Dowsing questions

People who don't study do not have a clue what they don't know or what superstitions they carry.
Superstition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Superstition is the belief in supernatural causality—that one event leads to the cause of another without any natural process linking the two events—such as astrology, religion, omens, witchcraft, prophecies, etc., that contradicts natural science.

Gee Mike..I use mother nature…Do you know how to find the natural signals from objects…I know how to eliminate most rings and rays….Please tell use how this is done? ….Art

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I know I do a lot of criticism, it's ripe territory around here. I want to say I'm pretty sure some people are working in the right direction, and some are not. Like I said, feedback is where it's at. If you are doing map dowsing, toss your test target out in your yard with your eyes closed and covered after spinning around a few times. Spin around a few more after you toss it. Make sure your ears are covered, too. Do your map dowsing and mark the target. Now go out in the yard and physical dowse for it. Mark your lines and see where you went right and where you went wrong. The idea that anyone does not need this type of practice is arrogant, the intermediate syndrome. Do this every day several times. I know it's not easy to do it some days. You're tired, etc. etc. That separates the doers from the excuse makers. If you are like me and have never seen map dowsing work and thirty-five years, maybe it isn't for you. It's not something I want to spend my time on. I'm sure some people will try and spin that which is worse than making an excuse. Like the saying goes, "If your heart is in it, you will find a thousand ways to achieve your goal. If your heart is not in it, you will find a thousand excuses." What do they say when you do something half way? That's what some people are doing here with the map dowsing.

I know I do is biggera lot of criticism, it's ripe territory around here. I want to say I'm pretty sure some people are working in the right direction, and some are not. Like I said, feedback is where it's at. If you are doing map dowsing, toss your test target out in your yard with your eyes closed and covered after spinning around a few times. Spin around a few more after you toss it. Make sure your ears are covered, too. Do your map dowsing and mark the target. Now go out in the yard and physical dowse for it. Mark your lines and see where you went right and where you went wrong.
I guess that you do not have a clue as to why people want maps Dowsed….The reason I use dowsed maps is to get me in the right area..It does no good to look for gold in an area where there is none….I guess one of your hero’s told you that X mark’s the spot….Most back yards are so small that a GPS Signal is bigger than they are.
The idea that anyone does not need this type of practice is arrogant, the intermediate syndrome.
Is that a new syndrome.?
If you are like me and have never seen map dowsing work and thirty-five years, maybe it isn't for you.
Yes we know your sad story…..You are preaching to people who have spent their time wisely and can Dowse
I'm sure some people will try and spin that which is worse than making an excuse. Like the saying goes, "If your heart is in it, you will find a thousand ways to achieve your goal. If your heart is not in it, you will find a thousand excuses." What do they say when you do something half way? That's what some people are doing here with the map dowsing.
Yes some of us spend a lot of timedoing what we enjoy…..Art

I know I do a lot of criticism, it's ripe territory around here. I want to say I'm pretty sure some people are working in the right direction, and some are not. Like I said, feedback is where it's at. If you are doing map dowsing, toss your test target out in your yard with your eyes closed and covered after spinning around a few times. Spin around a few more after you toss it. Make sure your ears are covered, too. Do your map dowsing and mark the target. Now go out in the yard and physical dowse for it. Mark your lines and see where you went right and where you went wrong. The idea that anyone does not need this type of practice is arrogant, the intermediate syndrome. Do this every day several times. I know it's not easy to do it some days. You're tired, etc. etc. That separates the doers from the excuse makers. If you are like me and have never seen map dowsing work and thirty-five years, maybe it isn't for you. It's not something I want to spend my time on. I'm sure some people will try and spin that which is worse than making an excuse. Like the saying goes, "If your heart is in it, you will find a thousand ways to achieve your goal. If your heart is not in it, you will find a thousand excuses." What do they say when you do something half way? That's what some people are doing here with the map dowsing.

If you are like me and have never seen map dowsing work and thirty-five years, maybe it isn't for you. It's not something I want to spend my time on. I'm sure some people will try and spin that which is worse than making an excuse.

If you want to see map dowsing work,then buried some silver in a fruit jar seal , and post picture here,and see who can find it , you might find out, map dowsing it does work. ( only way you know for sure)

It's not that I am against map dowsing, I just know it is a psychic phenomena and that means it is unreliable and inaccurate. And I've never seen one successful map dowse. That doesn't mean I think it is totally impossible. Sam "Lobo" Wolfe said there are only a handful of real map dowsers in the whole country, and every one he knew walked close to God. When I see that people on this forum refuse to do the daily practice with feedback, I lose any possible confidence. I even think some are anti-religious or at least anti-Catholic. There's is no denying the greatest dowsers were Catholic, from the Spanish on. And I see the results on this forum, pretty much zero. That's not a confidence booster, either. I also know when a person has a friend or spouse hide a target, that is not map dowsing, that's more like mind reading or mental telepathy or reading body language. And some are anti-meditation. That's the dead give-away they are bogus. I probably have more L-rod time than anyone on this forum. I now what works and what doesn't. I know when people don't get daily feedback they are in a state of self delusion, what I call delusions of grandeur, internet "experts" or worse, even possible skeptics in disguise, or even worse than that.

I know I do a lot of criticism, it's ripe territory around here. I want to say I'm pretty sure some people are working in the right direction, and some are not. Like I said, feedback is where it's at. If you are doing map dowsing, toss your test target out in your yard with your eyes closed and covered after spinning around a few times. Spin around a few more after you toss it. Make sure your ears are covered, too. Do your map dowsing and mark the target. Now go out in the yard and physical dowse for it. Mark your lines and see where you went right and where you went wrong. The idea that anyone does not need this type of practice is arrogant, the intermediate syndrome. Do this every day several times. I know it's not easy to do it some days. You're tired, etc. etc. That separates the doers from the excuse makers. If you are like me and have never seen map dowsing work and thirty-five years, maybe it isn't for you. It's not something I want to spend my time on. I'm sure some people will try and spin that which is worse than making an excuse. Like the saying goes, "If your heart is in it, you will find a thousand ways to achieve your goal. If your heart is not in it, you will find a thousand excuses." What do they say when you do something half way? That's what some people are doing here with the map dowsing.

Sig: Here in post #83 you say: "It's not something I want to spend my time on...." "Like the saying goes, If your heart is in it, you will find a thousand ways to achieve your goal. If your heart is not in it, you will find a thousand excuses."

No one in this forum makes as many excuses as you have. It's no surprise, mystery, or wonder why you can't dowse.

Actually Art can map dowse and what he map dowsed for me is none of your business. In fact, it's none of your business what anyone has successfully map dowsed. If they don't want to tell, that's their privilege, not your right to know.

Further, to say the Spanish were the only true map dowsers is a gigantic false claim to make and an impossible task for them to do. To talk about the Spanish is getting into my territory now and I am telling you Sig, you are dead wrong. You have stepped in it and now it is over your head. You see Sig, being explorers in a new and strange country and regions, they had no maps to dowse with. Even the locals did not have maps. Maps did not exist on ether side. All they could do or go on is from the information they got from the locals tribes in the area.

So keep jabbering on to show your ignorance on the subject. You can be very entertaining at times.

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I have only been Dowsing since 1998…..I am a newbie compared to him with 35 years of experience….He is telling us how to practice and what to think when we do dowse…..I can both find gold using Dowsing Rods and a Pendulum..So I would think that my methods work much better than his…..Heck …it only took old Teddy 20 years to figure out that he could not Dowse……I guess these Skeptics are alike but this
One is just using a different agenda …..Art

I have only been Dowsing since 1998…..I am a newbie compared to him with 35 years of experience….He is telling us how to practice and what to think when we do dowse…..I can both find gold using Dowsing Rods and a Pendulum..So I would think that my methods work much better than his…..Heck …it only took old Teddy 20 years to figure out that he could not Dowse……I guess these Skeptics are alike but this one is just using a different agenda …..Art

Art: You have helped me immensely in my dowsing, by simply suggesting things, and not saying that is the end of it. It took me only a few minutes to learn I can dowse, and I think it would have taken even a shorter time than that to find out if I could not. He just doesn't understand that even though he fancies himself as the ultimate authority on the subject, he is not. By saying to practice and practice more, in reality that is true, but he is saying nothing new.

BTW, I believe that somewhere in this forum you said something about "dowsing has or is a language all it's own." I really like that. If it was you, could you please expound on that a little?



Mike and I have been on many Web sites at the same time….He has not changed….Still has a negative attitude. I think if your attitude is negative you will never become a useful dowser….

I'm not talking about hypnosis or some kind of trance or anything like that. It's just keeping the mind on task without letting any distractions get in the way. It is my feeling that most people cannot put their emotions down--they want the gold so bad it blinds them to the task of watching for a rod response. It is so extremely simple most people are trying to out-think things and make it more complicated. But as simple as it is, it is way more difficult to achieve. As it is said, the mind is like a wild horse that cannot be controlled. It takes much practice to tame it. You can't do it in twenty minutes or two hours like some claim. I still struggle with it from time to time after nearly thirty-five years. That's why I say some form of meditation is essential. If you don't know where you are going you will never get there, and many people never get there. I know most people will say they can concentrate or focus just fine. Well, then why can't they dowse? Some people say they continually say the word "gold" with the hopes of getting some focus on it. That is a distraction. You just have to set it and forget it so to speak. Again, learning this takes lots of practice, way more than most people are willing to give.

As for the expanded awareness part of it, it's like somewhere way in the back of my mind I am waiting for the response, rod and body. I certainly am not dwelling on it, because again that is a distraction. The subconscious awareness for things like danger is always present but you don't know until something like a snake jumps out at you. Then you subconscious transmits this to your body before you are consciously aware of it. After you jump you ask "What happened?" then you see the snake. So it's the subconscious awareness and that takes time and lots of practice to develop.

I'm not talking about hypnosis or some kind of trance or anything like that. It's just keeping the mind on task without letting any distractions get in the way. It is my feeling that most people cannot put their emotions down--they want the gold so bad it blinds them to the task of watching for a rod response. It is so extremely simple most people are trying to out-think things and make it more complicated. But as simple as it is, it is way more difficult to achieve. As it is said, the mind is like a wild horse that cannot be controlled. It takes much practice to tame it. You can't do it in twenty minutes or two hours like some claim. I still struggle with it from time to time after nearly thirty-five years. That's why I say some form of meditation is essential.
After practice some types of meditation, trial & error, for me the meditations that works better are those that
first relax mind and body, or body and mind, then go to the meditation itself.

I know most people will say they can concentrate or focus just fine. Well, then why can't they dowse?
Books say that, concentrate, but i think they missing something else, i think is intention, something like you say here ..
If you don't know where you are going you will never get there, and many people never get there.

A nice tip :icon_thumright: ..
Some people say they continually say the word "gold" with the hopes of getting some focus on it. That is a distraction. You just have to set it and forget it so to speak. Again, learning this takes lots of practice, way more than most people are willing to give.

Use any methods that helps you....If your not successful disregard that part...Remember..nothing is mandatory..I have dowsed with people who swore it was the gator -aid that made them good...I knew a one rod user that always had a beer in his free hand..I know a famous dowser that always put his bait in his mouth...I believe in just relaxing and having fun.....Art
Connect the tongue to the palate, joins the main meridians ying and yang, aura grows and shines
.. better flow of energy
(* pranic healing)

Well I am off in the morning to a really good gold claim. Taking my rods to try and find some nuggets. Also taking my new pulse detector. Will see how they both do. Still been finding lots of small flakes in the back yard with the rods, anxios to use them in an area with bigger half gram and up nuggets. Will also be using my mini high banker I built along with an underwater dredge. Going with the guys from the Sheridan Wyoming GPAA.

Sounds good, wish I could be out there with you. One of the guys in Brazil said that Garrett plans to do a video on gold prospecting out at a ranch near him. Actually he did the asking for permission. For about 7 years now the ranch owner denied him access to this super good gold getting ground. The local prospectors for years have been sneaking in at night, stealing the gold. A new area recently got bulldozed and cleared. The Garrett pulse is sure to hit big gold nuggets, it can't fail.

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Guitar string resonance as described below. Would this work in any way in dowsing with a rod or pendulum? I'm using a pendulum and want to apply it in that way.

Sympathetic strings or resonance strings are auxiliary strings found on many Indian musical instruments, as well as some Western Baroque instruments and a variety of folk instruments. They are typically not played directly by the performer (except occasionally as an effect), only indirectly through the tones that are played on the main strings, based on the principle of sympathetic resonance. The resonance is most often heard when the fundamental frequency of the string is in unison or an octave lower or higher than the catalyst note, although it can occur for other intervals, such as a fifth, with less effect.
The musician retunes the sympathetic strings for each mode or raga, so that when the corresponding note (or one an octave below it) is played on the main strings of the instrument, the sympathetic strings (called tarabs in Indian music) will vibrate in response, providing a lingering halo of sound.

I don’t think that is possible with a set of dowsing rods..I do know that some electronic devices can excite objects and connect with them...Art

Yeah, one device is called a dowsing amplifier. Another one not allowed to be discussed here is the frequency generator.

Guitar string resonance as described below. Would this work in any way in dowsing with a rod or pendulum? I'm using a pendulum and want to apply it in that way.

Sympathetic strings or resonance strings are auxiliary strings found on many Indian musical instruments, as well as some Western Baroque instruments and a variety of folk instruments. They are typically not played directly by the performer (except occasionally as an effect), only indirectly through the tones that are played on the main strings, based on the principle of sympathetic resonance. The resonance is most often heard when the fundamental frequency of the string is in unison or an octave lower or higher than the catalyst note, although it can occur for other intervals, such as a fifth, with less effect.
The musician retunes the sympathetic strings for each mode or raga, so that when the corresponding note (or one an octave below it) is played on the main strings of the instrument, the sympathetic strings (called tarabs in Indian music) will vibrate in response, providing a lingering halo of sound.
There have been tests done on sound from spoken languages. The vibrations can cause sand spread between glass plates to form , continuous moving geometrical shapes into a design that is awesome to see. So far, it is one language in particular from the Middle East.

I don’t really care how dowsing works as long as I can locate what I am seeking..Heck..Some little bird may be making it work

Sounds good, wish I could be out there with you. One of the guys in Brazil said that Garrett plans to do a video on gold prospecting out at a ranch near him. Actually he did the asking for permission. For about 7 years now the ranch owner denied him access to this super good gold getting ground. The local prospectors for years have been sneaking in at night, stealing the gold. A new area recently got bulldozed and cleared. The Garrett pulse is sure to hit big gold nuggets, it can't fail.

According to Don.....
"Garrett folks were supposed to be here on the 11th but they canceled on the 10th. They have a big stake in the World Cup security that's going on now so that's probably where they went."

That's too bad Garrett cancelled out, they had their chance to make a super good prospecting video. It isn't likely to happen now, you can check here for updates.

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