St. Jerome said:
I am deciding to post here with a question. I would of posted on a more proper topic but they are all taken up by some rambling type mega ego tripper types that have gone way off the mark and so this is as good as any. No offence to anyone but if the shoe fits someone is wearing it. Here is my question. Is there any real proof that the peralta stones lead to the ldm? Other than that they were found in the supperstitions? I believe they are a map to a place where there are many hidden mines and caches. Im not sure I believe it is the waltz mine though. Unless he left a pan on top of a hill by the mine. And then there is more than one site to locate from the stones.
now lets set aside the personal debate .. and i will answer your questions from what i know my self to be true ..
1 ST: " Is there any real proof that the peralta stones lead to the ldm? "
BB:in fact yes there is .. you know my opioion on the true name of the stones .. most know them as the Peralta stones .. most likely they get this name because of Waltz's accounts of the Peralta minners at their camp .. now is this the truth from Waltz or is it a off shoot from the dick holmes account .. in my opioion it real no longer matters to me .. why because i can in fact prove Waltz account is true of the mine and the peralta camp site .. but with one under standing that goes beyond just the prove at hand .. it could be very well true that the account Waltz told dick holmes was dirrectly from waltz frist hand past ..with one reason that stands out .. the mines that the peralta were working were not Peralta mines at all ..
they had been past to the chruch , how the peralta got the location of these mines is still unknown..
but if these mines are in fact the Ma and Pa mines they were under the control of the Jesuits at the time they were frist named as the Ma and Pa mines .
in the described plot i out line ,, i stated the jesuit had been the creaters of the stones out lineing the details of the plot to send the stones to the pope Urban the 8th .. . the plot went south with someone finding out that the vicroy was talking to the portugese rebels .indirrectly . and he was sent to peru and shortly after the pope Urban the 8th died makeing holding on to the stones very dangerous to anyone . so the stones were hidden away and the Tayopa treasure trove list and letter became a closeing for the jesuit to some time in the future reclam the treasures .. but the codes were so complex and the main group that had wisdom of the stones was masscerd at tayopa .. so in fact the only real truth we can prove is the jesuits and Spainish had been working the mine or were at these sites when the masscerd took place .. we can judge the masscerd did in fact happen as did many threw the years .. but the fact i am trying to point out is the mines were under the control of the spainish and the jesuits when it was named Tayopa . and the mines were named the Ma and Pa . after Marry and Jesus
now to answer your question with a more clear under standing of the Peralta relationship to the mine and the history of the mines them selfs ..
it is a matter of what you beleive is posable vs what is the most logical ..
IMHO the mines , speaking dirrectly about the 4 main sites .. the Ma and Pa ,the paramo placer and the hoya are part of the Tayopa minis ,now with the under standing that Tayopa was and still is in two diffrent locations and was spelled in more then 2 or 3 diffrent ways to confuse where these mines were located ..
i beleive the Ma and Pa mines were in fact native American secert sites before they became the mines known as the Ma and Pa ..
IMHO the answer to your question is YES ! and yes i can in fact used the stones translations and pinpiont all 4 of the mines ..
and at lest 3 if not 4 treasures cache and troves ..
now one mans treasure is a nother mans junk .. in this case ,a native american secert place is a treasure as well as any gold mine could ever be ..and is something beyond full respect & honer ...
it is clear to me with out any dout what so ever that Watlz did in fact have a mine and did in fact get it the way this account stated he did and that the mine was in fact real and is in fact the true Ma mine of Tayopa .and yes when it is time i will be more then willing to not only point the mine out i will prove everything i have outlined is true in this statement to you ...
"Unless he left a pan on top of a hill by the mine." these is a interesting clue .. and i do know what it means
the point i was trying to make is you need to under stand what the stones are and who made them and why ..before the truth becomes clear . the translation is a pain in the A** . if you ask me .. but one word or one letter can send you in a totally diffrent dirrection ..
it will be well worth the time effect and money to find out just what is at these sites and if i can work even for a few hours with out danger or distractions ,, what will i uncover ..i know i coverd over 15 miles and i found dozens of interesting objects and evidence but i isolated what i know is man made .. i still beieve one of the rocks i recoverd is a peice of rare osedain ... its gem level and it did not come from the area where it was found .. i dont beleive i showed a photo of it here at the site .. it looks to be one of two things .. arrow head raw stock or some kind of tool was found a few yards away from the wall of dreams ... maybe i can take a few clear pictures and someone here at the site would know what it is ..if it is a tool ..