Dr Tones using Equinox at the beach (video)

I’ve watched hundreds of videos of guys detecting in Hawaii and never once heard or complained of military EMI. If it was notorious in Hawaii and not one video I’ve ever seen, I’ve never heard a Detectorist talk about military EMI. This is new to me. Please explain more.
If there is a Coast Guard or naval stations or Naval ships there is EMI.

It isn't constant, it is there when stations are broadcasting to ships. It is bad in the Cape May NJ area, several Coast Guard stations there.

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It's a consideration. Less of an issue when operating at HF. EMI is very site specific. Wish I never brought it up.

Not bashing bud, not me! I’ve just never heard of military EMI. Only military EMI I know of is called Extra Military Instruction when a soldier is out of line.

I assumed it means Electronic Military Interference ( but I never went to college)

No, it's a good point in bringing it up. I was referring to the Coast Guard station at Indian River Inlet, Delaware and also the one at Ocean City, MD. I think the Ocean City one is 1/2 mile from the public use area at the south of the boardwalk, right near the inlet. So if their emi was a problem a lot of people would have a problem, and all that electricity buzzing around with the amusement rides, etc. None of my machines ever had a problem with EMI, including the ones back in the 80's. All were vlf.

Treasure Hunter, I detect directly across the bay at Lewes from Cape May. No problems there. I wonder how far it reaches.

Brandon, AKA “Dr Tones” is a spokes person for the Minelab treasure blog and has his own YouTube channel. I’ve watched many of his vids. Funny guy and I doubt he’s looking for charity. I agree it wasn’t the greatest test video but soon their will be lots to watch.

An honest response can seem like negativity. The video sucked in content compared to the title of it. Seems like he is after a charity go-pro from someone. Might just get it too. :)

a guy vacationing in hawaii wants a free gopro? confessor, please do not imply that Tnet members have bad motives

Oh, I did remember one case of EMI, now that I thought about it. In Baltimore City, at a park, there was a huge electrical transformer on the ground buzzing and humming and I could hear it in the headphones at about 20 feet away, but could still detect. Thing was a little smaller than a Hugo.


My cat buys me stuff on the Interwebs all the time.

Main sources of EMI for detectorists are typically overhead and undegrround power lines and your buddy's detector or cell phone or higher powered walkie talkie. "Invisible" Electric Dog fences can render a site practically undetectable as can some electrified cattle fences. Transformers boxes (especially if they have faulty insulation and shielding), as Smokey pointed out, will also cause issues. In dense, suburban and urban settings, you are subject to WiFi transmitters, fluorescents, microwave ovens, cell phone towers, and portable generators. As Treasure Hunter pointed out radar installations and high power over-the-horizon radio transmitters (both military and civilian) can cause issues intermittent and continuous depending upon the source (these are prevalent in Hawaii and was why I brought it up). How much is really unanswerable and is very site specific. It was a mistake for me to bring it up in the context that just because we could not hear it on the video means that Equinox was immune. To make that definitive of a statement there had to be a known source corroborated with a known receiver of the interference (say another "more susceptible" metal detector). So the logical leap, in this case, was false. But that also doesn't mean that detectors are not susceptible in Hawaii, but probably more so on Oahu where most of the military presence is resides. HTH helps. Sorry it caused a dust up.

No, it's a good point in bringing it up. I was referring to the Coast Guard station at Indian River Inlet, Delaware and also the one at Ocean City, MD. I think the Ocean City one is 1/2 mile from the public use area at the south of the boardwalk, right near the inlet. So if their emi was a problem a lot of people would have a problem, and all that electricity buzzing around with the amusement rides, etc. None of my machines ever had a problem with EMI, including the ones back in the 80's. All were vlf.

Treasure Hunter, I detect directly across the bay at Lewes from Cape May. No problems there. I wonder how far it reaches.
I have talked to at least a half dozen people hunting there reporting interference, they even reported it to Minelab. As I said it is no t constant, it happens when they are broadcasting to ships at sea.

I've seen it from high power electrical lines, the tall tower lines that run through the city and county.

After watching the video, my opinion is the volcanic, highly mineralized soil may be affecting the Equinox and causing the chatter. Not so much the EMI but really hard to tell without being able to hunt the area more than a few times.

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Commercial aircraft, military aircraft, ships, and DOD bases have loads of emi emitters.
Not to mention all the likely hotels in the area.
Security systems, cell towers, etc.

It was just one short video.
Folks shouldn't be basing their purchase decision on this little video if they are still uncertain of the detector's performance or capabilities.
Might as well wait and let the general public use and post.
A trend will develop with time.

Pretty much common sense.

We shouldn't shoot the messengers.

I don't think Dr Tones could actually do a video using Equinox and satisfy all folks.
Just too many venues, and different soils, etc for one video to show all the positives and yes even the negatives.
And I don't know if Brandon indeed has a final production unit.

Neither my Deus nor the Cibola have a problem with any EMI except for that huge transformer sitting in the park in MD. And this year, I'm not renewing my park permit, so that one won't matter. Thirty five years ago, digging Brandywine battlefield in PA, I'd get a buzz on the old Lobo when a commercial jet went over heading for the Philly airport, but it was only momentary, and was not a problem.

Treasure Hunter, is it a brand specific problem? I don't have any other machines at the moment, but when I had the Whites and Garretts, they never gave me a problem. I just don't know. Some of the newer brands I haven't tried. Still can't figure out how to swing more than 1 at a time.

Tnsharpshooter, you are correct, no one should buy any machine based on a video seen on youtube or elsewhere.

I do watch some of the youtube videos. I would not buy a machine based on anybody's video. They are informative, but everyone's needs are different and not all machines are created equal, as all diggers and digging locations are not equal either. I really do like seeing the machine in action before I buy one. There are probably 8-10 different machines I have eliminated from buying instantly due to one thing or another after seeing them in action, from numerous manufacturers.

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You are right, I mistakenly thought he was on Oahu not the Big Island. But there is a relatively significant US Military presence in Hawaii including relatively large RF emitters. Glad you know better than me. Thanks for setting me straight.

Good, you need to stay. I shouldn't say (or rather type) this out loud, but.......OK, I look for your comments, always good, always informative. There, I said it, not going to say it again.

Thanks, man. Probably over reacted but just really surprised at all the negativity that was flying around in this thread. Brandon put an honest video out there, I though that took guts. He could have easily never posted it and people would be none the wiser. The only point I was trying to make is that when viewing these videos, sometimes folks need to look beyond the finds and pay attention to how the detector is behaving in that environment. That will sometimes tell you A LOT more than what the detectorists just happened to pass his coil over, junk and keepers alike.

What military EMI?? All it said was there used to be a practise base. There wouldn’t be any electrical interference from military hardware left in the ground. EMI is caused from a surrounding electrical current. Wires, underground cables, another detector near by. Unless the military left live electrical devises on the island which I doubt. So there would be no “military” EMI

I realise now what you were talking about after seeing the video again, the hand grenade sign Brandon showed. I wasn't referring to that (and hadn't even noticed it the first go around), just Hawaii and the military installations there in general.

I had to watch it again to see the unexploded ordnance sign. Overall, somebody's probably going to find a nice Go Pro! The hunt itself seemed pretty average. Machine seemed to work just fine. I like pocket spills. May go to the beach this weekend coming if it warms as expected.

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