Well it wasn't exactly a dumpster but I'll relay the finds anyway. A few years back a cousin of mine past away and his nephews and niece came to clean out his huge house. He had a rocking chair that my mother really wanted so I agreed to take her to see if she could get it, reluctantly I must admit but she was 83 years old at the time. When we arrived we entered through the kitchen entrance and almost fell over a pile of stuff that they had stacked up. After a little conversation, catching up on old times, etc. I had seen an old deed box on the floor and so I asked what that pile of stuff was. They replied that they were going to haul it to the "green box" (what we call dumpsters here in SW Virginia) and if I saw anything in there that I wanted to help myself.
I headed for the trash pile while my mother bargained for the rocking chair in the living room. Of course I checked out the deed box first thing and my breath was taken away when I opened it and the first thing I saw was an envelope with a Confederate stamp on it. I quicky closed the box and bagged it. The next thing I found was a pint jar full of old fountain pens, Parkers mostly. They were bagged also. Although I sifted through the rest of the stuff nothing else of interest came to sight so I quickly took my finds to the car then went back in and visited for a while. When we left I drove as fast as I could back home to inspect what was in the deed box.
There was a total of 18 Confederate letters! All but two had original envelopes with them and I was estatic. A quick check of Ebay said that the Parker pens were well worth hauling home also. Anyway I Ebayed the letters as a lot and got right at $2,000 for them and the pens brought in a cool $450. To think, I didn't want to go down there.