Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

Sometimes it's easier to apologize...we have multiple film production companies and I have worked in the film industry for 15yrs. Going the right way for such controversial subject matter can bring about roadblocks. These projects must be done with extreme caution and strategy.
Yes. I think the roadblocks are intentional. Perhaps they just want to see how serious and committed we are. I walked away from it but hope to revisit the idea. Do it by the book, be patient, and you will have success.

Lmao...I can assure you otherwise. I'd be happy to chat with anyone over the phone...feel free to send me a personal message.

Call me a magician , but I can assure you how you will not find something worth in gold which belonged to Waltz , Montezuma or Peralta .

I wish you good luck
Brother markmar,
Assure? Be careful. You never know what someone else may be sitting on.

Lmao...I can assure you otherwise. I'd be happy to chat with anyone over the phone...feel free to send me a personal message.

Ok , you LMAO first , and I will ROFLMAO at the end .

the Peralta family or any other family cannot be associated with the stone tablets, On the tablets there is absolutely" NO"mention of gold, silver,or any other type of mineral,there is "NO"mention
of any treasure,or the peralta family. And I will remind people again ,whatever these stones are referring to the puzzle cannot be solved with out all of the tablets.:dontknow: NP:cat:

Depends......I know that's a frustrating answer. Generally a horse can carry up to 25% of its body weight without showing ill effect. So.......depends on how big the horse is. A draft horse can carry more than a quarter horse.... Assuming the "average" horse of the day was around 1000 to 1200 pounds. That's about 240 to 300 pounds of total carrying capacity. They can and have carried more, but its going starting showing ill effect over distance. Mules have denser muscles so can carry more total weight.

Thank you for the kind help.

This may or may not be the same person that you are hoping to find but, if its not, there may be some undiscovered connection. Its a true story but, to the best of my knowledge, the ending has yet to be written.

It starts with the French incursion into Mexico in 1862, the Maximilian War as it was then described. After an exhausting series of wars, some bright people thought stability would come to Mexico with the creation of a monarchy. Maximilian of Austria, the restless prince who overhauled the Austrian Navy, was selected in 1859 but, he refused the position and it wasn't until 1863 that he finally accepted. By 1863, French forces were in command of Mexico. Not a bad time to take the helm. In May of 1864, Maximilian and his wife Charlotte arrived at their royal residence in Chapultepec Castle (famous). The timing could not have been worst as there remained a deep divide and dangerous resentment between Mexican liberals and conservatives. Sound familiar? This was yet another very ugly Masonic war actually. Bless those Masons.

As a result of the chaos and jealousy, Maximilian failed in his effort to unite his two masters (who could) and things began to collapse. The French military bravely abandon Mexico, leaving Max and his small army to face a very angry Mexican population. By 1867, it was over and after a long siege at Quertaro, Max was betrayed, captured, and on June 19th, executed along with his two top Generals. Max was made an example. Most of the remaining forces returned to Europe or dissolved into the Mexican population however, two of these soldiers, a Captain Ramon Ortiz and a solider under his command, Manuel Grijalva, chose a very different path. Here I will skip over their misadventures (not impossible to find) and fast forward to 1879. Actually, its easier to read the source:

"In 1879, the driver of a private express was murdered about thirty miles south of ________ and $50,000 in bullion from the ________ mine taken, besides a few hundred in greenbacks. It was soon learned that the robbery was the work of Ortiz, Girjalva, and some unnamed Mexican whom, for some reason they had induced to join them, and then the long chase began. Years after Girjalva was shot and mortally wounded in _____, __., and the pursuers had the address to impose one of their number on him as a priest. Girjalva confessed to everything, willed his share of the bullion to the church and described minutely the old _____ _____ house by the side of which the treasure was buried in _____."

Anyway, if you are interested, I can send the source material and let you read the rest of the story yourself.

For obvious reasons, I don't wish to post the details.
After an extremely hard winter, I could use a few pounds.

Good luck with your research and if anyone can dig up that article, captain1965 would be my choice, among others.

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the Peralta family or any other family cannot be associated with the stone tablets, On the tablets there is absolutely" NO"mention of gold, silver,or any other type of mineral,there is "NO"mention
of any treasure,or the peralta family. And I will remind people again ,whatever these stones are referring to the puzzle cannot be solved with out all of the tablets.:dontknow: NP:cat:

In your opinion based off the perception you currently have....I can promise you that we know what we are talking about.

the Peralta family or any other family cannot be associated with the stone tablets, On the tablets there is absolutely" NO"mention of gold, silver,or any other type of mineral,there is "NO"mention
of any treasure,or the peralta family. And I will remind people again ,whatever these stones are referring to the puzzle cannot be solved with out all of the tablets.:dontknow: NP:cat:


How many stones are there?



In your opinion based off the perception you currently have....I can promise you that we know what we are talking about.
:hello:yes, it is my opinion, show me where I am wrong, show me and every one else where the stone tablets mentions anything I mentioned. :dontknow:np:cat:

Brother markmar,
Assure? Be careful. You never know what someone else may be sitting on.


As I told to Springfield two years ago in this thread ( #357 )

" In this game I share the cards , and sometimes I play with the cards open . I give an opportunity to anybody to make a straight flush or to keep a measly pair . But always I keep an ace in my sleeve ."

So , don't worry about me .


How many stones are there?


joe, I have mentioned this several times before in the past, there are two tablets , a picture of one of them has been posted many times and disregarded, the other was explained,even directions to where
they were last seen, If no one cares that's fine with me,and if you want to refresh your memory you can go back through the post in this thread and find them.I have explained all I need to about them,and that's why
I know they cannot be solved unless you have the knowledge of the other two.:dontknow:np:cat:

joe, I have mentioned this several times before in the past, there are two tablets , a picture of one of them has been posted many times and disregarded, the other was explained,even directions to where
they were last seen, If no one cares that's fine with me,and if you want to refresh your memory you can go back through the post in this thread and find them.I have explained all I need to about them,and that's why
I know they cannot be solved unless you have the knowledge of the other two.:dontknow:np:cat:

I wouldn't mind reading Not Peralta's post when you find it. Please consider posting a link or #.

this took up one side of a tablet; I am not showing the exact star constellations shape, the other side of same tablet showed bulls with spears standing up chasing sheep or lambs, with other
View attachment 844760
hal heres the post is #1209, dated aug13, 2013

When I started this thread, I never imagined that there would be so much rancor towards Bob Ward and the old mission near his cabin. I am surprised that some people are so determined to deny it's existence. There were people digging in and around it all through the 1930's up to the 1970's. If you think that since the mission isn't on old maps proves that it didn't exist, then you must also accept that the Superstitions don't exist since they aren't on early maps either. The mission is the key to many things.

I am about to disclose something that could have been lost for ages. I feel it's time some truth was told. I can no longer go in the mountains due to my age and my health. If something happens to me, all this would be lost. There is another group of people that have, in the past, acquired enough history and information from their people to secretly start removing sites that they have located. There are people who can verify this, if they would only come forward with that information.

Many of you are interested in the DeGrazia paintings. There are many mis-directions and mis-interpretations to the tales told about them. While Bob Ward did write about them in his book, he never had them. He did have two stone tablets that were found within days of the "famous" stone tablets. He couldn't decipher the one's he had. He kept them for years and hid them. He finally drew a map under the cover of DeGrazia thinking that people would find them sooner or later. He trusted few people and didn't care if the two stone tablets were lost. He kept the stones as an ace in the hole should someone claim to have "solved" the stone tablets. The "Dios" rock and his hand drawn DeGrazia map lead to a mine and a mine shaft that may still hold his two stone tablets. The last time I saw them, that's where they were at. The belief that there are additional stone tablets has been reinforced by the discovery of the Tucson Artifacts.
View attachment 843878View attachment 843881
I have given many clues in my thread so far. Some people were more interested in arguing than looking at why I knew certain things. I, personally was starting to feel the same way as Bob Ward. Why shouldn't these things be lost forever? None the less, there are two hidden stone tablets. Both are a lot older than the famous stone tablets and both do not resemble the stone tablets. One of the tablets has a heart insertion on the left hand side and it's different than the heart insertion on the famous stone tablets. On both tablets, the writing is different. Both tablets have sheep or lambs and bulls on them. The tablets are carved on both sides. They also show a star constellation and a pyramid with a line over the top of it. They also show a massive underground tunnel systems in different locations with rooms. In my opinion the lambs and sheep and bulls represent two different groups of people.
Now, you have the so-called DeGrazia map of Bob's, which really gives the location of where the two tablets were kept. If you go to the spot indicated on the map (which I'm sure is covered by now), the entrance was just a 6 or 7 foot hole, then turns to the left, with a smaller shaft which goes back 7 or 8 feet. Then the shaft goes straight down. It is full of water. On the left hand side of the shaft, at water level, you will find a metal spike driven into the wall. The two tablets were sealed good in plastic and tape and were in a fishing net connected to the spike. It's all below water level.:cat:

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NP was that in his well?

sgtfda,:coffee2: If you can read, then theres no reason for me to repeat myself.:dontknow:np:cat:

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When I started this thread, I never imagined that there would be so much rancor towards Bob Ward and the old mission near his cabin. I am surprised that some people are so determined to deny it's existence. There were people digging in and around it all through the 1930's up to the 1970's. If you think that since the mission isn't on old maps proves that it didn't exist, then you must also accept that the Superstitions don't exist since they aren't on early maps either. The mission is the key to many things.

I am about to disclose something that could have been lost for ages. I feel it's time some truth was told. I can no longer go in the mountains due to my age and my health. If something happens to me, all this would be lost. There is another group of people that have, in the past, acquired enough history and information from their people to secretly start removing sites that they have located. There are people who can verify this, if they would only come forward with that information.

Many of you are interested in the DeGrazia paintings. There are many mis-directions and mis-interpretations to the tales told about them. While Bob Ward did write about them in his book, he never had them. He did have two stone tablets that were found within days of the "famous" stone tablets. He couldn't decipher the one's he had. He kept them for years and hid them. He finally drew a map under the cover of DeGrazia thinking that people would find them sooner or later. He trusted few people and didn't care if the two stone tablets were lost. He kept the stones as an ace in the hole should someone claim to have "solved" the stone tablets. The "Dios" rock and his hand drawn DeGrazia map lead to a mine and a mine shaft that may still hold his two stone tablets. The last time I saw them, that's where they were at. The belief that there are additional stone tablets has been reinforced by the discovery of the Tucson Artifacts.
View attachment 843878View attachment 843881
I have given many clues in my thread so far. Some people were more interested in arguing than looking at why I knew certain things. I, personally was starting to feel the same way as Bob Ward. Why shouldn't these things be lost forever? None the less, there are two hidden stone tablets. Both are a lot older than the famous stone tablets and both do not resemble the stone tablets. One of the tablets has a heart insertion on the left hand side and it's different than the heart insertion on the famous stone tablets. On both tablets, the writing is different. Both tablets have sheep or lambs and bulls on them. The tablets are carved on both sides. They also show a star constellation and a pyramid with a line over the top of it. They also show a massive underground tunnel systems in different locations with rooms. In my opinion the lambs and sheep and bulls represent two different groups of people.
Now, you have the so-called DeGrazia map of Bob's, which really gives the location of where the two tablets were kept. If you go to the spot indicated on the map (which I'm sure is covered by now), the entrance was just a 6 or 7 foot hole, then turns to the left, with a smaller shaft which goes back 7 or 8 feet. Then the shaft goes straight down. It is full of water. On the left hand side of the shaft, at water level, you will find a metal spike driven into the wall. The two tablets were sealed good in plastic and tape and were in a fishing net connected to the spike. It's all below water level.:cat:


There are a number of people who trust Bob Ward's word, and probably more who wouldn't give you 2-cents for anything he said.

Your earlier efforts to sell us on another "Dutchman" was not very successful. Same for your picture of the Burn's Ranch mission. Just the story without the picture would have been much better. Once the picture was shown to be at a completely different location, not near the Superstitions, the story fell apart.

Personally, your move into the OZ/Tucson artifacts does not excite the neurons I have left.:violent1::sleepy2: On the other hand, you could, possibly, have all the answers.

Good luck,


Joe,:coffee2: very possible, But ,since I kept you entertained for the last few years is very close to my heart. I wish you lots of luck.:happy3::wave:np:cat:

Joe,:coffee2: very possible, But ,since I kept you entertained for the last few years is very close to my heart. I wish you lots of luck.:happy3::wave:np:cat:

Keep the faith NP. If it was there, it will eventually be known.

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