Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

there is also a concealed mine within 150 to 200 yards from the site, could this have something to do with the purple and black quartz that has been reported
to have been found here.? a lot of this property was fenced off for years. np:cat:

I've been to this site and saw the old mine that was worked. I went there with someone that had a mining claim on the property. Rick Gwinn or one of his partners I believe. There's been a lot of earth moved in there by what could be heavy equipment or justmany people looking for whatever over the years. I saw the purple quartz. Some sort of sacred stone to the Germans.

They were looking for a partner in the mining operation which I declined after seeing and sampling the site.
It's quite overgrown with brush now and lots of trash many holes dug all over. A few small artifacts recovered nothing substantial. It could have been a site established by the Peralta's?

No History to support it yet. Possibly in Mexico City you might find something about this site.

Just wanted to add, concerning the destruction of genuine markers, Walt Gassler's notes includes a statement that Tex Barkeley the rancher who owned the Quarter Circle U ranch, had destroyed a bunch of markers, pits, even broke off a huge boulder to keep the treasure hunters out of his pasture. A rancher near where I live had an ancient Clovis Indian site bulldozed over with almost three feet of dirt to stop people from digging all over his place. Not saying that all markers you find are going to be phony, just not to depend on them too much.

:coffee2: :coffee2:


I have been told that a well known Dutch Hunter was observed creating "clues" in the Superstition's. I personally know of two beautifully constructed six foot tall markers that have been totally destroyed, in the last forty or so years. They were on top of the ridge that separates West Boulder and East Boulder Canyons. By coincidence they were right on my Stone Map Trail.:o

Something that never changes, to any great degree, are the peaks and canyons of the Superstition Mountains. Mother Nature is a jealous guardian of her markers.:notworthy:

Take care,


Oroblanco, Amigo.
I talked about the same subject in this thread. Over many years, one of the things that has had a big impact on lost mines and treasure hunting in many places has been the confidence people
that associate them selves with these legends, and stories just for their own gratification , over the years markers have been destroyed, and others created.Its a shame. NP:cat:

What happened to TN computers yesterday.? np:cat:

Not sure what your referring to...

sometimes when I would be trying to post, the whole post would disappear and take you to another,after several tries it would finally work.
several times I received a pm from someone wanting to know what happened to their post. then at some time the pages on this thread went from 200
to 199. thank you. np:cat:

If enough posts are remove to total a page then page number will drop by one page

Real Amigo,:coffee2: yes, and some times when I give likes, I can come back later and my like is gone, so I have to do it

Why has this Thread left the Topic of somewhere else OTHER than the Superstition Mountains? I believe there are threads that are for support of evidence in the Superstitions? Sorry i know I brought up evidence of my own here in the Sups, but did not mean to get everyone talking about their own found priest in the Sups. How ever I have been searching in NM now to see if there is anything to the horse map and Santa Fe New Mexico. This would put the location smack dab in the center of the Seven Cities of Cibola. Seems to me the stones may have been from Coronado and his march against the seven golden cities of Cibola. If this theory pans out, Imagine that! Every one of you wasting your time looking in the Superstitions when the real treasure was where Coronado was headed?
Here is an interesting spot as it has a volcanic dike with a fault running across it with a north shear zone that has moved the whole Guaje Canyon several hundered feet. To the west is a gold streak high up on the hillside.
View attachment 1058830 View attachment 1058834
this not far from Ruins at Bandelier New Mexico.
View attachment 1058837

If you're going to look in and around Santa Fe then you need to see where the borders of Santa Fe were in the past. You are right though...the Dutchman/Montezuma is in NM and our Exploration company has located it and have all evidence and data to prove so...gaining access to it on the other hand will not happen anytime soon and actually entering will take heavy equipment in a very difficult terrain. View attachment 1171624

This makes no sense. On one hand you say you have all the data and evidence - then on the other you say heavy equipment would be required to gain access. If you haven't gained access how do you have data? Google earth?

Where do you come up with the name Dutchman / Montezuma?

We have dod imaging technology that allows us to view inside. All road signs have been catalogued and all entrances marked. Partial access has been gained through smokestack.

We have dod imaging technology that allows us to view inside. All road signs have been catalogued and all entrances marked. Partial access has been gained through smokestack.

Gotcha - so you haven't actually been there or seen / touched anything.

The Dutchman mine - according to your research has a smokestack coming out of it?

Hopefully you can get there / raise money soon - if you're accurate in your supposition - you'll be all over the news and the most infamous Dutch hunter ever!

The Dutchman is the Montezuma which is the Peralta mines....many names for the same mines. Like I said...Its protected by a native tribe and being its location is very visible, opening it would have to be made public and have the public support.

The largest treasures are not hidden and heavily guarded. The safest place is the place they have always been. The Spanish, Aztec ect. never moved them but rather added to them and reclosed and remarked.

KX. Just ask the dutchman ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1433692819.290425.webp

No need to ask anyone lol

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