Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

HAHAHAHA, nut job yes Fella no,
i thought it was a female version of BB on speed,

HeHeHe i'm still laughing at the last few posts,

HaHaHaHappy new year all,


Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
gosh guys, these days no one knows, or can be sure. sniff Mules are safer.

Don Jose de La Mancha
"I exist to Live, not live to exist

p.s goils --> :dontknow: :icon_scratch: :read2: :read2: :coffee2: :read2: :read2: :sign13:ls

guys -->:dontknow: :icon_scratch: :read2: :read2: :coffee2: :read2: :read2: : :sign13:

Yer right, THERE IS a difference.

Don't fret, Don Jose. It could still be a shehe... :wink:

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Don't take it so hard Don Jose, and may your poor mule forgive you.

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request


You might try actually reading the posts then people like cactusjumper wouldn't have such an easy time leading you astray. Then again ...... you do live in Apache Junction ....... so I guess this isn't the first time you've been led astray. :laughing9:

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

joe did call DE ,,"D. (Dense) Eagle" that is not in line with the site rules .. :coffee2:

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request


Just for the record, a friend of mine took a ride out to the Holy Stones claim yesterday. It is partly on State Trust Land as well as BLM land. It's unlikely that any kind of filing has been done with the Trust Land office as it's difficult to get any permits from them. Another claim closer to the Wilderness Area, on BLM land, has had some activity. If anything goes on in that area, my friend will know about it.

This thing smells more and more like a scam to separate some folks from their money. From day one this guy has been trying to convince us all that Holy Stones has something of value that we should all be interested in. If not for investors, what else could it be? I know he has said you can't invest in the Corporation, but if they are not going to be sold, why were so many shares of stock issued? :dontknow:

Take care


Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

cactusjumper said:

Just for the record, a friend of mine took a ride out to the Holy Stones claim yesterday. It is partly on State Trust Land as well as BLM land. It's unlikely that any kind of filing has been done with the Trust Land office as it's difficult to get any permits from them. Another claim closer to the Wilderness Area, on BLM land, has had some activity. If anything goes on in that area, my friend will know about it.

This thing smells more and more like a scam to separate some folks from their money. From day one this guy has been trying to convince us all that Holy Stones has something of value that we should all be interested in. If not for investors, what else could it be? I know he has said you can't invest in the Corporation, but if they are not going to be sold, why were so many shares of stock issued? :dontknow:

Take care


good way to change the subject but good point and i do agree with your over sight . there is nothing to gain by setting forth a path in this way other then your statement above .. at first i felt you were trying to locect any data you could any way you could and you were useing many of the people around you to do just that .. now i know you are .. so i dont really care what you do and you may be correct about DE 's motive .. but DE is not doing anything more then you are ..

you just told us you got info about the area in question threw those you know .. where is there any diffrence between that and what DE 's doing .. who knows what DE"s goals are .. who really cares other then DE...?

unless DE comes out and ask you for money will it really matter any more then you running around behind close doors with your little group of friends collecting data any chance you get .. no it wont ...lol

the fact is i told you years ago joe your theory was wrong .. the dagger dose not point north .. and i proved it you just dont under stand my reply yet ...

i also had many questions for DE .. and most were noit answerd .. buts thats up to DE ..

i really dont see how you are any diffrent joe from DE ..

i am shocked you posted that joe .. people here are not as crazy as you think their are .. you just told us .. you were interested enough to check up on the story and what was going on out there .. i think you do that more then you will say ...

you just told DE because you want to misleed the forum from the post at hand ..

you like to change the subject .. i can see why ...

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

daringEagle said:

You might try actually reading the posts then people like cactusjumper wouldn't have such an easy time leading you astray. Then again ...... you do live in Apache Junction ....... so I guess this isn't the first time you've been led astray. :laughing9:

DUDE :headbang: You really seem to have a problem with us Meth Smokin Truck Drivers here in Apache Junction don't you !!!! :laughing9: :tongue3:


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Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

cactusjumper said:
....... This thing smells more and more like a scam to separate some folks from their money. From day one this guy has been trying to convince us all that Holy Stones has something of value that we should all be interested in. If not for investors, what else could it be? I know he has said you can't invest in the Corporation, but if they are not going to be sold, why were so many shares of stock issued? :dontknow: ....

Even though a corporation's issued stock may not available to the public, shares can be sold to private investors. Since there's a sucker born every minute, there's theoretically quite a number of potential investors available to any corporation. A proper dog and pony show presented to some dummy with more money than brains may prove lucrative. Another thing - a corporation shields its principals and officers from personal legal liabilities resulting from the corporation's activities. In other words, you can sue a corporation for, let's say, fraud - but you can't sue the people involved in said alleged fraud. Many corpoarations are just legal shells with little or no tangible assets. You might win a lawsuit against an empty shell, but there will be nothing to collect.

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request



Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Springfield said:
cactusjumper said:
....... This thing smells more and more like a scam to separate some folks from their money. From day one this guy has been trying to convince us all that Holy Stones has something of value that we should all be interested in. If not for investors, what else could it be? I know he has said you can't invest in the Corporation, but if they are not going to be sold, why were so many shares of stock issued? :dontknow: ....

Even though a corporation's issued stock may not available to the public, shares can be sold to private investors. Since there's a sucker born every minute, there's theoretically quite a number of potential investors available to any corporation. A proper dog and pony show presented to some dummy with more money than brains may prove lucrative. Another thing - a corporation shields its principals and officers from personal legal liabilities resulting from the corporation's activities. In other words, you can sue a corporation for, let's say, fraud - but you can't sue the people involved in said alleged fraud. Many corpoarations are just legal shells with little or no tangible assets. You might win a lawsuit against an empty shell, but there will be nothing to collect.

very true ,and well stated .. the only part you left out is the part where about 80% of the people do these types of frauds end up in jail for long trem stay or they end dead and there killer is most likely never caught because they knew or had family effected by the fraud ,, and god for bit the people that created the fraud here family members of the said cort or town leaders ... you get the idea so will the people of a fraud ....lol the seed money put up by this group tells us the fraud theory is clear ,is it a fraud .. good question ,, but there are other reasons for this type of activities , one is a taxs write off by the over all group or people with in the group ..and if they have sold any shares out side the group there would be taxs recorded someone at the towncort house..

the corp would have to be local to the area of the claims and those names of the corp would have to be on record on said tax records ..

so what would they be hideing if anything

the scam and run .. that no longer works in todays modern world ,most often this type of scam would brake more laws then it would be worth to take in founds ...it may sound like a lot of investment but its no more then a seed bit to a real corp .. or someone like my self ...

joe money bags joe lol..

the point is .. this corp is nothing untill it dose sell or has sold stock ...fact ..

all the data above may be interesting but .. its like joe theories .. a lot of back ground data .. but no logic behind it ...

sorry joe i was just useing that as a example .. your a stand up treasurehunter and i should not group you in the same line of thaught as this group of people in the corp ..unless you are one of them ..lol

who knows ..enough of the beat joe up because its fun ..

the fact is DE i have seen a lot people come and go from this site over the years .. those that can take it and some that can not .. some that have to have the last word and some that refuse to walk away when the timeing is good ..

some that think they know more then this group of TH or some that just are smarter that dont realize whos running the site and why ..

thew fact is we are all guest at the site ..

and who runs the site could even be one of the corp .. who knows who cares? the fact remains .. do you want to keep posting here at the site or will you let them change your future by banding you from speaking here ..

re dirrect your goal and stay posting .. or the mods will correct the future of your post .. see i may not agree with 90% of what goes on at this site by a few people but i do know and under stand why its happening .. and i use that more then they know ..

bait is a funny thing .. it can catch the fish or get it to notice your hook ,, the only diffrence is catch and release

so are you feeding or just enjoying the action ..?

i may like joe and what he dose for the TH over all .. it dose not mean i would tell him that because i know he is wrong about his theories and he misleeds people by standing by those theories its like the old 45 on the card table .. it tells people where your at even if you never get the chance to use it ...or even if its not loaded with the hammer back or the slide drawn ...

think before you post again ..

the back ground research you have done is interesting fireing into the dark is not ..

leave that for the blind...

we are not afrade of the dark ...with in one year this legend will be over and the real DLM will be made public . and none of this will matter ..

good luck ..

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

cactusjumper said:

Just for the record, a friend of mine took a ride out to the Holy Stones claim yesterday. It is partly on State Trust Land as well as BLM land. It's unlikely that any kind of filing has been done with the Trust Land office as it's difficult to get any permits from them. Another claim closer to the Wilderness Area, on BLM land, has had some activity. If anything goes on in that area, my friend will know about it.

This thing smells more and more like a scam to separate some folks from their money. From day one this guy has been trying to convince us all that Holy Stones has something of value that we should all be interested in. If not for investors, what else could it be? I know he has said you can't invest in the Corporation, but if they are not going to be sold, why were so many shares of stock issued? :dontknow:

Take care



Looking up just a little information on Holy Stones Inc. and it's articles of incorporation answers at least some of the questions...

"The Corporation initially intends to conduct the business of:

1) Locate and market German Holy Stones
2) Write and publish for sale books about German Holy Stones, and treasure hunting and prospecting
3) Rental of safety deposit boxes
4) Sale of esoteric / occult / pagan apparel
5) Research and establish a research library

Authorized to issue 60,000,000 shares of common stock"

Nothing wrong with trying to make a dime imho, but as Springfield pointed out in his post, it only takes a few "investors" to make someone rich.

Oh, and they failed to publish their 2010 annual report due in October so they are considered "not in good standing."

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Cubfan64 said:
cactusjumper said:

Just for the record, a friend of mine took a ride out to the Holy Stones claim yesterday. It is partly on State Trust Land as well as BLM land. It's unlikely that any kind of filing has been done with the Trust Land office as it's difficult to get any permits from them. Another claim closer to the Wilderness Area, on BLM land, has had some activity. If anything goes on in that area, my friend will know about it.

This thing smells more and more like a scam to separate some folks from their money. From day one this guy has been trying to convince us all that Holy Stones has something of value that we should all be interested in. If not for investors, what else could it be? I know he has said you can't invest in the Corporation, but if they are not going to be sold, why were so many shares of stock issued? :dontknow:

Take care



Looking up just a little information on Holy Stones Inc. and it's articles of incorporation answers at least some of the questions...

"The Corporation initially intends to conduct the business of:

1) Locate and market German Holy Stones
2) Write and publish for sale books about German Holy Stones, and treasure hunting and prospecting
3) Rental of safety deposit boxes
4) Sale of esoteric / occult / pagan apparel
5) Research and establish a research library

Authorized to issue 60,000,000 shares of common stock"

Nothing wrong with trying to make a dime imho, but as Springfield pointed out in his post, it only takes a few "investors" to make someone rich.

or it only takes one act of neutrition to see if someone is trust worthy enough to share one of the richest mines in the world ! seting on a mt may mean more then you could under stand .. your replies to me cost you more then you will know ... i wish you well CuB ... good luck ..

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Cubfan64 said:
3) Rental of safety deposit boxes
This just has me laughing ;D

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

SGnAZ said:
Cubfan64 said:
3) Rental of safety deposit boxes
This just has me laughing ;D

you really need a corp for that ...lol

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request


You can call me Dude or Guy if you want. It changes nothing.

Here is a direct quote from cactus jumper.

“This thing smells more and more like a scam to separate some folks from their money. From day one this guy has been trying to convince us all that Holy Stones has something of value that we should all be interested in. If not for investors, what else could it be? I know he has said you can't invest in the Corporation, but if they are not going to be sold, why were so many shares of stock issued?”

Cactusjumper’s statement is another indication he doesn’t actually read the posts. I’ve said more than once as far as I could find out the ONLY sale was to be to European Masonic/NeoNazi group. So of course there was/is a sale but not to anyone here in USA.

If your not a European Masonic/NeoNazi group then there is nothing for you to buy, or invest into.

Cactusjumper said “From day one this guy has been trying to convince us all that Holy Stones has something of value that we should all be interested in.” This is not true. It’s another indication he doesn’t actually read the post. A part of what I’ve been doing is te3lling the readers at this forum about events that are transpiring involving Holy Stones Inc and the Superstitions.

German holy stones are only of value to European Masonic/NeoNazi group, and Holy Stones Inc will not let anyone buy or invest unless you are a European Masonic/NeoNazi group.

So cactusjumper’s idea my posts are a scam is absolutely wrong.

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request


You too can call me Dude or Guy if you want. It changes nothing.

This is a direct quote from T.Parker.

“You mess with me you mess with the whole trailer park.”

Oh, my God! Not only do you live in Apache Junction but you also live in a TRAILER PARK!

No wonder you don’t actually read the posts.

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

To the Moderator
Here is a direct quote from the Moderator

Moderator Comment DARING EAGLE,

Isn't is funny how the GUYS are allowed to provoke and offend me
but I'm the only one not allowed to befend myself. All the GUYS
can attack, provoke, insult, and deliberately offend all they
want. But I'm not allowed to defend myself.

Here is an example.

Cactusjumper continually says my posts are a SCAM, but he's been
repeated told I'm not selling anything, and as far as I've been
able to find out no one can buy or invest from or in Holy Stones
Inc unless your a european masonic/neonazi group.

cactusjumper's continually saying my posts are a scam is
nothing more than a deliberate attack to provoke me.

If cactusjumper were doing something other than deliberately
attacking in order to provoke me, then he would have contacted
Holy Stones Inc and attempted it buy and or invest, and then
reported his finding by posting it at this forum.

Cactusjumper has not do this because his continually saying
my posts are a scam is noothing other than a deliberate attack
to provoke me.

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Emory Taylor of Holy Stones Inc has a website and his email address is posted for the general public. So anyone who wants to can email him.

His email address is emorytaylor@threethirteens.com

Anyone who actuall believes cactusjumper's continual claim that my post are nothing but a scam can email Taylor and inquire about buying or investing.

Again I say the only reason cactusjumper hasn't email Taylor, or if he has emailed Taylor, he hasn't posted about it, is because cactusjumper's continual claim my posts are nothing but a scam is a deliberate attack intended to provoke me.


NO! The moderator only insist that I not be able to defend myself.

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