Does everybody tent camp?

TnMountains said:
Very nice rig and set up. You deserve a little comfort for all the years and effort you have put in. They are lucky to have an outdoorsman like you on the team.
Be safe!
LOL My boss calls me part of his dream team. Everyone I come across says they are so glad that I came to help. The NPS has been very nice to me and I enjoy trying to help what little I can. They have had problems with drunken weekend warriors and bear and gator poachers in the past and it helps to have someone live on the site. Its in a beautiful remote area of the preserve and it takes about 20 miles down a dirt road to access the area. I have oranges, grapefruits, mullberrys and mango trees at the site. I supply the camper, the state gave me the 4x4 truck with gas card with access to restricted areas. . Problem is the state is making cutbacks and Im not sure the future of my job.

bear island oranges.webp

28 yrs of AD Army and still going , I refuse to tent camp any more it's a travel trailer and all the comforts of home for me.
portable generator etc. with satelite dish and all the rest of the necessities gas stove and water heater and frig, frig can also be elec, plus for low usage time s there is the batteries and solar power. :laughing7:

we cook most meals out side and still fish etc, and go detecting but during the evening , it's Air Conditioning and TV for me.
and it also makes a great Bug out vehicle, if need be.

Something I have always wanted to build - never did, and most likely never will - is a 4 wheel drive van/camper.

I started it once - using the frame of a Jeep Wagoneer. My brother ended up with it. :-(

Anyway - it would be cool to have an off-road camper. A REAL off-road camper.


Daedalus said:
I have found that it is a lot cheaper to rent than to own , now there are exceptions to this but for us we have saved a lot of money.
Top 10 cities where its cheaper to own. A chance of a lifetime for those with an income.

Experts say the bargains can't get much better for would-be homebuyers this spring.
Buying is now more affordable than renting in nearly four out of five cities,

To rent is good, to own is divine.

I've done both - I hate renting. I hate that someone can tell me how many of my relatives can stay for a weekend. I hate that someone can tell me if I can smoke in my own house. I hate that someone can force me to have their company. I hate that my money just pays someone else mortgage, instead of my own.

But, I'm really glad there are people who like to rent - who prefer to rent. Because then I can make money from them and they can pay my bills.
When the mortgage is all paid up, I can make them leave, even if they have been there for 20 years and never missed a payment.

That sounds bad - I don't mean it to be. I would not want to have a mortgage. We have 3 places, and we don't owe a penny on any of them.
Though, I would not live in a place like where my daughter does. Her taxes are more than I made the last year I worked. (New Jersey) Now, I just like to buy and sell real estate - and bring buyers and sellers together for other brokers and on a private basis. We concentrate on places that have a fairly low cost of living (comparatively), try to get homes that are underpriced so that banks make back some of their money, and a buyer gets a great price for a home that doesn't put them in financial straights for 20 years. This leaves me lots of time to do what I want to do - which is treasure hunt and photography.

It drives me bonkers when people tell me - oh, I have no debt - just my house - duh! Like a mortgage isn't debt. The last 20 years people have been telling the average person that real estate is an investment. It definitely can be - but not if it costs you more than you can afford. Just once, I wish someone would add up what they actually pay for a home they have a mortgage on.

A 100,000 home - at a good interest rate - say 5.5%, for 30 years, gives you a payment (without taxes and insurance) of about $567.69.
So, how much are you paying for that $100,000 house? $204,368.40. That's more than twice what you thought you were paying for it.
Better you should put money aside for 15 years, and buy a $100,000 CASH. (and, with a cash offer, you can get a bank to sell a foreclosure at a little over half (about 55%) of what's owed on it - that's one of those little known real estate secrets that they talk about on the commercials.
The banks don't lose a dime, either, because they get to write off every single penny from the ORIGINAL loan - not the balance due that they didn't get - one of those wonderful tax breaks that banks get. And, yes - I know this as fact, as I've done it no less than 14 times. (might be 15, but I cannot quite remember).

Here is another little known fact - the majority of mortgage companies that take your insurance and taxes into an escrow account, and pay them for you? They charge you interest on that money. They don't all, but alot of them do. So, if your taxes are $1000 - you are actually paying
$1030.08, for your taxes. (and worse yet, most time, they put the first year as part of the mortgage, so, the first year you actually pay for 2 years of taxes) - AND - they use your money while you aren't - so they get your interest, and whatever interest they get from lending that money out.
Its can be a racket, that's for sure. You have to read all that small print.


Good post Beth. You would never be in this position you are today with a renter mindset.

Had a humming bird fly into my tent in Arizona. Guess he was attracted to my red sleeping bag. It was a terrifying experience. Humming birds are sort of a cartoonish looking thing to begin with, and for a second there i thought i was having an acid flashback from the 60's. Thankgod it didn't say anything before it flew back out.




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I was homeless for about 3 years back in the late 80's after nine years of working as a fireman, (that's another story).. Anyway living without shelter on the street really isn't that bad. You don't have to open mail, or answer a phone. You can sleep all day and drink wine all nite long. You don't have to bathe and after a couple of weeks.. you don't even have to panhandle anymore. You look so filthy people just walk up and hand you a dollar. You can always buy a cigarette at 3 AM in the morning for a quarter.

The only complaint i had really, was church vans pulling up at the burn barrel under the overpass on Christmas Eve handing out canned food. HEY ! YOU EVER HEARD OF SOMETHING CALLED A CAN OPENER ?!! Ever tried opening a can with a folding pocket knife ? IT AIN'T SAFE ! And anyhow.. what are you gonna COOK in ? I wish I had nice tent to sleep in back then, and some pots and pans and a can opener too. Why not hand out ELECTRIC can openers on Christmas Eve ! JESUS !!!

These days, you too could be living in a card board box a year from now..

The sad thing is - there are many families that are only one paycheck away from living on the streets.

Living from paycheck to paycheck - is a tough way to sleep at night.

I have to admit - the closest I ever got to living on the streets is when I went to Woodstock. :dontknow: :help: :laughing7:

Does living in your car for 2 months count?


Absolutely Beth ! Of course living in your car counts. It's a car, not a home. Now you too can proudly join the ranks of Americans who have lived HOMELESS. Never be apologetic about having been homeless. Be proud. I've met some incredible people standing around burn barrels. College educated, former business owners and the like. Heck I even met a couple PHD's.

Retiree- Try a hammock. If you still want to get the full experience of camping and packing light then the hammock is the way to go. They are light and don't take a lot of room. I have slept in one for years now while kayak camping and backpacking in the Smokies. It is like sleeping on air and there are no rocks or roots pressing in your back. I love sleeping in mine and I use to try sleeping on a pad. Never found one thick or comfortable enough.

We occasionally tent camp. Usually in places I can't get our 31ft motorhome into.

Camping is second nature to our family since about the last 60's.. starting off with nothing more than a clear plastic tarp strung over a rope attached between 2 trees and simply laying on the a heavy quilt. Things have changed over the years and camping has become more of a chore as well as a challenge.. I dread the day when I'm unable to simply setup camp and start a fire.. Thou wife has suggested that we look into getting an RV.. just as a second home.. I just want to know that I have the freedom and willpower to setup at friends homes, because we simply can't afford to take time off and go extreme camping. So yes we still camp and just back from a short stay via a friends home on the eastern shore.. She has a nice open farm.. which we setup and camp, watch the deer, birds even a wild turkey or two.. eagles.. and more.. Just a simple escape can offer so much to those whom don't really have a place to go on such short notice.. thou we do try to plan at least one major trip during the year. doesn't look promising this year.

I am a bit of a wuss. I camp in bear country, and sleep in the back of my Dodge Durango. I don't sleep without a firearm.

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This is how I prefer to camp. No roots or rocks to worry about. Just take salt and pepper in case the bears need a little seasoning. I call it my bear burrito. lol

photo (10).webp

Better than my experience. LOL I was going carefully around a rock point with a 50 foot drop off and had one "buzz" me. Just made me hug the rock face harder.

This is how I prefer to camp. No roots or rocks to worry about. Just take salt and pepper in case the bears need a little seasoning. I call it my bear burrito. lol

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I just used an ENO JungleNest Hammock on my hike on the A.T. earlier this year. It worked flawlessly and was MUCH more comfortable than sleeping on the ground!! The only pain is getting the tarp tied up just right...

Bran <><

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