries and research institutes for astronomy, astrology, and Teutonic history. There was to be a wall 40 feet high encircling the city. The ground plan had a mystical significance because it represented the head of a spear, that of Longerous who had stabbed Christ, pointing north to the circular hall of Wewelsburg castle, which was to be the very center of the whole complex.

The circular hall of Wewelsburg castle was to be the place of the secret SS rituals. Historians have speculated that amongst the ceremonies there would be one of a solemn death ritual where the wooden coat-of-arms of dead SS knights would be burned, and that the urns of 12 SS leaders would be enshrined there, along with Hitler’s body.

The circular hall of Wewelsburg castle is the north tower, and it is a massive tower with 12 feet thick walls. It has 12 massive columns. On the center of the floor there is mosaic swastika with 12 lightening flashes in the form of what’s called the Black Sun. Below this main floor there is a crypt. In the crypt there are 12 pedestal stones evenly spaced apart along the circular wall. The precise nature of the rituals carried out there still remain a mystery. Not one of those who were present ever divulged the truth of what happened during the ritual. Himmler had appointed 12 senior SS officers to oversee and attend and assist in ruling the SS state.

By April 1945 after SS Major Markah’s visit with the demolition squad, Wewelsburg castle was a blackened shell. It was quickly looted by locals. When the Allies arrived all that remained was a safe discovered hidden in the deep cellar of the west tower. An American Special Unit blasted the safe open. Whatever it held and those who blasted it open disappeared into history.

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Did you notice the stand-out?

The 12 columns with the circular tower, which is the shape of a cluime, makes 13.

Himmler with 12 senior SS officers makes 13.

12 pedestal along with the alter at the center of the crypt makes 13.

That make three 13s.

Sound familiar?

What about Emory Taylor and his three thirteens dot com website.

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

So this is why the nazi/mason/jesus/satan/toothfairy/alien gangsters, are interested in some stupid treauser that if it was so preciuos amount of gold you couldnt cary it out. What is their deal really. They are truly interested in something but why. And what? Aliens? This is really getting annoying. None of those duche bags are going to find nothing but some old bottle caps and rusty boot nails. Maybe an old shell and some new ones. Anyone that knows who I am is never going to see me. And I am not white. Nor have I found anything you could possibly concieve to look for. There is however old spanish and aztec workings in them thar hills. But the vastness of the treasure eludes you. Nazi alien satan hoarde? Com'on. The key is in the eye of the beholder and they got something else in ther eye. Sorry champ. Cant win them all. But you can lose them. I love all people but black people arent black and white people arent white. And hate is a waste of existence. It is interesting. But as the key turns...so does the sand in the hourglass. These are the daze of your lives. What is in your eye should be the same as mine. And the truth can set you free. Im a practicing american and have no problem choosing freedom over some turd brain nazi puss asking me if he can come out of the closet yet. Happy hunting girls. My grandfather died killing your heros but we won.

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Wow! St. Jerome, that’s a very good rant you’ve got going there.

Now open your mind just a little.

The German holy stones have been around since the 1200s, but the Nazis have only been around since the 1920. That’s …. what …. 720 years difference. Meaning the holy stones were around 720 years before the Nazis.

So its fairly safe to say the German holy stones have nothing-what-so-ever to do with Nazi racial policies.

The Nazis would want to possess the holy stones for mystical reasons. Nothing more.

What about Holy Stones Inc.?

I’d say it’s businessmen seeing a product (holy stones) and seeing a customer (Nazis, Masons, etc) and intending to make a profit from a business transaction. Nothing personal or racial in that part of it.

But there is definitely something more going on but what? That is the question. Until we know that …… then there’s no way to tell if it does or does not have anything to do with Nazism.

My ….. Guess …. At this point ….. Is that it has nothing to do with Nazism. It has something to do with something that happened back in the 1200s ….. Or there abouts …… over 700 years before the Nazis.

I am truly sorry your grandfather lost his life, and am thankful for his service.

Don’t let your emotion prevent you from having an open mind, because when you don’t have an open mind then your doomed to see ONLY what you want to see, and think ONLY what you want to think, and know ONLY what you want to know ….. Even when the truth may be something far different.

Good luck to you St Jerome. The “girls” who you so strongly disapprove of will continue on without you.

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Well you're a real tough cookie with a long history
Of breaking little hearts, like the one in me
That's O.K., lets see how you do it
Put up your dukes, let's get down to it!
Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Why Don't You Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Fire Away!

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Moving forward.

After jumping thru yet another hoop I’ve come to the conclusion Himmler never intended for Hitler’s body to be buried in the crypt at Wewelsburg castle. First off the SS state was to be an independent state headed by Himmler. Second off is something I found in this hoop.

The hoop I had to jump thru was a book called The Master Plan: Himmler’s scholars and the Holocaust by Heather Princle …. By the way, that’s one of those “girls” St. Jerome so strongly disapproves of.

She says (and we all know you can’t believe one thing a “girl” says because St. Jerome says so)

Hitler and Himmler had completely different beliefs about the glory of the Germanic tribes. This is found on pages 44 - 45.

Quoting directly.
In Hitler’s view the Aryans began to achieve their full potential only when they reached the Mediterranean. “It was in Greece and Italy,” he explained loftily to his dinner guests one night, “that the Germanic spirit found the first terrain favorable to its blossoming.” And this bizarre conviction deeply colored Hitler’s perceptions of archaeology. He was fascinated by classical Rome and Greece and bored to tears by digs at home. “People make. a tremendous fuss about the excavations carried out in districts inhabited by our forebears of the pre-Christian era,” he declared, “I am afraid that I cannot share their enthusiasm, for I cannot help remembering that, while our ancestors were making these vessels of stone and clay over which our archaeologists rave, the Greeks had already built an Acropolis.”

Himmler was well aware of these views, but he did not share them. He was besotted by old accounts of the fierceness and valor of the Germanic tribes. And he defined these tribes in a loose way to include any who had spoken one of the Germanic languages—Danish. Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Faeroese, Dutch, Flemish, Frisian, Gothic, and, of course, English. He wanted SS educators to concentrate their energies on these tribes. He could not ignore the “Nordic’ civilizations of Greece and Rome Hider so loved, but it was his own interpretation of the past that became the nucleus of his SS “education offensive.”
End of quoting.

Wewelsburg castle was in fact part of that SS “education offensive.” But it was meant strictly for the SS and not the general population. Obviously Himmler totally disregarded Hilter’s views, and enforced his own views. So there is no reason to believe Himmler intended to have Hitle’s body buried in the crypt at the capital building (Wewelsburg castle) of an independent SS state. Obviously the body in the alter in the center of the circular tower of Wewelsburg castle would have been Himmler’s body, not Hitlers.

But then again it is a “girl” tell you. And we all know you can’t believe a “girl” because St. Jerome says so.

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

What was the secret ritual that took place in the crypt of the circular tower of Wewelsburg castle? The ritual none of the participants would speak about. What was that ritual?

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Before I could answer the question of what was the ritual conducted in the crypt of Wewelsburg castle I had to jump thru two more hoops. They are a book called Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, and a movie called The Da Vinci Code by Ron Howard.

Of course I was already suspicious the ritual was a sex ritual using the German holy stones to commune with high spirits or the high spirit, but I was not certain of it.

Of course the Da Vinci Code is based on some fiction and historical distortions and out right lies. But there are also some truths used in it. One of the historical truths used is that some pagans groups “found transcendence thru the joining of male and female”. That is “People found God thru sex.” Aka a sex ritual.

When Langdon and Sophie escape the museum, Langdon asks Sophie if she remembers her grandfather having any secret rituals. Sophie has a flashback where we see that a secret ritual is taking place but we can’t see exactly what is going on, and she does not tell Langdon about it.

Then when Langdon and Sophie visit Langdon’s friend who is an expert on the Grail, Sophie again has a flashback which she does not tell Langdon about, and again we can not see exactly what is happening in the secret ritual.

It is near the end of the story, when Langdon and Sophie are in the crypt of Rosslyn castle that Sophie finally comes clean and tells Langdon and we get to see in a flashback exactly what happens in the ritual. It is a sex ritual. In the center of a circle ……. That’s a connecting dot…… a man and a woman have sex while the other participants watch …….. That’s a connecting dot.

Wewelsburg castle is circular and along the wall are12 pedestals. Sitting on or standing on those 12 pedestals would be the 12 senior SS officers hand picked by Himmler, and on the center alter a man (supposedly Himmler) would be having sex with a woman, and the German holy stones would be used as the legend is they are used in a sex ritual to commune with the high spirits.

New let’s go back to Heather Princle and her book The Master Plan. According to document held in the USA at the National Archive and Records Administration in Maryland, and interviews conducted by Princle, on page 49

Quoting directly
Wiligut traveled back and forth to Wewelsburg to offer his unique brand of channeling and ancestral wisdom to Hermann Bartels, the architect assigned to transform the stately old castle into a sprawling new SS complex. Bartels had his work cut out for him. Himmler’s plans for the complex kept evolving into something ever grander and more magnificent. So they required a succession of designs—each more complex than the last. To see them through, Himmler eventually ordered the construction of a special concentration camp nearby to supply sufficient quantities of slave labor.

As the construction proceeded, tunic designs and strange bits of old lore began to pop up all over the castle, One of the chambers, for example, was renovated and renamed the Grail Room. The castle’s staff outfitted it with a large rock crystal displayed on a wooden pedestal and illuminated from below with electrical lights. This strange display was intended to represent the Holy Grail. One of Wiligut’s associates, Otto Rahn, had studied medieval legends of the grail. He believed these stories to be of Aryan origin and concluded that the grail was a magical “stone of light” that had fallen from the diadem of an ancient sun god. All those who looked upon the stone would live forever.
End quoting.

Remember, SS chief Himmler had recruited Otto Rahn specifically because he was a grail expert, and Himmler sent Rahn on expeditions in order to acquire the Grail for the SS. And remember to the Germans the Grail is not a cup and has nothing to do with Christ. It is a holy stone(s) once in possession of German Knights Templar, it is black and purple in quarts, and it is used in sex rituals to commune with the high spirit(s). Why else would the German SS want to possess it other than to perform sex rituals to commune with the high spirit(s)? That is the exact reason why they wanted to posses it …… to perform sex rituals with it in the crypt of the circular tower of Wewelsburg castle. That is the ritual about which none of the participants would speak.

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Remember, the holy stons have been around at least 700+ years before the Nazis.

Whatever the interest of Holy Stones Inc. is, it must lay in a past far more distant then the 1920s.

I'm waiting for my next hoop to jump thru.

Well you're a real tough cookie with a long history
Of breaking little hearts, like the one in me
That's O.K., lets see how you do it
Put up your dukes, let's get down to it!
Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Why Don't You Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Fire Away!

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