DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

WSMR was using ground sensors at Victorio peak in the late 80's. The PMO Sergeant Major and I were drinking buddies.

I doubt seriously that the military or government is tracking anyone with helicopters in the Caballos.

WR, are you sure they are not just doing some drills? I have seen the same choppers in different places, but not in the Cabs. I hope they are not doing a microgravity grid and find the gold before you do. haha. Did you find Sardine ok? Just go past the cattle guard on top of the hill and go straight. Follow the ridge , it is easy walking, then you will see the old road to the left that follows the cliff face. Last time I was up there, I kept hearing breaking rocks , as in animal movement, but never did see one. It had to be one of those stupid sheep, or a muley. During your visit to all those canyons, please keep an eye out for a hole with air coming out either the ground or the cliff face (or anywhere). Good Luck. (Another Mike)

So..........what happened to Whiskey Rat? Did the Boogey Man get him? Was he abducted by the green helicopters? Snake bite? Maybe he found what he was looking for and rode off into the sunset.....
Or, perish the thought, he went home with his tail between his legs as I have so many times.

I have been too the Caballo mts multiple times. I found the area in the bluffs where Willy Doughit camped, a pair of his workboots, and what I believe to be the cut-off tree trunk he used to heist the bars up the side of the ravine. Also, found a flat rock covering a man made hole apparently trying to reach the original cave on the side of the ravine, interesting enough, I found a few old shovels and a pick not far from there stashed in another overhang. The area is easy to get to on the west side, have to go up to the towers and leave from there. Willie died in San Diego some years back.

Whiskeyrat had planned a six weeks trip at the Caballos in February . Is half past April and he still traveling . This is a good sign of his research . Maybe he used good info .


I think I just found out the reason for your Military Helicopters:

The US is housing all the Somali Refugees in Deming, NM. Thirty miles South of Deming is a known ISIS Camp in Puerto Palomas, Mx. I think EVERY road, trail and mountain range near the border is getting a very close look, and the 25 is a direct link to the border. I bet if you were searching around Highway 11 (between Deming and Puerto Palomas), you would have EVERY conceivable kind of camera pointed at you.


Had a great time in the caballos this weekend, but no treasures..... image.webp

I have been too the Caballo mts multiple times. I found the area in the bluffs where Willy Doughit camped, a pair of his workboots, and what I believe to be the cut-off tree trunk he used to heist the bars up the side of the ravine. Also, found a flat rock covering a man made hole apparently trying to reach the original cave on the side of the ravine, interesting enough, I found a few old shovels and a pick not far from there stashed in another overhang. The area is easy to get to on the west side, have to go up to the towers and leave from there. Willie died in San Diego some years back.

care to share a gps coordinate of this area? I would like to check it out if you dont mind.


I think I just found out the reason for your Military Helicopters:

The US is housing all the Somali Refugees in Deming, NM. Thirty miles South of Deming is a known ISIS Camp in Puerto Palomas, Mx. I think EVERY road, trail and mountain range near the border is getting a very close look, and the 25 is a direct link to the border. I bet if you were searching around Highway 11 (between Deming and Puerto Palomas), you would have EVERY conceivable kind of camera pointed at you.


I agree. A few years ago i had a hard rock mining claim down by Playas New Mexico. Border Patrol trucks were literally on every corner of every road around the Hatchita mountains.
They warned me many times not to stay overnight in that area. I stayed anyway and did not encounter any foot traffic. Or any other traffic for that matter.
These days, I would imagine it to be even tighter security.

WR, are you sure they are not just doing some drills? I have seen the same choppers in different places, but not in the Cabs. I hope they are not doing a microgravity grid and find the gold before you do. haha. Did you find Sardine ok? Just go past the cattle guard on top of the hill and go straight. Follow the ridge , it is easy walking, then you will see the old road to the left that follows the cliff face. Last time I was up there, I kept hearing breaking rocks , as in animal movement, but never did see one. It had to be one of those stupid sheep, or a muley. During your visit to all those canyons, please keep an eye out for a hole with air coming out either the ground or the cliff face (or anywhere). Good Luck. (Another Mike)

yup found sardine just fine. very fascinating area. will take a long time to truly explore this area.
The first few times i was up there i saw mountain sheep each time, just below the ridge you mention. You can hear them on the rocks and even then they are hard to spot.
3 of them are full curl rams.

H unk, perhaps that camp. It does not bode well to have their camps well known for some silly reason, but they exist,and of course the narcos use them for co-operative reasons..

Of course these are not large camps /safe houses


Any information coming from this administration is VERY suspect. I have found reports of prayer rugs and Qurans found both on the Mexican and Texas sides of the border since about 2005.

I run into Border Patrol all the time, and they all say they can't speak about anything that is actually going on at the border, or they will get crapped on. Anyone that doesn't spend any time near our border with Mexico has NO IDEA of how bad things actually are from Laredo, Tx. to Calexico, Ca.

Funny thing about that wall that every liberal says won't work; the WALL from Tijuana to Yuma is what is diverting much of the traffic that used to come across in Cali to Az and Tx. WALLS WORK!


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