
Incidentally REd rock, on the color picture you ndicated a square, it might interest you to know that is a rich Gold mine -- Naranjal -- with many Gold bars stacked inside.
I think the black square was a possible death trap, from my file of definitions again for black......the square (rectangle) here on this color has a different meaning.

"Black outline circle around other marked places, indicates this site is the most significant (a small solid filled circle inside another marking, pinpoints the exact location). At locations believed to have been used by bandits or outlaw gangs, indicates possible sites used by them. Black rectangle outline boxes show danger, death traps, explosive devices, bombs, or live ammunition."

For some reason the last of your attachments aren't displaying.....maybe you can try the go advance to find the manage attachments tab, that never seems to fail on photo uploads.

Hello Red Desrt, rock hound, This was a series of pictures for you to [ractice on,ones that can be verified, Thanks for your coperation,

I noticed that Red they generally come through nicely ??

want some more of a different locality ??

Interesting on your square. So far we haven't atempted to touch it. Will keep you up to date, and will be careful when & if..

Old Trail  a.jpg Cerro del Cura, tunnel system shown.jpg opur team taking a break.jpgSun sign.jpg

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Good morning Red Desert, Here is the last thing, one in which you sparked my curiosity
dowse Post # 22, not these


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Post #22 the attachment didn't display. Here are a couple signals from these 2 pics.


  • door to Tayopa©@-Real de Tayopa.jpg
    door to Tayopa©@-Real de Tayopa.jpg
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  • photo Tayopa-Real de Tayopa.jpg
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Yes, that was a circle down there.


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    photo Tayopa-Real de Tayopa2.jpg
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Red, I have played with remote dowsng greatly in the past, you are doing fine, your pretty good, almost 100 %

A game that I used to play was identifying the color of the intimate clothing of woman posters, I was quite successful = there was no hanky panky involved. nor is there any here. you are darn good Red.,

As I have always stated dowsing is a natural survival skill- any thng can be dowsed, and fancy rods Etc. arent needed, in fact you can subsitute your hands, or any part of your body, as an indicator. Although a pendulem can be used. with a pncil used to focas travel over the map,..while using the pendulem movement as a reactive signal

What is your technique ??

Red, I have played with remote dowsng greatly in the past, you are doing fine, your pretty good, almost 100 %

A game that I used to play was identifying the color of the intimate clothing of woman posters, I was quite successful = there was no hanky panky involved. nor is there any here. you are darn good Red.,

As I have always stated dowsing is a natural survival skill- any thng can be dowsed, and fancy rods Etc. arent needed, in fact you can subsitute your hands, or any part of your body, as an indicator. Although a pendulem can be used. with a pncil used to focas travel over the map,..while using the pendulem movement as a reactive signal

What is your technique ??
I've been asked that question quite a few times, it is easier to post a couple links for attempts to explain.....put all of them together and you might have a partial answer.

For marking a printed map using a pendulum.


On the forum here, I'll normally take a small pair of light bronze L-rods and pinpoint signals of enlarged map on a 29" flat screen external from the laptop.

I don't think there is a formula to get map dowsing results apart from a good meditation. Try to keep negativity out of the formula. If you made your own rods, might want to purify them. I've never put a meditation technique on here, but finally make one now. Actually, this is the same one I posted on my site the other day.

For those who use quartz crystals in meditation, here is a crystal triangle. Place 3 larger quartz crystals on the floor, spaced far enough apart to be sitting close to the center of this triangle. Points of crystal should be toward the triangle center. In front of you, put a 4th crystal pointing away from you.

I like to start by putting the first crystal at the east, which will be the direction to face when meditating. Visualize this triangle in your mind as becoming a pyramid of light. Then use a meditation familiar to you (especially the one of the traditional chakra meditations).


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