Dowsing questions

"So my preliminary conclusion is. My Lrods led me to a rock. I removed the rock and the rods didnt cross. There was gold in the rock. I tried panning a bunch of material from a random spot, there was no gold."

Chrspe, might be a good idea to stop places with your L-rods to dowse for samples containing gold, anywhere you have or can get access in this part of the Bighorn range close by (starting from your property).

The method you used to find your good rock is excellent. I've had one rod start moving off to the side a little plenty of times. If I move my hands farther apart, one rod points to the target and the other swings back.

Now the opposite happens if both my hands are moved closer together (but not touching). I will pause so I'm not walking if a rod begins to move off to the side. Moving then my other hand closer, the other rod usually swings around to point in the same direction (of the target as in Fig A).

Parallel rods cam both work together, much like when a dowser uses a single rod. It is better to not be walking for this technique, more for zero-motion type dowsing. Being directly over a target doesn't matter, rods can cross standing still or if a large enough target while walking above it.

Good Luck!


  • Figure _Aneg.webp
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Chrspe, what is the magnet on the weight filter supposed to do? Why is it there? Do you know what the magnetic field of a refrigerator magnet looks like?

A little experiment…..Place a bar magnet lengthwise in your shirt pocket……Try to use your rods…Then reverse the bar magnetic in your pocket and try it again…What happened?......Art

I didnt realize the field was like that. I took the magnets i used across one of those iron filing kids games and it hardly moves the filings. I have them attached to the green lead. The green wire only goes to the metal ground of the dimmer. It never comes in contact with either black wire. I did ac, dc, amperage and resistance tests on the dimmer and all readings were zero except for resistance across 2 black wires which was 19Mohms regardless of where the pot was turned. Inside the dimmer is a choke, pot, 2 capacitors, and either a triac or transistor. Green wire goes directly to the heat sink of the triac, ground. Nothing else in the circuit touches ground.
So, it shouldnt do anything, but seems to.

Art, after i dig up a bar magnet i will try. Had a cool thing happen a little bit ago. My wife and I spent hours last night looking for some important medical papers. Lost sleep over it and thought we had thrown them out. I got off work early and was still bugged about not finding them. I had read about dowsing lost keys and thought it was worth a try. The rods were pointing towards the back of the house, let me to a wall that was the back side of a closet. I went around and they pointed to the closet. The papers were under a pile of stuff on the bottom shelf in our spare bedroom. Awesome!

Ok, found a magnet, experimented with gold ring. Put it in my pocket and the rods would not cross on the gold. Turned it over and it crossed.

I tried a different experiment. I spoke out loud that If I put a carmex tube in my pocket it would cancel out gold. I put it in my pocket and no reading on gold. I took it out and they crossed.

I spoke out loud if I put a fork in my pocket, only the right rod would work. I put a fork in and the right rod crossed over the gold, I took it out and they both crossed.

Is it me telling my subconcious how to discriminate? I dont understand.

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I don’t try to understand every thing….If something works for me and is a better way of doing it I use it…Yes….Dowsing can be used many ways…I baited a rod with a tic-tak and had the wife sprinkle the rest on the yard. I found all but one of them. They were green tic-taks ….. Art

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I tried a different experiment. I spoke out loud that If I put a carmex tube in my pocket it would cancel out gold. I put it in my pocket and no reading on gold. I took it out and they crossed.

I spoke out loud if I put a fork in my pocket, only the right rod would work. I put a fork in and the right rod crossed over the gold, I took it out and they both crossed.

Is it me telling my subconcious how to discriminate? I dont understand.

I don't know how english books named that :dontknow:
* books tell "concentrate in what you search"
* books tell "in dowsing concentration is important"
* books tell (few) "make a convention" .. dont explain how :laughing7:

I think right term is convention ...
* you can "program" or "erase" what you want
* you can set expiration of "the program" (dowsing studie, 1 hr, 1 day, for ever, etc.)
* BE CAREFUL :argue: you can delete a "method" you have made in the course of years :crybaby2:

1) holding the dowsing instrument :icon_thumright:
2) speak or think in the convention:
... "Delete from my memory, being all the information and dowsing studies i know about this picture"
3) instrument give an answer
* This will delete previous dowsing studies you made on the place .. "old dowsing marks"
* Books say that picture/place impregnated with your energy .. its a misunderstand :tongue3:

* Choose your own words
* Write "the command" before "execute it" to be sure
* Say/think the words without doubt .. like a "command to obey"
* First make small tests
.. i think the key to dowsing & convention is intention :thumbsup:

.. you can make pendulum jump like a rabbit :laughing7:

Power of the Heart’s Electromagnetic Field
"HeartMath studies show this powerful electromagnetic field can be detected and measured several feet away from a person’s body and between two individuals in close proximity."

"The heart, like the brain, generates a powerful electromagnetic field, McCraty explains in The Energetic Heart. "The heart generates the largest electromagnetic field in the body. The electrical field as measured in an electrocardiogram (ECG) is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the brain waves recorded in an electroencephalogram (EEG)."

The Energetic Heart Is Unfolding

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Knowing By Heart: Cellular Memory in Heart Transplants

"On May 29, 1988, a woman named Claire Sylvia received the heart of an 18-year-oldmale who had been killed in a motorcycle accident. Soon after the operation, Sylvia noticed some distinct changes in her attitudes, habits, and tastes. She found herself acting more masculine, strutting down the street (which, being a dancer, was not her usual manner of walking). She began craving foods, such as green peppers and beer, which she had always disliked before. Sylvia even began having recurring dreams about a mystery man named Tim L., who she had a feeling was her donor.
As it turns out, he was. Upon meeting the “family of her heart,” as she put it, Sylvia discovered that her donor’s name was, in fact, Tim L., and that all the changes she had been experiencing in her attitudes, tastes, and habits closely mirrored that of Tim’s (Sylvia179).

Some members of the scientific community and of society, as a whole, may brush this off as being merely a strange coincidence. However, some believe that episodes such as this one offer evidence of a concept known as cellular memory,...."

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Your experiment with the fork may have worked because of the last hand that touched it..
I have never posted much of this article as I think some of it is wrong..

Divining rods and all common dowsing devices, are the simplest forms of electroscopes. The bent rod for example is just a variation of Gilbert's straw needle electroscope.
The divining rods are charged with static electricity from the dowser's own body. This static electricity can be seen quite adequately with a simple millivolt meter. This voltage is measured between the hands of the dowser, to measure this voltage accurately a diff amp should be used at the input to the voltmeter, "this eliminates stray signals which are common to both hands". The amount of voltage will vary depending on the person. A good dowser will have a high reading, "above 100 mv" while a poor dowser may read as low as,"0 mv.". For males the right hand is usually a negative polarity, and the left hand is positive in polarity. These polarities are usually reversed in females.
The divining rod charged positively will rotate in the dowsers hand to line up parallel to a negatively charged object being dowsed. A divining rod charged negatively will remain perpendicular to a negatively charged object being dowsed. This is because like charges repel, while unlike charges attract. Thus both bent divining rods are not required for dowsing. When two divining rods are used, and they are seen to cross, one of the rods is being moved to line up parallel with the charged object being dowsed. The other rod is moving to line up parallel to the first rod. A second reason for the two rods crossing is that of dowsing over an alternating current source, such as a pipeline or buried cable. these are usually buried shallow and are conducting ground currents as the path of least resistance.
The above statements can easily be proven by, dowsing over negatively and positively charged objects. The devices used in my experiments were, a rubber rod rubbed with cat fur to produce the positive charged object, while a glass rod rubbed with silk was used to produce the negatively charged object.
The reason conventional devices cannot detect these positive and negative charges, is probably because of the array in which the charged object gives off it's lines of force in all directions. Most instruments being omnidirectional devices would not pick up the small incremental changes in voltage along the earth’s surface. But the bent divining rods being unidirectional devices, can only turn to line up parallel to the charged object, when they are directly above the charged object.
The willow crotch is another type of dowsing device, this divining rod begins to pick up an attraction to the charged object prior to reaching the object, having it’s greatest amount of pull directly over the object. After dowsing with the willow crotch , the crotch itself can laid down and dowsed with the bent rods, which will indicate a charge left on each arm of the crotch, one positive and one negative.
A metallic pendulum attached by a wire will take on the charge of the hand it is being held by. A pendulum held by a nonconductive string will take on the charge of the last hand which held the pendulum. The pendulum when rotating above an object of a similar charge will continue to rotate and eventually swing back and forth perpendicular to the object. This pendulum when rotating above an object of the opposite charge will start to swing back and forth parallel to the object being dowsed. Caution here when dowsing an object you have touched the object will usually take on the charge of the last hand that touched it. This can be demonstrated by dowsing over an object such as a table knife depending on which hand touched the knife last an opposite reaction of the dowsing device will be seen.

Do the next exercise before dowsing

What you perceive in your hands? .. now make dowsing :o

Power of the Heart’s Electromagnetic Field
"HeartMath studies show this powerful electromagnetic field can be detected and measured several feet away from a person’s body and between two individuals in close proximity."
red_desert, i think for mental dowsing probably the heart is essential :thumbsup:

Chikung/QiGong, liberation of beings (Circulos de anima), Reiki, Pranic healing agree
that an energy force comes from the universe and other from the mother Earth,
these energies come together in the heart (chakra) or the solar plexus (chakra)
.. according to evolution of the individual.

About chakras, some say the 3 inferior chakras (root,sacral,plexus) are related to life on earth,
the 3 superior chakras (throat, ajna, crown) are related to spiritual life,
and heart chakra is the bridge between both "worlds".
.. chakras are connected like a chain.

Connection between chakras & energy flow:
.. done by people who see beyond *

Some books say "dont practice dowsing if you are emotionally disturbed",
others say "dowsing does not work if there are any emotional block"
.. solar plexus is the center of emotions ;)

Some books say "dowsing dont work when adrenal glands are bad or a kidney is removed"
.. root chakra (adrenal glands) & sacral chakra (kidneys) ;)

Some books say "dont dowsing after eat"
.. solar plexus controls the digestion, extracts vital energy from food .. is congested(busy) ;)

In each palm of the hands there is a solar plexus (minor chakra)
.. so, dowsing energy finally get in/out from the solar plexus.
If can do more research about the hands (Reiki, pranic healing),
you will lead to another interesting thing :rolleyes:
.. what books say "take the pendulum with the hand that you write" is a myth :tongue3:

I know, is a crazy thing :icon_scratch: .. is my experience & thinking :dontknow:

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Best not to attempt a complete explanation of how dowsing works. Science has gradually been "playing catch up" in many different ways. You have all kinds of factors or variables, including solar winds from the sun.

There was supposed to have been a study done somewhere (probably a university) monitoring brainwaves of a person having a religious experience (we don't want to drag religion into this) but they basically tried to duplicate similar electromagnetic waves. When the person fell naturally into a deep sleep, brain waves indicated it.

Once sleep signals were detected, electronically duplicated (simulated) electromagnetic spiritual brain waves were directed toward the part of the brain believed to use them. Then immediately after, signals of dream activity were found, during monitoring the person's brain. Upon waking a vivid dream was remembered, it mostly took the form of a lunar experience. At this point need to mention that she was a devout Roman Catholic. In the dream walked outside at night only to look up, stand there gazing and experienced the light of a full moon.

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Here is a thesis on the effect of religious music on the heart and brain waves in the context of meditation (brain wave study)

* brain slow down (waves)
* "normal" meditation = body relax & mind slow
* deep meditation = body totally relaxed & mind off .. sense of peace, emptiness
* mind off/slow = energy flow without blockage
.. any guided meditation is better because the mind naturally follow the voice (instructions) :thumbsup:
.. few dowse authors refer to the alpha state (they suggest an exercise to relax)
.. better dowsing :occasion14:

Religious music
* music that makes you feel compassion, love (emotions of the heart)
* activate/use the heart

The heart electromagnetic field can affect every cell in your body.

The heart electromagnetic field can affect every cell in your body.
The Water too => masaru emoto - water frozen crystals
Body need water and contains a lot of water
.. water absorb energy from: sound (music), voice (sound+emotion), color ..
.. a reiki therapist can energize water (program it) to threat diseases

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About the sun
Insolation is an overload of energy by solar-plexus-chakra :hello: (pranic healing)
.. at certain times solar-plexus-chakra changes, absorb or distribute energy
.. at certain times the sun hits strong
.. some authors suggest a schedule to practice dowsing :idea1:

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