Does anyone actually have a hardrock claim they are mining?

Yes! We are doing sampling via opencutting of narrow high grade quartz veins here in Nova Scotia Canada. As far as I know, we are the ONLY private individuals actually doing any drilling and blasting up here. It's becoming a lost art!

The International California Mining Journal is a good source for information on those out hardrock mining. Actually, the current September issue has an article regarding a gold in quartz 40-ounce pocket that was found.

Yes i have two emerald claims in hiddnite NC no blasting aloud just picks and shovels buckets but Ive pulled a lot out not just emeralds but al kinds of quarts in crystal form and a awesome 7 multi colored tourmaline that is pretty cool and smoky crystals two

Black Powder

Is anyone making their own Blasting Powder!
Since Uncle Sam In his Infinate Wisdom ? ?:-\? has all but shut down buying any dynamite..
I am going to start making black powder and using it as a subsitute.
Anyone doing this now?
A couple of friends have been buying their Black Powder..
But! I figure it'll be lot cheaper to make my own!

You might want to get a hold of some old Ion Idreiss books or ask that on the Aussie gold forum..Finders. the California state library or Blm library in Sacramento might have old bulletins with plans.My old mining partner knew that stuff buthe's gone now..Dave

found a diagram of a windless in the older edition of handbook for prospectors by Von bernewitz.Can xerox a nd send to you or also try the u.s geological survey or library of congress inWashington D.C. also the patent office in D.C should have many diagrams Dave

Re: Black Powder

I am going to start making black powder and using it as a subsitute.
Anyone doing this now?
A couple of friends have been buying their Black Powder..
But! I figure it'll be lot cheaper to make my own!

A) HI BILL: not worth it in terms of your physical beauty.? Even the professional black powder plants blow up regularly. If you must make your own explosive, stick to ANOL, more powerful and far far safer.? formulae very simple and safe.

Yes, I have over 3500 acres in valid claims, but none working right now, 3 are up for sale, I have a geologist from Canada evaluitng them right now.

Jose de La Mancha ( I tilt windmills )

dave wiseman said:
found a diagram of a windless in the older edition of handbook for prospectors by Von bernewitz.Can xerox a nd send to you or also try the u.s geological survey or library of congress inWashington D.C.? also the patent office in D.C should have many diagrams? ?Dave

My understanding of what Steppe is specifically looking for is a diagram of "Braking Systems" for primative hand operated windlass'. Sixburnhole (if my memory serves me correctly)gave a very good written discription of of it over on that AK.GOLD Forum, but a diagram is worth a hundred-thousand words. This is for peasent nomads in Mongolia where many lost all there livestock(i.e., everything) and are trying to get back on a good horse and feed there familys thru good old fashion hardwork, mining. They are herds men who have never done anything but this nomadic life style before,so the learning curve in mining is steep and many are getting injured. You should go check out the thread that Steppe refers to and take a look at the 12+ pages and over 350 posts. It is amazing. A wholely new gold rush that is about 10 years the Wild West Days of the 1800's. If I ever made it over there I doubt I would ever want to leave. ;)
I looked at von Bernewitz's book,the 4th edition, but saw no sprocket/gear/pall type braking system. The blacksmiths in Mongolia are very skilled and fully capable but have never made any of these braking systems.
Great leads for searching. I'll try to follow up on them as time permits.
Merry Chrismas,

Real de TEOPA !!!!!!!! ;D

Don't mentioned that ANOL too much..
The "Feds" will be jumping on it next! :'(
The Lousy Bas....ds!
They allowed the Terrorists in to the country >:(
Now are "blowing smoke" trying to cover up that fact! :o

(darn! I hope that I just haven't scheduled another visit ! :o )

Still developing it, stopped for a few years because of the low gold price. See The Blue Ribbon Mine at

Also see the pics I've posted in other threads.

We've done pilot-plant testing so far, and the results are more than encouraging.

Me Too! :D
I am going to be heading back there TO REEVALUATE the mine..
I am taking my portable drill rig along and we'll be punching a few holes to see what's in there?
Anyone in the area who needs to have a few core samples drilled, give me a "quiry" !

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