dowsing this pics please!

I think you are right about there being quartz need to check the white rock, it sure has the appearance of veins.

I know of at least twice on dowsed maps for T-Net members I've marked old gold mine shafts as archaeological. The old mine shafts are archaelogical since the rock has been altered and parts of the vein plain quartz which is non-metallic. My archaeological definition does include such targets as altered rocks.

If the white rock is quartz, we will need to check more areas to see if any contain gold or sufficient amounts to make mining worth while. The 2 yellow boxes I think are what you made, but my yellowish green boxes left and down show signs of the white rock also.


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Sure does look like quartz to me.


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Thanks red desert, i am going to get some close-up quality pics for you but will take some time.
Yes the yellow box i made just to give you some direction/indication on what i am revering to.
Yes there is some nice quartz veins on the farm.

gold flake i getting 3 rich vein's in this picture, good luck.22- gold flakecrop1 (Large).webp

It takes thin veins to erode away and form a gold placer. Thick veins, if you can find a couple containing gold (in the right geology) might be extremely rich in parts containing the gold.

A good example of thick quartz veins in the US is in Needles Cayon area of Arizona. There are fissures, quartz veins around where people search for the Lost Dutchman mine, but it formed no gold placers. The LDM had some very rich gold ore the Dutchman mined from the veins.

You would understand the geology better in South Africa and what potential there might be for quartz veins in this area. Good luck and we will look at or even check the photos by dowsing.

Very interesting red desert
What did the rods do to actually say "rich gold veins" ?
What made you pick them up (gold veins)
This would/could be a completely different ball game
I am just waiting for the climate to cool down because you wont last 3 hours in that mountain heat
It takes thin veins to erode away and form a gold placer. Thick veins, if you can find a couple containing gold (in the right geology) might be extremely rich in parts containing the gold.

A good example of thick quartz veins in the US is in Needles Cayon area of Arizona. There are fissures, quartz veins around where people search for the Lost Dutchman mine, but it formed no gold placers. The LDM had some very rich gold ore the Dutchman mined from the veins.

You would understand the geology better in South Africa and what potential there might be for quartz veins in this area. Good luck and we will look at or even check the photos by dowsing.

Oh gold flake, I meant it would be a good idea to expand the search area for dowsing a little more with photos to check for any veins giving a signal for gold. I have not done this yet (checking for rich ore) because you said soon you'll be out there to get some additional pics.

As for rich ore (as I just said) did not check for that yet. It was my observation only, that quartz in these photos appear to be thick, and only thin veins with gold can erode away to form a gold placer. If no gold placers are found here and if these are thick quartz veins, the geology might be right for a rich gold ore deposit. Besides, I don't think the thin veins which formed gold placers could be so visible, because they break up falling apart.

We have a lost mine legends near Phoenix, Arizona in the southwest United States called the "Lost Dutchman Mine". The ore was supposed to be so very extremely rich, since then all the people who have claimed rediscovering the mine again, sooner or later were found dead.

There is one person I know who lives in Phoenix that appears to be another to discover of this lost mine again also. He will not go back to the Lost Dutchman Mine for now because of what happened in the past to people who found it (at least not until waiting another 1-2 years).

I'm attaching some photos he sent me of what could be the funnel shaft on the cliff (mentioned in one version of the story or perhaps in the notes of a person that found it). Different things mentioned in some stories, probably 4-5 veins were a part of the Lost Dutchman Mine legends.

A heart carved where there is visible quartz. The shaft of the (perhaps 50-60 foot funnel shaft, don't remember for sure) heart opening was taken down to the ground so nobody can get to the quartz above. This is why I suggested to you checking if your veins are the thick type, because from the photos I've seen so far, seem possibly could be thick, like the Lost Dutchman quite visible.

According to the stories he took down all places the quartz veins were visible or exposed running on the surface of rock, down to 6 feet (so people couldn't find his mine).


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Here is another opening (up in the top right) where it looks as if the Dutchman chopped away the quartz vein. This is in the same area as the other above.


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Hi red desert
Thanks for sharing that story and pics, very interesting.
Cant wait to get those pics for you but you going to have to wait a day or two if you understand what i mean.
Let me know if you have checked for that rick gold veins and don't be shy whenever you are in South Africa to give me a call.

"As for rich ore (as I just said) did not check for that yet. It was my observation only"
Red desert, why would you say in the one picture "3 rich gold veins"

"As for rich ore (as I just said) did not check for that yet. It was my observation only"
Red desert, why would you say in the one picture "3 rich gold veins"

Sorry about this one red desert, i thought you dows the "3 rich gold veins", my apologies

I was trying to explain the Lost Dutchman veins. At first I put the wrong number down then went back and changed it to 4-5. It was supposed to be about the lost mine legend and not the veins in your photos.

I think your veins in the photos might be thick as the kind which could have rich ore. If a vein is thick enough so it can't erode away, it did not make any gold placers. But any thick vein (that won't erode away) containing gold will have all the gold still in the vein. If that vein is containing nice coarse gold, you have a good find, start mining it.

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Sorry about this one red desert, i thought you dows the "3 rich gold veins", my apologies
I just looked at the other posts, it was catfish said there are 3 rich veins. From taking a close look at my enlarged photos, quartz is showing other spots also on the mountain side.

If I was you, I'd be out practicing (after it cools off a little) with the L-rods over those veins. Later I'll check them and any other photos. I suspect the white box next to the green, on the other pic needs a look at also. White is the color I usually use to mark entrances to caves or tunnels.

Ok gold flake, I marked the first good hit with a yellow circle. I wanted to wait until you got out there to make sure the white rock is quartz. Although right now I can't think of anything might even look close, except fossilized sand from ancient seas on lava flows.

I cropped the area around my yellow circle and balanced the color in my professional Canon digital software. It really looks more (every time I see it) like quartz.

If this is a quartz vein then my greenish yellow non-metallic type hit boxes were made on a vein also. If so, the hits must be gold, perhaps where people in the past chopped out the quartz looking for gold. If you confirm this is a good hit, then later I'll check for more similar signals.

Normally, if checking for raw gold, I'd check for veins, placers, mine shafts. I don't try to mix metal detecting searches with gold prospecting or other type mineral searches.


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Thanks a lot red desert
Do you think a metal detector will help on that spot ?
It takes about a 30min climb to get there but i cant wait !
Its a feeling of a child getting a new toy

» Pocket Hunting for Gold
With my dowsing rods when looking for veins the rods will only cross on the hot spots in a gold vein..In other words the wide spots in gold veins or the pockets….I know people who make a good living digging them…..The vein may be just a little one at the top but have a big pocket a little way down,,,,Art

Thanks a lot red desert
Do you think a metal detector will help on that spot ?
It takes about a 30min climb to get there but i cant wait !
Its a feeling of a child getting a new toy

I don't know, the first step would be to take a look visually inspecting the spot when you go there. Make sure what we have here is quartz. Fugi and moss can grow on rocks, but being South Africa and hot as you say it is, doesn't seem likely stuff like that could be growing on the mountain side. Otherwise all we might have is a couple artifacts. We'll find out when you get things checked out.

There are people who have made good pocket gold finds using a gold prospecting type of metal detector. Now we have pulse gold detectors which go deeper to find gold.

During the early gold rush days in the SW United States, a prospector would take it down some or dig along side it if he could to see if there was anything worth while in the vein.

Dowsing rods are not limited by depth, learn to use them correctly and finding all the good gold pockets will be easy. If it turned out to be good for a lode mine or you ever got one of them located, L-rods would really be a help to follow the vein.

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For those who once used the high end old SLR film roll cameras, remember how the light meter could in landscape shots give mixed results? Because you were so far away, the camera was fooled (in auto exposure) by mixed bright spots and shaded areas. Depending on the ratio factor of light to dark areas, bright spots often were overexposed causing a color burn out. On digital cameras something similar can happen, with auto light metering which reads the larger darker areas and can throw off the white balance on smaller brighter places.

Mountain photos from a distance could have exposed bedrock and if the angle of the sun is right be reflecting a glare (would have a much different exposure if taken up close, than most of the mountain side). So, I'd rather wait to find out for sure what we have in these photos here.

In Arizona there are plenty of epithermal veins. I can remeber on smaller peaks or hills trails of quartz from eroded veins that go all the way to the top. Have you noticed any chunks of quartz below the mountain or other locations on the farm?

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