discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrLs

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

~Don Jose de La Mancha~

Yes, or perhaps he didn't really understand what he was working with, and attempted to define it
with the knowledge that he was familiar with, which would be workable under the circumstances,
yet be completely incorrect..
Hey Don Jose de La Mancha…I know many of the first manufacturers of these devices..They were treasure hunters. Their goal was to make a device that would help them find treasure. To them it was not a theory but a desire. When they developed a device that would find what they were interested in they decided to sell them to others. None of the manufacturers were in it to get rich..just to pay for their hobby. Even now..A lot of the manufacturers use the money they make from sales to Treasure Hunt..
My assumptions of the guy referred to as “Chuckie” on this board is following in this great tradition..He may be younger than me he will always be called Mr. Charles Christensen as I respect what he is doing..Art

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

Thank you all for the very interesting posts!

My main purpose for asking about the LRL devices was to try to understand how they are supposed to function, apparently the idea is as a sort of amplifier for something akin to dowsing.

I have seen dowsing work for water, water pipes, telephone lines and electric lines. Our city employs a dowser for finding buried pipelines very regularly, as the plans for the old pipe system have long been lost and their dowser has never failed to locate pipes they are looking for in a reasonable time. The phone company likewise employs a dowser, and while I have not seen him at work as much, he was able to correctly locate and delineate the buried phone line near our home in a fairly short time. I know of several oil companies (that is I should say oil drilling companies) in this area who also employ dowsers with excellent success. So I don't need convincing that dowsing works, whether it is believed or proven by science or not. Extra sensory perception is not acknowledged by all members of academia to exist, but there is a body of evidence that certainly suggests there is such a phenomenon. I appreciate the links provided, the circuit diagrams themselves are not complex but do not appear to perform any useful electronic function. I could be mistaken of course. The tiny listening devices designed by the Soviets for use in foreign embassies for instance, appear to be non-functioning devices as they have no visible power apparatus, but were actually powered by an external signal which the device then used to power itself, the microphone and a transmitter to broadcast what sounds were picked up. I am not saying that is the case with the various LRL devices, just that it is possible there is some function that is not readily apparent without external input of some kind.

On the other hand I have never seen dowsing for treasure, not with my own eyes. How the dowser would be able to discriminate between a spring of water versus a chest of gold coins is a question I cannot find an answer to in biology.

Don Jose de la Mancha wrote
EE posted --> But wavelength and frequency are both measurements of the same thing, if both are measured in the same time continuum.
Agreed. now back to "what is the wave length / frequency of a Photon ?

Don Jose de La Mancha

We could ask how the frequency of a photon is measured? I suspect that your tangent is to aim for the wavelength of human brains, unless I miss my mark? There is some disagreement on what the measured ranges are for brainwaves;
Delta 0.5Hz - 4Hz Deep sleep
Theta 4Hz - 8Hz Drowsiness (also first stage of sleep)
Alpha 8Hz - 14Hz Relaxed but alert
Beta 14Hz - 30Hz Highly alert and focused
<Theory Behind BrainWave Generator. Noromaa Solutions Oy, 2003.>

Now for example gold has a wavelength of 10 nM, the frequency 1.729MHz but according to my sources has no resonant frequency; that is, were we to broadcast a signal at that wavelength, the gold would not resonate. I can't explain that problem, but it may not be necessary for the buried gold to be emitting a resonant signal, if the human brain were able to "tune" to the correct wavelength (1.729MHz) detection may be possible.

So if it is possible for the human brain to be "tuned" to perceive the existence of some kind of waves being emitted by a metal, then all that would be needed to use this to locate the metal would be a directional antenna, correct? Not far different from detecting a sound direction or visually by the light reflected.

Please let me know if I am far off the track of where you wished to carry the point my amigo Don Jose', and I welcome any corrections. Thank you in advance,

PS Blackfoot sock coffee anyone?
:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee:

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
HI Rudy, you posted --> 1.- ... how 'much' energy would be need to transmit useful information ? The answer to this question was originally rigorously formulated by Claude Shanon in his seminal paper "A Mathematical Theory of Communication". Published in the Bell System Technical Journal (BSTJ) in July and expanded in October 1948
An excellent post , but you are falling into the trap of attempting to define our present problem with
mechanical devices instead of biological ones. Remember the first stage indicator is the human interface.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Sorry for getting off on a tangent there.

From the red quoted, it sounds like you are headed backward, toward dowsing.

But maybe not.

So I might as well ask right now: Are you going for stuff that could result in a real, "clamp it to the bench" type of functioning-as-advertised LRL, or are you going for an electronic dowsing enhancer, or only trying to figure out how dowsing works?

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

The question of how much energy is meaningless unless we know the nature of information is transferred and can identify the equipment used to detect it. Yet it will still be subject to being above the noise floor when using suitable equipment to detect it.
For example, the energy of a sound needed could vary greatly depending on the nature of the sound, the background noise, the distance, and who's ears are used to hear it.
Why are you talking about ears for..A simple set of rods made from free Coat Hangers can pick up the signal..It is not rocket science we are talking about..Why would anyone want to spend their money for suitable equipment when it can be done for free?..It sure seems that all these suitable devices have failed to detect the signal..Art

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's


Oroblanco said:
I have seen dowsing work for water, water pipes, telephone lines and electric lines. Our city employs a dowser for finding buried pipelines very regularly, as the plans for the old pipe system have long been lost and their dowser has never failed to locate pipes they are looking for in a reasonable time. The phone company likewise employs a dowser, and while I have not seen him at work as much, he was able to correctly locate and delineate the buried phone line near our home in a fairly short time. I know of several oil companies (that is I should say oil drilling companies) in this area who also employ dowsers with excellent success. So I don't need convincing that dowsing works, whether it is believed or proven by science or not. Extra sensory perception is not acknowledged by all members of academia to exist, but there is a body of evidence that certainly suggests there is such a phenomenon.

That is my current opinion, also, for similar reasons.

Oroblanco said:
I appreciate the links provided, the circuit diagrams themselves are not complex but do not appear to perform any useful electronic function. I could be mistaken of course.

Everyone who is familiar with electronics agrees with you on that. Plus, there is no measurable output from them, which confirms it.

The ones that do have anything which could be considered to be "functioning" just have a low power signal generator, and no amplifer to either transmit or receive anything. The only thing that comes out of them is what is normally considered to be "circuit noise," and can't be picked up more than a couple of inches away, if lucky.


Oroblanco said:
On the other hand I have never seen dowsing for treasure, not with my own eyes. How the dowser would be able to discriminate between a spring of water versus a chest of gold coins is a question I cannot find an answer to in biology.

There are a couple of regular dowsers on here who recently said that "it ain't happenin'." They say that the dowsing indication occurs only when directly over the target, which eliminates the "Long Range" part, and also that they've never heard of locating treasure by dowsing.

Oroblanco said:
Now for example gold has a wavelength of 10 nM, the frequency 1.729MHz but according to my sources has no resonant frequency; that is, were we to broadcast a signal at that wavelength, the gold would not resonate. I can't explain that problem....

Me neither. I figure if something has a "resonant frequency," it means that, by definition, it resonates at that frequency! Maybe they are talking about some "other" frequency? :dontknow:

But 1.729MHz is not all that high of a frequency these days. 10nM sound way too tiny for the wavelength, I think it should be more like a few inches, but I didn't do the math.

Oroblanco said:
So if it is possible for the human brain to be "tuned" to perceive the existence of some kind of waves being emitted by a metal, then all that would be needed to use this to locate the metal would be a directional antenna, correct?

It's similar to the problem of hearing people whispering on the other side of a large, noisy room. If they are just talking normally, and the noise isn't very loud, you can do some filtering and noise canceling, and maybe pull out most of the conversation using a very directional mic.

But with the tiny amount of energy involved in what you said, it would be more like hearing an ant sneeze on the other side of the continent.


Oroblanco said:
PS Blackfoot sock coffee anyone?
:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee:

I'll take the blackfoot, if she can cook; I'll pass on the sock coffee until I'm really desperate, though.


Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

Thank you EE THr for the reply;

EE THr wrote
Quote from: Oroblanco on Today at 03:14:40 PM

PS Blackfoot sock coffee anyone?
coffee2 coffee2 coffee

I'll take the blackfoot, if she can cook; I'll pass on the sock coffee until I'm really desperate, though.


Um, I didn't say it was a SHE; nor that it necessarily meant a member of the Blackfoot tribe specifically; you are making assumptions there amigo, yet you turn your nose up at what was freely offered! :o :o :o

Be careful what you wish for, (re: a female Blackfoot that can cook) you may just get your wish! :tongue3:


PS I will just enjoy the hot coffee myself, more for me! :thumbsup:

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

Oroblanco said:
Thank you EE THr for the reply;

EE THr wrote
Quote from: Oroblanco on Today at 03:14:40 PM

PS Blackfoot sock coffee anyone?
coffee2 coffee2 coffee

I'll take the blackfoot, if she can cook; I'll pass on the sock coffee until I'm really desperate, though.


Um, I didn't say it was a SHE; nor that it necessarily meant a member of the Blackfoot tribe specifically; you are making assumptions there amigo, yet you turn your nose up at what was freely offered! :o :o :o

Be careful what you wish for, (re: a female Blackfoot that can cook) you may just get your wish! :tongue3:


PS I will just enjoy the hot coffee myself, more for me! :thumbsup:


I'm sure your coffee is great, Oro, whatever you happen to call it.

And I already have the cook, she's only 1/3 BF, but the rest is 1/3 Irish, and 1/3 African. Luckily, she has a good disposition!

:coffee2: :thumbsup: :coffee2:

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

EE THr wrote
I'm sure your coffee is great, Oro, whatever you happen to call it.

And I already have the cook, she's only 1/3 BF, but the rest is 1/3 Irish, and 1/3 African. Luckily, she has a good disposition!

I am just yanking your chain amigo, the sock coffee is a little private joke with Don Jose'; I will explain. For the record, I have brewed up coffee that has not been so good on occasion, but won't go into that. <The worst was chewable, but not drinkable.>

Mrs O and I were on a prospecting trip and after a long and difficult hike set up camp; the next logical thing to do is of course the camp coffee, and we discovered that we had forgotten the basic coffeepot basket; the part that sits inside the pot and holds the coffee. The hike back to the pickup would take a full day just to get there and another day back, so the only alternative I could think of was to brew it up "cowboy style" that is dumping the ground coffee into the pot and boiling it a while, which can be less than appetizing. Beth came up with a novel idea to use a sock to hold the coffee, which then was suspended in the boiling water and the result was surprisingly good, better than our results with a Coleman "drip" or the old style coffeepot. The sock was brand new, never worn but we don't tell anyone that part, just allow their imaginations to think of a nasty, sweaty dirty sock when saying "sock coffee". Beth's little trick worked so well that we have now for years done it that way deliberately, new cotton socks are fairly inexpensive and can be washed and used as socks later. We had a very funny incident with the sock coffee while camped at a Forest Service "PIT" project several years ago; the group happened to meet at our camp one morning and we had a freshly brewed pot of "sock coffee" - the sock of course comes out looking quite coffee stained, so when Beth offered a hot cup of sock coffee to anyone who desired, the reactions were comical! They would look at that coffee-stained sock, and made faces at what they must have been imagining, no one took her offer but we sure got a good laugh out of their behavior. Anyway that trick of brewing coffee with a nice new cotton sock works amazingly well, though we still use the basket when we remember to bring it I have no qualms about brewing it with a sock if we happen to have new with us (and generally do on hiking trips.)

Now don't tell Mrs O that I have let the cat out of the bag, she likes to let people think of brewing up coffee by using a filthy used sock freshly removed from a hot, dirty, sweaty, smelly foot.

This reminds me I have to send a PM to Don Jose', made a mistake in a recipe for blue corn bread that came out incredibly good. No more commercial cornbread mix for me, after this little error.

Sorry for the off-topic post amigos. Now back to the topic at hand.

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

Allo Rudy you posted --> The answer is that it is a single frequency (or wavelength) at a given particular energy level. Obviously. That is why it makes little sense to ask ..."what frequencies are in a Photon? "
At any instant in time, a photon has only one frequency

Aren't we forgetting the little thingie called energy level? why do we have Brown, Red, etc stars?

Don Jose

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

Evening oro you posted -->some disagreement on what the measured ranges are for brainwaves;
Delta 0.5Hz - 4Hz Deep sleep
Theta 4Hz - 8Hz Drowsiness (also first stage of sleep)
Alpha 8Hz - 14Hz Relaxed but alert
Beta 14Hz - 30Hz Highly alert and focused

this is quite true, but this isn't the actual measuring /receptive ability of the brain, but it's working frequencies.
you posted --> for example gold has a wavelength of 10 nM, the frequency 1.729MHz but according to my sources has no resonant frequency
Every atom in the universe has a resonant frequency.
you posted -->So if it is possible for the human brain to be "tuned" to perceive the existence of some kind of waves being emitted by a metal, then all that would be needed to use this to locate the metal would be a directional antenna, correct
you got it my friend, and as for directional ant you have two hemispheres in the brain that can perform that function quite well, no?

Where is mi coffee?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Evening oro you posted -->some disagreement on what the measured ranges are for brainwaves;
Delta 0.5Hz - 4Hz Deep sleep
Theta 4Hz - 8Hz Drowsiness (also first stage of sleep)
Alpha 8Hz - 14Hz Relaxed but alert
Beta 14Hz - 30Hz Highly alert and focused

this is quite true, but this isn't the actual measuring /receptive ability of the brain, but it's working frequencies.
you posted --> for example gold has a wavelength of 10 nM, the frequency 1.729MHz but according to my sources has no resonant frequency
Every atom in the universe has a resonant frequency.
you posted -->So if it is possible for the human brain to be "tuned" to perceive the existence of some kind of waves being emitted by a metal, then all that would be needed to use this to locate the metal would be a directional antenna, correct
you got it my friend, and as for directional ant you have two hemispheres in the brain that can perform that function quite well, no?

Where is mi coffee?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Isn't it a fair assumption to make that the brain, if capable of detecting a resonant vibration, would be detecting vibrations that were in the same frequency ranges that the brain itself operates within?

I beg to differ on that statement about every atom having a resonant frequency; my sources say that gold molecules have no resonant frequency. Can you provide a source that gives us a resonant frequency for gold atoms?

Thirdly, most people only utilize one hemisphere of their brain for most cogitating activity; how would you "train" the brain to utilize both hemispheres and discern a difference in "signal" detection finely enough, so as to determine a direction? Thank you in advance;

No sock coffee for you, as you were once one of the mean brute prison guards you shan't deserve any. :tongue3:


Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

HI EE: you posted --> So I might as well ask right now: Are you going for stuff that could result in a real, "clamp it to the bench" type of functioning-as-advertised LRL, or are you going for an electronic dowsing enhancer, or only trying to figure out how dowsing works?
what could be applicable to all of them. Does an object give off a detectable energy and how can we separate a single gold ring in a jewelry store full of them of different alloys, using this inherent energy / frequency?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

Oro down here they make a funnel of cotton, fill it with ground beans, then either drip hot water through it, or simply let it dangle in the water while boiling away.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. EE do you actually think that he uses a new sock??? snicker Can you actually imagine a two day walk, and he is going to use his spare sock for coffee? yeah You have to watch these Wyoming x coboy sheep lovers EE.

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Oro down here they make a funnel of cotton, fill it with ground beans, then either drip hot water through it, or simply let it dangle in the water while boiling away.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. EE do you actually think that he uses a new sock??? snicker Can you actually imagine a two day walk, and he is going to use his spare sock for coffee? yeah You have to watch these Wyoming x coboy sheep lovers EE.

Aha! Just for that crack, I will be sure to save some of that used sheep-dip, may just "accidently" make a mistake when pouring your first cup of the morning. :tongue3: On second thought maybe it will be the dip used on the cattle, at the end of the day it has a nastier aroma but more closely resembles strong black coffee in appearance.

Cowboy, sheep herder sheesh - that would imply a certain set of skills and abilities, which is not present. I could as well call you a mule herder, with greater justification!

Don Jose' el ex-mean brute San Quentin bull wrote
Does an object give off a detectable energy and how can we separate a single gold ring in a jewelry store full of them of different alloys, using this inherent energy / frequency?

This ought to be nearly impossible. Do you have a proposed method that may work?

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

Oro you posted --> Thirdly, most people only utilize one hemisphere of their brain for most cogitating activity; how would you "train" the brain to utilize both hemispheres and discern a difference in "signal" detection finely enough, so as to determine a direction? Thank you in advance;
Hmm, your eyes perform this very same directional function already using frequency reception.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

EE, you posted --> And I already have the cook, she's only 1/3 BF, but the rest is 1/3 Irish, and 1/3 African. Luckily, she has a good disposition!
The oirsih clinched it my friend, a full fledged keeper, hi to her, and extend my sympathies, just imagine, if she had played her cards right she could have had me. Have to post this quickly and sign off before my latina tiger sees it. She hasn't connected with a coffee cup in years, but she stil tries.

hmm Oro does beth --??????????????

Don jose de La Mancha

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's


I'll tell her you said hi, but as for the rest, I don't want her heading for the border.

:coffee2: :coffee2:

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Evening oro you posted -->some disagreement on what the measured ranges are for brainwaves;
Delta 0.5Hz - 4Hz Deep sleep
Theta 4Hz - 8Hz Drowsiness (also first stage of sleep)
Alpha 8Hz - 14Hz Relaxed but alert
Beta 14Hz - 30Hz Highly alert and focused

this is quite true, but this isn't the actual measuring /receptive ability of the brain, but it's working frequencies.
you posted --> for example gold has a wavelength of 10 nM, the frequency 1.729MHz but according to my sources has no resonant frequency
Every atom in the universe has a resonant frequency.
you posted -->So if it is possible for the human brain to be "tuned" to perceive the existence of some kind of waves being emitted by a metal, then all that would be needed to use this to locate the metal would be a directional antenna, correct
you got it my friend, and as for directional ant you have two hemispheres in the brain that can perform that function quite well, no?

Where is mi coffee?

Don Jose de La Mancha
Don Jose de La Mancha
[/quote]Hi Mr. Don,

The brain uses many measuring/receptor frequencies. If we are talking about receiving signals, our eyes have a temporal resolution of about 15-20Hz, while the signals they process vary from 400–790 THz. Ears process signals between 20-20KHz. Several kinds of nerve endings in the sense of feel can detect sound or mechanical vibrations below 100Hz down to the sub-1Hz level depending on the kind of motion signal. And people can detect higher frequencies of mechanical motion with touch, but not with very good resolution. Smell? Not sure about any frequencies.

As far as directional sensors, we have binocular vision, and stereo hearing, both with limited locating abilities that can be optimized for good performance. Locating things by smell requires moving about and following a trail that can blow in the wind. The sense of touch is not often thought of as long range locating equipment, but if it was, we theoretically have locating abilities with touch, which could be greatly improved with training. For example, a blind person may be able to feel the direction of light falling on him, or a deaf person may be able to feel the direction of certain kinds of sounds coming toward him. There are no doubt other senses that could be used, but the brain cannot locate anything until there is some some sort of sensory input to process. And since we are talking about theories that could apply to LRLs, maybe the LRL does part of the signal processing, maybe even does the directional determination so the brain does not have to.

This leads to the critical question that must be answered before we can move any farther forward.
What about this ring in a jewelry store? What nature of a signal are we to be sensing?
Are you suggesting some commonly known human sense that we can use in conjunction with an LRL, or some obsucure sense that nobody knows much about?

Best wishes,

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

Don Jose, el gringo de la Mancha wrote
hmm Oro does beth --?

Mrs O never throws things in anger; now a cast iron frying pan might fly out of her hand while swinging it at speed, but I doubt that it was intended for it to fly, rather it was supposed to land while still in her grasp and only accidentally came out of grip due to centrifugal force and perhaps grease on the handle.

J__P wrote
The brain uses many measuring/receptor frequencies. If we are talking about receiving signals, our eyes have a temporal resolution of about 15-20Hz, while the signals they process vary from 400–790 THz. Ears process signals between 20-20KHz. Several kinds of nerve endings in the sense of feel can detect sound or mechanical vibrations below 100Hz down to the sub-1Hz level depending on the kind of motion signal. And people can detect higher frequencies of mechanical motion with touch, but not with very good resolution. Smell? Not sure about any frequencies.

None of these frequencies run into the megahertz range, which is where gold is. What organs or sense would be detecting in the megahertz range? Thank you in advance,

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

Oroblanco said:
J__P wrote
The brain uses many measuring/receptor frequencies. If we are talking about receiving signals, our eyes have a temporal resolution of about 15-20Hz, while the signals they process vary from 400–790 THz. Ears process signals between 20-20KHz. Several kinds of nerve endings in the sense of feel can detect sound or mechanical vibrations below 100Hz down to the sub-1Hz level depending on the kind of motion signal. And people can detect higher frequencies of mechanical motion with touch, but not with very good resolution. Smell? Not sure about any frequencies.

None of these frequencies run into the megahertz range, which is where gold is. What organs or sense would be detecting in the megahertz range? Thank you in advance,
Hi Oroblanco,

The nuclear magnetic resonance of buried gold is not in the megahertz range.
This frequency of 1.729 MHz is an artificially modified frequency that scientists publish and use only when they place gold samples in a very strong magnetic field in a laboratory.

The NMR frequency of gold or any other element will increase with the strength of magnetic field it is exposed to. The reason why you read about the 1.729 Mhz frequency is because scientists need to expose it to a magnetic field 47,000 times stronger than the earth's field to reduce the background noise to a level where they can measure the frequency. In a natural environment of buried gold, or a ring in a jewelry store, the NMR frequency is in the audio range around 37 Hz. At this weak natural magnetic field strength, any nuclear magnetic resonating at 37 Hz is not discernable because it is lost in a huge amount of background noise. But this is not a clean 37 Hz. This is only an average frequency for atoms in a chunk of gold. Most of the gold atoms are not resonating at that frequency. At earth field strength, this is a very weak, sloppy signal buried in noise. Then there is the problem that the earth's magnetic field is not uniform. The field strength varies from around 30 μT to 60 μT at various locations. This means the NMR frequency of buried gold could be between 22Hz and 45Hz at different locations. These variations are not predictable either. They don't follow any convienient geographical formula, but show wierd anomalies all over depending on how the soil strata changes. There is some consistency that the field strength is stronger at the poles than at the equator. Did I mention that the magnetic field strength varies during the day, with repeating daily cycles, as well as cycles where the strength changes over longer periods of time? There are also variations over time which come as unexpected jumps when there are tremors and other geophysical events. We also have directional variations in this weak magnetic field which show a more horizontal field at the equator, and more vertical field at the poles.

The result is the NMR frequency of gold is poorly defined for gold that is buried in the ground, and un-measureable, and changing over short periods of time. If we are looking for resonance, we would first have to measure the local earth magnetic field strength, then calculate the expected frequency, with the understanding that the frequency will change as we walk along in our treasure hunt where the field strength is different. So prepare to carry a portable magnetometer. And prepare to try to detect a signal that needs a field 47,000 times stronger than where you're walking to be detectable above the noise floor. But most important, be prepared to detect a metal whose atoms are mostly not resonating at the frequency you calculated.

LRL users of MFD generators use frequencies they claim are the same as NMR frequencies.
But the frequencies they talk about using are usually different than this calculated amount. Some claim they are using harmonic frequencies.
Considering the fundamental frequency is buried in noise so it can't be measured until we increase the field 47,000 times, how can we expect to get a harmonic to resonate when it is even weaker, and is also an undefined frequency like the fundamental?

To give you an idea of how NMR frequencies change in a treasure hunting scenario, look at the map below. This is a magnetic survey map made by a geologist in a remote area where you might want to hunt for buried gold. Gold will have a NMR frequency that varies between 38.8 and 42.5 Hz at locations that are mapped below. Suppose you are standing in the lower left corner of the soccer field size area and measure the magnetic field where you are standing, then calculate you need to find gold resonating at 42 Hz. You take your super-exotic SQUID amplifier LRL that you figure can "sort of" see into the noise region and start walking northeast in search of gold. By the time you traveled 100 yards the calculated gold frequency has changed from 42 Hz to 39 Hz. How can you keep your detector resonating at the correct frequency? Built-in magnetometer correction?
That might work, but remember how we have a really sloppy frequency where most of the gold atoms are not resonating at the calculated frequency?
And guess what?
There are other elements with their harmonics which also are sloppily resonating in this same bandwith to confuse any detection you might make for gold. But these are no where near as strong as other noise signals that can set off the detector to think it might have found something. Considering we are looking for a super-tiny electromagnetic signal at around 40 Hz, how do we tell the difference from ELF noise signals millions of times stronger that can arrive at 40 Hz randomly or in patterns? How do we find these NMR gold signals from amongst the natural earth signal noises, man-made transmissions or electrical equipment noise, or possibly even biological 40 Hz noise from your nervous system as you treasure hunt?


This is a basic reason why the nuclear magnetic resonant frequency theory does not seem like a very promising explanation for LRL operation in treasure hunting.
Another reason is I never heard of anybody who has biological sensors, or who can make an electronic detector capable of detecting the direction of a 37 Hz electromagnetic signal from a substance that does not resonate at that frequency. In fact I can't imagine it happening if the buried gold found a way to magically start resonating at a coherent 37 Hz, considering it is in a magnetic field 47,000 times weaker than what is needed for a signal to rise above the noise floor.

Do you know of a human sense or practical man-made machine that can localize a sub-noise strength 37 Hz electromagnetic signal?
If so, will this method or machine work for anyone who wants to try it?

Thank you in advance,
Best wishes,


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