Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Ah ..... my theory .... in the form of a document.


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Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Another doc.


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Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

And another doc.


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Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

HI Luv, in Mexico they now only use the cardial points to delineate boundaries. Saves the head ache of trying to measure the small angular, odd shaped claims. Exception is in the presently open, small, irregular shaped claims which are used to fill up the basic claims to the cardinal directions only.

Now about St Jerome and that ceremony ------?????

Corazon de Oro/Plomo, Keep my lovely Mule out of the sordid talk, she is sensitive. As for those stones, sheesh. I have seen lots of purty stones, but none matches my Mule.

Don Jose de La Mancha
"I exist to Live, not live to exist"

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request


Only One Warning !

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Anne C. Rue use to have a website ........ I can't find it anymore ....... I wonder what happened.

Anyway ........ there wasn't a copyright statement and I didn't have to pay to get in ........ so i copied everything at her website to my hard drive.

The following info is one of the stories Rue told.

In March of 1997 the Phoenix lights occurred. I was told a woman named Kizziar had written a series of books about the Superstitions, UFOs, and aliens. I thought, great! A new adventure! I hurried to Promack and got her book “Eyes of the Superstitions“. The story went out to Fish Creek, to Tortilla Trailhead, in the Black Cross Butt area. Naturally, I followed along the trail reading her book, living the adventure. I didn’t see any UFOs or aliens. But I had a wonderful time hiking, seeing the sites, and reading her book.

Due to family matters I had to return to New York . I didn’t get back to Arizona until November 1998. I was informed later that the month before my return, the Tribune newspaper did an article called “Ghostly mountain range sparks constant speculation, very Superstitious” about all the myths and legends. On my return I moved into Apache Junction to be closer to the Superstitions. I picked a nice neighborhood off of Idaho road. One evening when I came home there was a local newspaper in my driveway. It was published by the Hinchliffe family. It was called the Pinal Visitor. The front page story was “The Legend Of The Burns’ Treasure Troves.” Of course this was to be my next great adventure.

I found the location of the Burns Ranch on a geological survey map. I soon arrived there with Hinchliffe’s newspaper in hand. When I stepped out of the car I felt uneasy, and frightened. I was sure someone or thing was watching me and wanted to do me bodily harm. I was alone and decided it best to leave. I was very disappointed. But the place scared me. I didn’t want to be there. I focused on continuing may adventures from the Peralta Trailhead with my trustee hiker‘s guide. I’ve been on many adventures from there with Carlson and Stewart’s book in hand.

I decided I would read another one of Kizziar’s books. I returned to Promack. While there I met an old timer named Bob Scherer. He saw me picking out “Beneath the Superstition.” He asked if I had read the first book in the series and what I thought of it. I told him of my hiking with the book to live the adventure. The conversation quickly turned to the Phoenix lights. He said he saw one of the lights crash in the area of the Burns Ranch. As he left he said I should hike the area.

Each time when I was heading to the trailhead I wanted to go to the Burns ranch. I wanted to face my fear and hike the area. Many times I stopped and contemplated going to the ranch. But each time I got the creeps. The feeling someone or thing was out there watching and wanting to harm me. Each time I proceed to the trailhead. In Hinchliffe’s newspaper article Helen Burns was said to have been tortured and murdered for the treasures. Several people confirmed to me the local legend says the ranch is haunted. I just couldn’t get over the creepy feelings I had when I was there. Like having a brush with death. You never get over it.

In December the Pinal Visitor’s front page article was “A Historical Review Of The Burns’ Treasures.” Driving down Peralta Road to the trailhead I noticed at the cattle guard the fence runs off towards the Burns ranch. I got up my courage, parked along the road and walked along the fence. I decided to hike up to the top of what’s called the red hill. At the top I walked along the ridge heading to where I could look down on the ranch. I saw two men digging into the side of the hill. They were putting the dirt into several five-gallon buckets, and putting them into the bed of a blue, Ford, step-side pickup truck. I ducked down and kept my eyes on them.

Then I noticed movement several yards below me. Down along the fence line another man was watching the two men digging. Shortly, the two men who had been digging got in the truck and departed. The other man then started walking the fence line back towards the road. I recognized him. It was Bob Scherer. The old timer I met in Promack who told me a Phoenix light crashed at the ranch. He went to a car park off the road. I hadn’t noticed the car when I arrived. After he drive off I went back to my car and up to the trailhead.

It was hard to concentrate on my adventure that day. My mind keep wondering back to the red hill. I wondered what Scherer was doing. Why he was spying on those two men. If it had something to do with the Phoenix light he said crashed there. I wondered if the Phoenix light had something to do with the creepy feeling of someone or thing watching and wanting to hurt me.

Later in December came the article “Helen (Burns) Humphrey 1905-1970 Pinal County Court Inquest.“ I was intrigued by what was going on at the ranch. But the creepy feelings and fear kept me away. Almost two years later, in 2000, I stopped at the Basha’s store on my way home. There was a table set up at the door. A man and woman were taking signatures. It was Chuck Crawford and Darlene Rushton. I thought her a wonderful woman and immediately took a liking to her. He was running for Pinal County Sheriff. I recognized him. He was one of the two men I had seen digging into the hill at the Burns ranch.

He didn’t seem to recognize me. I’m sure I had not been seen on top the hill that day. He talk about political issues, especially concerning law enforcement. But he also talked about being a prospector and treasure hunter. He said the Sheriff’s department was bias against them, and him in particular. I signed his book and went on my way.

Sometime later a rumor circulated that a government agent was investigating the Phoenix lights out by the Peralta trailhead. I heard this agent was connected to the Illuminati and a secret society called the Black Cross. Every since the day my granddad told me the cowboy and Indian story all those years ago I’ve been interested in anything concerning a black cross. I investigated and was guided to a web site called threethirteens.com. There I saw a picture of a man I recognized. He was the man I had seen digging into the hill with Crawford at the Burns ranch. The web site gave his name as Emory Taylor.

The stated purpose of the web site is “These pages provide an overview of what is known (to date) of the USA military's covert study into the UFO situation (referred to as the MJ12 UFO Secret Theory Project), involving some of todays top scientists, a beautiful courier named Roselitta, a government agent named Emory Taylor, an alien artifact, an alien star map, a secret role playing game, coverup, conspiracy, corruption, retribution, dissimulation, covert missions to Egypt and Switzerland, a safety deposit box, diamonds, cash, a black cross and more.”

The investigation was actually conducted by two private investigators named Marlowe and Johnson. Taylor now owns the information. He purchased it I guess. He turned it into a “you- be- the- judge” web site where he sells access for $5 dollars. For free, you can read a summary of the investigation, which I did. I will not spoil it for you by telling you all the fascinating information Marlowe and Johnson have gathered to prove their case. However, on one page, it’s one of the “Want to know more?” pages you access by clicking on a link called “Tell Me More,” I found information pertaining to another experience I had at the Burns ranch.

I was heading out to the Peralta trailhead with Carlson and Stewart’s book to undertake another adventure into the Superstitions. But all the while I was trying to get up the courage to hike the Burns ranch. As I passed the turnoff to the ranch I got that creepy feeling that someone or thing was out there. It was watching me and wanted to hurt me. I kept going. As I got to the cattle guard I decided I would hike to the top of the red hill again.

I got atop the hill and started walking down to the south end. A car turned off Peralta road and headed into the ranch. Excited, I dipped down the back side a few feet and hurried to were I could get a look. When I pocked my head up to get a look, two men were walking across the wash. They were headed for the hill. I recognized one as Emory Taylor. He was carrying a shovel. I had never seen the other man before. He was carrying a metal detector.

To my horror, they started climbing up the hill directly below me. They were coming right at me. I scurried along the back side of the hill heading north, back toward Peralta road. I slipped behind some large rocks along the top and got another peek. I watched as the two men climbed to the top. It never occurred to me they would walk along the top as I had done. But they were, and headed right for me. I was panic stricken. There was no way out without being seen.

To my relief they stopped and began searching around with the metal detector. But they were uncomfortably close. The metal detector started beeping loudly. They then started digging. It seemed to last forever. But about 20 minutes passed by and I heard the unidentified man say “OH my God!” Emory said “Let’s get it out of there.”

With a little work they pulled up a human skull. Emory shock it and something rattled around inside. Eventually a bullet fell out and to the ground. The unidentified man said “Look!” as he pointed into the hole. Emory set down the skull and they worked in the hole for several minutes. They pulled out a bundle. Something wrapped in what appeared to be a blanket and tied around with wire. They unwrapped the bundle. But they stood with their backs to me and I couldn’t see what it was. I could only see small parts of it as they moved it about. It was black, smooth, pare shaped I think, and the size of a football. They wrapped it back up. They filled in the hole and started down the hill. They had both the skull and bundle with them.

At the web site, the page which gives some information about this happening is http://www.threethirteens.com/moreindex4-1.php. One of the pictures is of a man named Alan Danicourt. I recognized him as being the man with Emory when the skull and bundle were dug up. BUT AT THE WEB SITE IT SAYS THEY FOUND NOTHING!

There is a lot of information there about Chuck Crawford, Dennis Brown, Alan Danicourt, David Hinchliffe, Hank Overturff, Bob Scherer, treasure, paranormal activity, and something hidden at the Burns ranch. There is also a piece of artwork which appears to depict a UFO and an alien chasing two men. According to this web page, after Danicourt died a cryptic poem was found in his possession. One phrase says “Three are interned there from where the visitors have been.” Exactly what it means I do not know, but I am sure it pertains to the Burns ranch and the skull and bundle Taylor and Danicourt found.
At the threethirteens.com web site (http://www.threethirteens.com/moreindex4-1.php) it says Danicourt and Crawford were friends for 30 plus years. I wondered how strong and how involved the friendship was. I went to the Crawford biography web site. There I found out that in 1978 Crawford was in trouble and had been in jail for beaten up his wife in an argument. While in jail he had dizzy spells due to having been struck in the head by his wife with a dish during the fight. When guards at the jail tried to carry him out to an ambulance they dropped him on his head. Crawford then sued the county operating the jail. Pinal County.

A private investigator named Gary L. Bartlett was hired by Crawford to take witness statements and deliver court papers. Bartlett and Crawford had worked together in the past when Crawford worked as a private investigator in the early 1970s. Danicourt was one of the witnesses Bartlett get a statement from.

Quoting from Bartlett’s report.

Regarding Crawford, Danicourt said " I saw him later in the Pinal County Jail at Florence" and he claimed to remember most of the incidents surrounding this matter "quite well".

Danicourt says that he talked with Crawford in the Pinal County Jail and "got his side of the story". Following that, he and a George Lottridge traveled to the Crawford residence, a trailer in Apache Junction, and talked with Dorothy Crawford a couple of times. Danicourt says Dorothy Crawford " put on a very, very convincing story about what Pinal County has accused him of". He states that they accused him of "Aggravated 'Assault, three counts". Danicourt says that Dorothy Crawford, "showed bruises, very convincing bruises on her leg and a little on her face " but she said she wasn't going to show him (Danicourt) her cracked ribs"'. Danicourt believed Dorothy Crawford's report of the incident to be very convincing as he said that Crawford had charges before in 1972 for "something of an act of violence" in the Lucky Nugget Bar. He said it "just seemed to fit".

End of quoting from Bartlett’s report.

My questions is, if Danicourt was such a good friend of Crawford, then why bring up Crawford’s troubled past of violence and say he believed Crawford beat up his wife. Why not leave out the violent past and just say he heard both sides of the story without offering an opinion as to who he believed. From Danicourt’s statements it seemed to me he and Crawford were not very good friends.

At the threethirteens.com web site it says after 30 plus years of friendship Danicourt and Crawford had a falling out. It seemed to me their friendship was rocky at best. As a matter of fact, after their falling out Danicourt went to Crawford’s house and retrieved a metal detector when Crawford wasn’t home. He then went straight to Emory Taylor and told him Crawford had murdered Dennis Brown in 1976. He also warned Taylor to watch his own back because Crawford may be gunning for him.

Danicourt thought Crawford may want to kill Taylor because Taylor and Crawford had discovered some treasure markers at Crawford‘s mining claims. Danicourt then talks Taylor into going out to Crawford’s claims and finding the treasure behind Crawford’s back. I would say Danicourt was never a very good friend to Crawford. Far from it.

I would also say Danicourt probably cut his own throat when he ran to Taylor to backstab Crawford concerning the treasure. Remember, I was on top the red hill that day when Danicourt, with his metal detector, and Taylor, with a shovel, showed up and dug up a human skull and the smooth, black, pare shaped object wrapped in a blanket. It was some three days later that Danicourt’s body was discovered in his home. He had died the night he returned home from his treasure hunting adventure with Taylor. Murder is my opinion.

Just think about it. Taylor’s a known government agent involved in the cover up of UFO information and a secret theory project. When an investigator made inquiries about what was going on at the University of North Dakota involving Taylor and the secret theory project, the investigator was threatened by government agents. He has not been heard from since. Years later Taylor was accused of stalking a girl who was interloping into a role playing game he was playing with another government agent named Roselitta. A conspiracy against Taylor developed, and the girl accused him of attempting to kill her by running her over with his car. Taylor was arrested and a criminal case ensued. Taylor and Roselitta were slated for a secret mission to Egypt and Switzerland. But with the criminal case going on Taylor could not leave the country without the courts permission. This would mean there would be a public record of the “secret” mission. This, of course, was not acceptable.

With the help of an FBI agent named Jerry Delap, the conspiracy was countered and leverage was used against the Sheriff’s department to cut a secret deal in which Taylor was arrested a second time and secretly released to undertake the mission to Egypt and Switzerland. The Sheriff’s department then sabotaged the criminal case against Taylor and he was found not guilty at trial. Retribution was taken against some individuals in positions of authority who were known to have involved themselves in the conspiracy. They either lost their jobs, faced charges, spent time in jail, or were found dead. Others escaped retribution because of the secret deal made with the Sheriff’s department through FBI agent Delap.

I think it is crystal clear. Alan Danicourt didn’t drop dead of a heart attack. He was dispatched by a government agent named Emory Taylor because he knew too much.

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Forgive me everyone. My sincere apologies.

I forgot that Jeff, Pa, and River Rat only allow pictures of


At this website. So please forgive me and accept my apologies for posting a picture of a


Again ..... I'm so so sorry. Please forgive me one and all.

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

This is a picture of Darlene Rushton.


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Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request


Rick Gwynn sat down and talked to me for awhile at the Rendezvous. While I won't divulge the details of the conversation, I can assure you that they are building a case for some unusual artifacts.

My personal opinion is that the "placer claim" is a ruse to set aside a larger area, away from the creek bed that only runs through a very small portion of the claim.

That area has been looked at, over the years, by many people. Hard to believe that what they say they have found there has been overlooked by so many. Now that I know the exact location, I will investagate further.

Joe Ribaudo

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

At Anne C. Rue's website was a book call Demise of the Rat Bas#$@* it was written by Darlene Rushton ..... she is Chuck Crawford's X wife. She told every bad thing she knew about his conman activities.

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Rushton wasn't just talking @#$% because she was divorcing Crawford. No way .............. she had the documents to prove her case against Crawford.

Like I said ............. I copied Rue's website to my hard drive. I've got it all.

Crawford was running a snake oil company.


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Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Crawford also ran an internet scam on fake securities and bogus checks.


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Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Crawford was involved in a check cashing scheme.


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Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Crawford tried to sell his wife's (Darlene Rushton's) house without her permission.

[mod]Terms of Use violation![/mod]

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request


This has turned into anything but a topic about the LDM. While much of what D.E. Is regurgitating here is based on real events that are taking place now, it seems likely that the entire project/corporation is geared to selling of as many of the 60,000,000 shares of common stock that have been issued, as possible.

The only question for me, is do they have anything worth buying into. Even though I have heard what they have found, I have yet to see anything. Before I would invest a dime in there stock, some serious experts would need to verify authenticity.

I have not heard that they are offering there stock for sale but the obvious question is why would they need to? :dontknow:

Joe Ribaudo

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Sharyn Berchok is the author of
1) Celeste Jones and the Thunder Stones
2) the Crawford Memorial website
3) the Betrayal of Black Bart

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

daringEagle said:
I have another question ................

How come the girls (dearingEagle, Anne C. Rue, Darlene Rushton, and Sharyn Berchok) are doing all the heavy lifting .............. while the guys are .............. censoring picture ................ because only pictures of GUYS are allowed here.

Hmmm - good question - but then - there is absolutely nothing to stop you from making your own website and be your own moderators ...

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Loke said:
daringEagle said:
I have another question ................

How come the girls (dearingEagle, Anne C. Rue, Darlene Rushton, and Sharyn Berchok) are doing all the heavy lifting .............. while the guys are .............. censoring picture ................ because only pictures of GUYS are allowed here.

Hmmm - good question - but then - there is absolutely nothing to stop you from making your own website and be your own moderators ...


Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and will have a great new year.

Under normal conditions, your comment would be to the point. Unfortunately, I believe D.E.'s posts are not really meant to be an exchange of information. It looks like an effort to take up space on a topic that his/her posts have nothing to do with.

I put D.E. on ignore some time ago. If they really want to stir up some interest, they should start another topic on Roman artifacts in America or some other similar subject......Good place to bring Calalus into the mix.

Happy New Year!!!


Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Let me remind everyone that for "The Lost Dutchman's Mine" there are 151 topics. If you don't like what's being said here, then there are 150 other topics. So please put this 1 on ignore and have fun at the other 150 topics.

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