Think on this for a moment....."can you debate established fact?" No, as there is nothing to debate once the fact has been established. So, clearly, if you would just present established fact to support your following claims then we could end this debate.
"I have found the 30 bodies."
"I have found the treasure."
"The Peralta stone is part of the Beale mystery."
"The Peralta stone is genuine."
These are just a few of the claims you present to be fact. Please end these debates by presenting the required establish facts to back up these claims. The "fact" that you are still leaving these issues up for debate says quite a bit about your presented, "facts."
And, you have already rewritten history, just as many before you have rewritten history. But can you establish what you rewrite? Many Bestselling novels and blockbuster movies have been written by fiction writers but you don't see them claiming their creations to be fact. There's the big catch. Anyone can rewrite history, that's easy. But can you establish what you rewrite to be factual? Thus far, it's a decisive no. Just more magic act.
"Eldo, the Magician!" Great stage name, by the way.