DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

:dontknow: Kanabite, it does sound logical no ?? It explains many thing not explainable today.where do you find fault ? Am a bit curious. :laughing7::laughing7::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:Join Rog and I?? anyone else ?

p.s. alsways question everything,within reason.

hi Real ,
i have not been ignoring you , i just do not wish to derail this topic with aztec vs lost tribe dialouge, maybe you could start a topic in the aztec topic and we might discuss things there . i must forwarn you i am 2 weeks of seven days a week working until a long overdue vacation . so it might take me a while to respond . besides i have to upload some stupid app to be able to post pictures on this board from a tablet , so patience like Job's may be required . lol

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Look Rog I'm one of the orange dots .lol. biggest drive down the road crane in the westernUS. 500 ton

not to be critical here , but it took me less than a minute to find that spot on GE. however i vowed to never go to NM looking for treasure .and if this stupid tablet would let me post the screenshot i would , but as far as gps goes you will have to figure that one out , cause its not my story to tell

Maybe I am missing something.
But for this picture, Rog did not say if its in the Organ mountains or the Caballos??? did I miss something?
How can you find it in 10 minutes without even knowing he mountain range and/or canyon?
I must have missed which canyon he was talking about, i will go back and read again.


Maybe I am missing something.
But for this picture, Rog did not say if its in the Organ mountains or the Caballos??? did I miss something?
How can you find it in 10 minutes without even knowing he mountain range and/or canyon?
I must have missed which canyon he was talking about, i will go back and read again.


Oooops my bad , you said something about the organs so that was what I put in the GE search . I must have misunderstood, sorry .

Ha Ha !
we call you Orange Dot Bob from now on .
I love the composition playing in the Background , who is the artist ?
Heck Rog, I don't know who did it. The guy who sold us the air handlers on this job shot the video with his drone , they probably have an app for the music IDK.
Orange dot , hmmmm I guess that's better than micro dot Bob ,lmao

View attachment 1344101

As example , outlined in this shot is the address bar , circled is the geo-cords : 32XXX 106XXX
all my screen shots have the Address bar with the geo cords .

This shot is of the Organ Mountains
Visible and outlined in red , is a Phoenician Tanit Monument ,Tanit is their Goddess and protector of Treasure or
better said : Wealth .

you can wikipedia the name Tanit for more info on her

point here is to show the Artifact that is directly attached to an Early Visit by Phoencian/Hebrew peoples .

when I click on your screenshots, so far, only 2 of them have the address bar showing. All the others just show the picture with the address bar cropped off.

So with just seeing the picture, if there is no road showing I cant get a fix.
If a part of the road into Soledad canyon is showing, I can find them easily because I know and recognize that road.
Anyway, i have found the cave with steps now and very much appreciate your information and patience. I will be exploring that site soon.

The attachment that you posted showing and describing the exact path to get to the cave will not open for me. It says invalid attachment.

In fact other "attachments" that you post will not open for me either. Always says "invalid attachment, if you have the correct link please contact site administrator"

So far, now I am good to go, It would be nice to have the "exact route" attachment, could save some time and hiking.

take care

Amigo's,:coffee2:,When hunting for the cave with steps and other places of interest in these area's ,Make sure your spirit is in it,be careful what you wish for,you may find a reality in history that you wont understand,or that will not be logical to your beliefs or understandings. good luck:hello:.NP:cat:

I long ago realized that pretty much everything we are taught (more like programmed to believe) is just for someone elses benefit.
Not sure why (maybe my veil was lifted as Willie D said in his book) but I never bought into it.
I fully realize that the world is nothing but a bunch of criminal organizations who have gained control over "their" territory (an artificial line drawn on a map) and set the rules in that given territory because they have the monopoly on the use of deadly force to get what they want. Temporarily.

I play by all the rules to remain free, not because I think any of these laws are just or correct.

That said, whatever I may encounter in the cave of steps or its rooms and tunnels will not shake my internal world one bit.
In fact it may fit in better with my internal world view and feel more comfortable than the current fake world I play along with to just to remain free.


are these images showing for you WR ?

You note that NP blacked out portions of the Pics , Those are symbols under the black , ( some are )

They convey admonishments .
no time for a long discourse , just this site was made sort of what you think of as Sacred for
the Depositors .
Lots of their Iconography , elements of their spiritual beliefs , just a ration of thought provoking
Items are there .

yes these images are showing very well.
looking forward to this expedition.
Not sure what you mean by "NP blacked out portions???"

Thanks again TM2 for your incredible knowledge and willingness to pass it along.


Thanks TM2, that has been a great read. It has helped me alot. The info. you gave on the K symbol,the dig spots in the photos,the map info.,all off it. Thanks
again TM2, iam still going over it again and again.:thumbsup:


I believe how you have almost convinced me about pre-Colombian vaults in the Organ Mt. , but I believe how are not what Willie D. had found .
The Caballo's almacen is a Jesuit vault and is connected with a pre-Colombian present , only with the Heart from the lil map . They got ( the Jesuits ) some gold from the Heart and placed it to the Caballo's almacen . The map shows only one way movement from the Heart to the Caballo's almacen .
Also , the Heart is not in the Caballo Mt. but north from Tayopa and Gila River , and west from Santa Fe and Rio Grande del Norte .

Treasminder2, was Treasminder1 your father?
I have never posted on these classic treasure posts but I have spent many interesting hours reading them. I have followed your posts in particular. I have read your postings on other sites as well. It seems to me you are leading up to some sort of inevitable final conclusion. We all must pass at some point, but it saddens me when you allude to your own passing. I admire your bravery and your candid views of things. I guess it's like any sort of human arena, we have our friends and foes. Things would sure be boring here on good old Tnet without your postings. Thank you for putting out into cyberspace your unique knowledge and personality to go with it. It is admirable for sure. John forrey

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Roger,:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2, Thanks for sharing the true Spirit of a Knight with us all. your friend in Spirit.NP:cat:

"Insert Note here : You are reading portions of one of my as yet unpublished Book"

Book? not visual enough.


Graphic novel!

"see ya when My hunch back Uncle straightens up" -

AS the MODE compels US.

I wish I could have met you thirty years ago. You are familar to me. Maybe in the next go round. Thank you.

It's simple rog, the deposits principally were holding depositories for transhipments to Rome of the illegal mines being worked in NW Mexico. They were on the most convenient route to the irregular shipping at the mouth of the river.,

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