Dr. Siegfried Schagrules Arthritis Remedy

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

RGINN said:
Stefen, how does that DMSO work? Or does it? It was the big thing in the 80's, and I had some friends that tried it, but with no results to speak of.

Basically, DMSO is a liquid carrier of medication used predominently for animals, specifically horses. Instead of giving a shot or an oral medication to a horse, lets say for muscle or joint pain, you would add liquid aspirin to DMSO and place it in the vicinity of the muscle or joint. The DMSO then carries the meds directly to where its needed...instantly.

DMSO is not approved for human use, however, it has been known to be used on the Q-T with great success...

The problem is that a person may over-medicate themselves and experience some very significant consequences.

I have personally used DMSO for treating my horses, although I use rubber gloves, there has been several ocassions when I have splashed linament onto my bare arms...not a fun experience.

Being an insulin-dependent diabetic, I am reluctant to experiment with self-medication due to reactions with the insulin and oral meds. Although the use of raisins and gin could be considered by some as self-medicating

I have attached a site that may answer more of your questions:


Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

There's one point about the gin soaked raisins that should be cleared up. Soaking then draining the liquid allows the ALHOHOL to evaporate. The only thing that's left is the combination of raisin goodie and the juniper berry goodie----no alcohol is left.

I don't know how this raisin remedy would react with insulin, but just eating about 10 raisins each day doesn't seem dangerous. My mother still takes prescription meds for blood pressure control and will still take an occasional Celebrex when she "over does it" in exercise. (a lot of walking while shopping or working in the yard) She's told many people how the raisin remedy has improved her knee health. She says that she could tell when there was a change in the weather because her knees would start aching. Now, she doesn't get that "warning". ;D

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

Took my first dose this evening. :icon_thumright:

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

Drawbacks I've noticed and thought of since first post. I get to feeling good and forget to take my raisens. That means i have to do the waiting period to get full benefit again. Bad idea. Keep taking the raisens even after you feel better and you should continue to feel good. Second problem is alcoholics on the wagon. I do not recommend that they do this for the simple fact that if they could stop at just a few drinks they would not be alcoholics. I'd hate to think that they relapsed over a home remedy. Those folks should ask the witch doctors for something they can take which does not contain alcohol. siegfried schlagrule

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

Texastee, let those raisins soak for at least 10 days, then drain, put them into a zip lock bag and store in your refrigerator as you use them.

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

There is another folk remedy recipe that is supposed to reduce arthritis pain - haven't experienced it myself, so can't testify.

Mix CERTO (3/4 tsp. powder or 2 tsp. liquid) in 3 oz. 100% grape juice (purple, unsweetened) and drink.
- 3 times per day to start; as pain disappears, gradually reduce to 1 tsp. (liquid) in 3 oz. juice twice per day.

This may give an earlier start to treatment for those who don't want to wait the week for the raisins soaking.

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

TT, a 15 oz box of Golden Raisins last my mother and me about 4-5 weeks and I try to gauge the time so that I can have the next soaked batch ready to continue on.

I don't know about the cranberries.

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

I don't know if cranberries help in SS's recipe, but, they are the ultimate in preventing and also curing, bladder infections and preventing kidney stones and kidney infections. (especially for women).

After my kidney stone (I'd rather have child birth 20 times to once of THAT deal), the docs had me drink all the cranberry juice (had to be 100%) that I could manage. I still drink some almost every day. (about a half gallon a week).


Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

Mrs. O:
I had a kidney stone about 12 years ago and YEP, the word "pain" doesn't describe it at ALL. :thumbsup:

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

texastee2007 said:
I may try this for my husband....I have to go to town tomorrow...being non drinkers, is there different kinds of gin?

Three kinds of gin:

( Yes, I know the real spellingis Nitorgen, Hydrogen, Oxygen) :tongue3:

But I don't think that is the type he was referring to. :laughing7:

I do not like the taste of gin, but if I had joint pain, I would definately give the rasins and gin a try. As the posts above have said, it is known to help. Let us know how it works for you.

Ray S ECenFL

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

Ray S ECenFL said:
texastee2007 said:
I may try this for my husband....I have to go to town tomorrow...being non drinkers, is there different kinds of gin?

Three kinds of gin:

( Yes, I know the real spellingis Nitorgen, Hydrogen, Oxygen) :tongue3:

But I don't think that is the type he was referring to. :laughing7:

I do not like the taste of gin, but if I had joint pain, I would definately give the rasins and gin a try. As the posts above have said, it is known to help. Let us know how it works for you.

Ray S ECenFL

:laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: Good one Ray

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

What is Emu Blue? I have never heard of it.

Sounds like you came up with a miracle potion.

Ray S ECenFL

Never mind... I googled it....


Ray S

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

DMSO penetrates too but there are bad side effects so emu would be better. Do there "milk" or kill them to make it? siegfried schlagrule

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

Emu's cannot be milked...

Having said that, the oil is derived from a thick pad of fat on the back of the bird as nature way to protect it from extreme temperatures.

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

Big breasts though ;D

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

Here's a questrion for you...what do male emu's carry in their pouches? To what age?

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

5 weeks on the raisins so far and it really seems to be helping, something is anyway. I have not changed my routine at all, in fact it would be worse with the snow and ice I've been walking on. I'm going to continue with it. :icon_thumright:

Anyone else try this?

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

Tee - Sounds like things may be a notch better for you. I know you have the faith, you just have to spend the time. You and your husband are receiving prayers and best wished from so many.

Not sure I want to know what you could have done to break your knee in such a way. That description hurts just reading it.

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

Good afternoon:down here they put the tips and the most potent parts of the marijuana plant in a jar of alcohol then let it sit for a week. To use they merely dip a cloth into the alky and rub the afflicted area. Apparently it works every time.

Don Jose de La Mancha

ps. Beth who is that pathetic looking mimicker of a bad lands character manhandling those beautiful doggies? As usual, he need a haircut.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

texastee2007 said:
DigginThePast said:
Tee - Sounds like things may be a notch better for you. I know you have the faith, you just have to spend the time. You and your husband are receiving prayers and best wished from so many.

Not sure I want to know what you could have done to break your knee in such a way. That description hurts just reading it.

1) Cow kicked me while doctoring her for hoof rot...kicked me right through the squeeze chute.
2) Working for tree service and told the owner that the Oak tree limb was not roped correctly....He cut limb anyway and tree limb came down and pulled me into tree trunk...I looked down and my kneecap was on the side of my leg...adjusted it back where it belonged and wrapped it with duct tape kept taped for 4 weeks.
3) Walking through barn to feed cows...board sticking out caught foot in dark landed on small rock that was on top of cement floor...shattered knee cap....wrapped in duct tape and set and cried a bit. that time it took about a year to heal.


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