Doc Thorne gold...Is it an easier legend than the LDM

!870-1890 does fall within JW's timeline. Since the cache included an iron wedge,...... and other mining tools ? I will assume the finder, as well as yourself believe that it may have been left by old Jake himself.
While I haven't spent very much of my time out there in search of Waltz's mine, on those few days where I have done some hiking out that way, that general area is where I would expect the mine to be found someday.
Here's 3 shots I got on one of my more recent hikes.....

View attachment 1936893

View attachment 1936894

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The photos I posted earlier in the thread were also taken out that way.

Nice pics. I'm jelly. Wish I could get out there. Time isn't making my back any better. Soon enough tho. Love them mntns.

Nice pics. I'm jelly. Wish I could get out there. Time isn't making my back any better. Soon enough tho. Love them mntns.

Know how ya feel. No matter how many days I spend out there, I'm always looking forward to the next.


I'm not barking. I'm a lion.

Good morning Markmar,
Barking up the wrong tree, is a saying..... like coon hunting with using a dog or dogs to chase down and eventually tree the raccoon. Once they tree the coon, the dogs stay at the bottom barking.

No matter if lion or dog, the coon is in a different tree :)
The point was, according to Waltz, the LDM location offers a view that can only be seen from a certain spot. That spot is not in the region you are looking.

Doesn?t mean you came up empty, but to be real LDM region, you need the view of Four Peaks as one peak, which means Four Peaks is visible from correct LDM region. No matter what you decide to believe, is irrelevant. In reality, things are, what they are.

You want to find the coon with a lion.... good luck. :)

Good morning Markmar,
Barking up the wrong tree, is a saying..... like coon hunting with using a dog or dogs to chase down and eventually tree the raccoon. Once they tree the coon, the dogs stay at the bottom barking.

No matter if lion or dog, the coon is in a different tree :)
The point was, according to Waltz, the LDM location offers a view that can only be seen from a certain spot. That spot is not in the region you are looking.

Doesn?t mean you came up empty, but to be real LDM region, you need the view of Four Peaks as one peak, which means Four Peaks is visible from correct LDM region. No matter what you decide to believe, is irrelevant. In reality, things are, what they are.

You want to find the coon with a lion.... good luck. :)

I believe you understood wrong what I have posted in regards to the Four Peaks which could be seen from the LDM saddle. You have to go back and re-read what I have wrote then about this subject. Read it well and after come back to tell me what you have understood and if I ever wrote from there are not visible the Four Peaks.
I never denied the Four Peaks clue, but the only opinion I have offered , was the Four (4 ) Peaks could never line and could not be visible as one peak from any angle.
Your theory is, is enough to see one of the four peaks to be at the correct spot. There is a big gap between what Waltz wanted to say and what you adopted in regards to convince us your theory apply in the correct region.

Congratulations, you got me to go look, but for what?
I looked at posts 22 and 24, (your posts).

What I heard you say (also reading between the lines) is that you only thought about the 4 peaks clue, from one angle ... lining up in a straight line and views from one end .....
Geometry as you put it. But the clue does not say ?lined up in a row?, just lined up in a way where you only can see one peak.

There is no magic, or any twisting of Waltz? words ..... you go to the spot, look towards the North, and 4 peaks are lined up to look like one peak.
The view matches Waltz words perfectly.

As to your area, I am the one who said 4 peaks is not in view. It is not necessary for me to wait for you to answer, as I already looked.

So it seems, instead of just facing facts, you are still trying to control things to protect your opinion.
When anyone ignores, or disregard clues ..... well, they are likely to end up anywhere.
In those mountains, we can and have seen all kinds of areas, that good folk seriously thought was the spot. Some of these folk very smart, yet it was not.

I don?t care if you are off base .... it is your time to spend how you want. I just get really tired of You spending it by playing your games.

So the ?all in one region? seems to have dwindled by 2 .... so far.
But hey, at least you?re a lion :)

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I neglected to answer one of your questions from those two posts on other thread.
You wanted to know why so much weight was put on the 4 peaks clue, it is because without it, you may not be in correct area, and find yourself spending tons of time and energy, for a look alike. Lots of look alike in there.
The 2 room rock house ..... a very good clue, but many look a-likes. Not so for 4 peaks.

The 4 peaks clue is in my opinion... the clue that verifies the correct region.


You wrote you got tired of my games. This is a men's game and you have to know how in this game I share the cards, and sometimes I play with the cards open. I give an opportunity to anybody to make a straight flush or to keep a measly pair. But always I keep an ace in my sleeve.


You wrote you got tired of my games. This is a men's game and you have to know how in this game I share the cards, and sometimes I play with the cards open. I give an opportunity to anybody to make a straight flush or to keep a measly pair. But always I keep an ace in my sleeve.

Again with more games.
You are messing with folk, acting superior, (at least that is how you come across) ... it is the taunting games.
It is a child’s attitude.

It’s ok, soon enough, the chips will fall.
And you will probably slink off like a dog with tail between his legs.

Nobody will applaud, or ask where Markmar has been.
Markmar will just fade from thought... if you stay this course.

But that time has not yet come.
You still have time to participate in forums, or to mess with them.
Your choices reflect who you are wanting to be.
I urge you to choose wisely.

The place shown in this video, which should be familiar to most DHers, is also where I personally believe the Doc Thorne gold account took place. I'll explain my reasoning later today or tomorrow.....


The hematite deposit where the mine featured in the video lies is within the borders of this GE crop.
Despite it's least twice the height of the tunnel JW described...... it's very difficult to pinpoint the exact position for anyone who hasn't been there.

cinnabar mine GE view.webp

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9 minutes and 57 seconds that i'll never get back:BangHead:

9 minutes and 57 seconds that i'll never get back:BangHead:

rolling.gif Same goes for a bowel movement, I presume.....'s definitely NOT the LDM.
But I enjoyed it anyhow. Mainly because it was the first time I'd seen that particular mine in a video.

Ever been there Dave ?

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Again with more games.
You are messing with folk, acting superior, (at least that is how you come across) ... it is the taunting games.
It is a child’s attitude.

It’s ok, soon enough, the chips will fall.
And you will probably slink off like a dog with tail between his legs.

Nobody will applaud, or ask where Markmar has been.
Markmar will just fade from thought... if you stay this course.

But that time has not yet come.
You still have time to participate in forums, or to mess with them.
Your choices reflect who you are wanting to be.
I urge you to choose wisely.

You search everytime for an argument and an occasion to messing with me. From the day I didn't give you the coordinates to my spot, you are sitting on my neck, behavior which prompts to a revenger and a bad character.
Look to your job and leave me to write what I want. You have insulted me many times, and really is to wonder somebody who is messing with who.
My advice is to put me in Ignore and to continue peacefully your posts in this site. You called me a liar because you decided how from my region the Four Peaks are not visible like I said, and you compared me many times with a dog, behavior which is not proper to a serious man.
From now I want to stop talking with you, because I can't afford anymore your behavior and your attempt to prove myself something I'm not. Prove what you want about yourself and like you wrote, soon enough the chips will fall, and IMO everyone will sit on his own bench, there where belongs.

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Same goes for a bowel movement, I presume.....'s definitely NOT the LDM.
But I enjoyed it anyhow. Mainly because it was the first time I'd seen that particular mine in a video.

Ever been there Dave ?
is it jim hatts mercury mine?

You search everytime for an argument and an occasion to messing with me. From the day I didn't give you the coordinates to my spot, you are sitting on my neck, behavior which prompts to a revenger and a bad character.
Look to your job and leave me to write what I want. You have insulted me many times, and really is to wonder somebody who is messing with who.
My advice is to put me in Ignore and to continue peacefully your posts in this site. You called me a liar because you decided how from my region the Four Peaks are not visible like I said, and you compared me many times with a dog, behavior which is not proper to a serious man.
From now I want to stop talking with you, because I can't afford anymore your behavior and your attempt to prove myself something I'm not. Prove what you want about yourself and like you wrote, soon enough the chips will fall, and IMO everyone will sit on his own bench, there where belongs.

Perhaps it is cultural differences?
I think for the most part, I try to play nice in the sand box.
Sometimes I get worked up, but usually for good reason.

If you don?t like the responses you get, perhaps your postings have something to do with it ??? :dontknow:


is it jim hatts mercury mine?

No. Jim wrote about a different mercury mine that he and Clay had found somewhere else out there.
I never asked him where it was, but Paul did.

The mine and panning sequences were shot close to where there was a Yavapai/Apache rancheria (village) site out near Apache Lake. It was mentioned by Mike Burns.....aka "Hoomothya"... in his autobiography ( he called it quail's roost ), as well as in two other accounts (by Captain William Brown and John G. Bourke ) of the sequence leading up to the battle of Skull Cave....aka Massacre at Skeleton Cave. Lots of history out that way.

I haven't been out there for 3-4 years, but last I was, there were a couple of prospectors camped and running a small sluice where Wayne T. was digging and panning in the vid. They were having a good time of it, with a couple of finger nail sized nuggets to show for their troubles, plus smaller bits and flakes as well. I've also seen panners working the tributary creek about a mile up the intersecting canyon in the direction of the rancheria.

ps......sorry, meant to say Hematite deposit in my original post...not cinnabar.

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No. Jim wrote about a different mercury mine that he and Clay had found somewhere else out there.
I never asked him where it was, but Paul did.
the one i know about is in tortilla canyon

No. Jim wrote about a different mercury mine that he and Clay had found somewhere else out there.
I never asked him where it was, but Paul did.

Somehiker, azdave,

Jim Hatt didn't find the Mercury mine, Al Reser told him about it and drew him directions but Jim couldn't find it. Jim asked me how to get to it. I drew him the way but he still couldn't find it. Finally I directed Jim to a high spot across the canyon from the mine and told him to sit down and scan the opposite side just up a ways from the bottom and he would see what looked like a black square box. That was the mine. The mine is in rough country, brush and a tangle of trees getting to the other side of the canyon. Jim finally made it to the mine after 2 or 3 attempts and claimed it as his mine. The mine is also out by Tortilla Flat "area" but in a southerly direction, not northeast.

Somehiker, azdave,

Jim Hatt didn't find the Mercury mine, Al Reser told him about it and drew him directions but Jim couldn't find it. Jim asked me how to get to it. I drew him the way but he still couldn't find it. Finally I directed Jim to a high spot across the canyon from the mine and told him to sit down and scan the opposite side just up a ways from the bottom and he would see what looked like a black square box. That was the mine. The mine is in rough country, brush and a tangle of trees getting to the other side of the canyon. Jim finally made it to the mine after 2 or 3 attempts and claimed it as his mine. The mine is also out by Tortilla Flat "area" but in a southerly direction, not northeast.

I don't recall Jim ever claiming it was "his" mine.....or that he was the first to see it.

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