discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrLs

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

EE THr said:
EddieR said:
The whole reason I always ask for quotes is BECAUSE I NEVER SAID WHAT YOU CLAIM I SAID. I thought that was simple to understand, but in dealing with you, "simple" evidently is too much overload. Sorry about that. Your reading comprehension is wrong, as usual.... but I've come to expect that from your kind.

If you aren't against Science, then why were you whining about me bringing it up? Sorry, you're just trying to weasel out of your own contradiction.

This is the way your kind thinks: You guys can generalize your posts and take free reign to extract concepts from others posts, but anyone who opposes your posts (i.e. agenda) should word their postings exactly as meant and should only go by what your kind specifically posts (never taking a general conceptualization from them). Now why is that?

Translation of Eddie-speak: "I don't like you mentioning the ideas that I put forth, when I contradict myself. And I'll add to that some nonsensical gobbeldy-gook that maybe some gullible people will think means that you are guilty of something or other similar to the goof that I made. Then maybe I won't look so bad."

Nice try, Innocent Eddie, but no cigar. :laughing7:

As for your video.... Seriously!!! There are thousands of videos out that show UFO's, aliens, bigfoot, chupacabra, nessie, and lord knows what else. Some of the videos have been taken by law enforcement officers (UFO) and pilots (UFO). But, UFO's still aren't proven to be real. Why not? There is video, there are reliable witnesses, it's on the internet, etc. All the reasons you say makes the Eugenics program true can also be said about UFO's.

It's all about a little thing called H-I-S-T-O-R-Y, Eddie. All the stuff in the video is taken from recorded history. And unlike your UFO nonsense, there is physical evidence supporting what is told in the video, in addition to the testimony of credible professionals, and the Eugenics/Psychiatry program's own documents.

But no, you would rather be on the side of baby killers and people who walk around with a transistor hot-glued to a coat hanger, imagining they "found treasure."

BTW, I never said I believed any stories about LRL's (another of your bogus claims). I never said I believed any about metal detectors either. SO?

OK. Regardless of who said what when, here is your big chance to set it all straight, and save face---

1. Do you think Science is valid?
2. Do you think that LRLs previously and/or currently on the market will reliably locate "treasure"?

First of all, I stand by what I said in my post. You can try to shimmy sham around it, but it still stands.

Next, as for the questions you asked...

1. You asked if I think science is valid. Of course I do. But many of the people who support/define it ARE NOT. Some scientists willingly ignore evidence contrary to the results they want. They fabricate studies to "prove" their findings. Their "findings" matches what the person/group in charge of the funding wants. All of this has been seen over and over in the past. Now, if "people of science" will do this, then is "science" valid? (The term "science" being used here is referring to their flawed/fake findings)

2. You asked if I thought that LRL's previously and/or currently on the market will reliably locate "treasure".
I have stated in the past that I can only speak for the devices I myself have used, which was a LectraSearch VS100. Initially, I thought that it worked, as I easily located a ring that I had lost earlier. But, after performing tests recently (with the same device that I used before) I easily concluded that the device does not perform as advertised (electronically). It's a dowsing rod.

Now, the other LRL's on the market? I have no idea. I've never used them. So in all fairness, I cannot say yes or no concerning them.

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

EddieR said:
First of all, I stand by what I said in my post. You can try to shimmy sham around it, but it still stands.

Next, as for the questions you asked...

1. You asked if I think science is valid. Of course I do. But many of the people who support/define it ARE NOT. Some scientists willingly ignore evidence contrary to the results they want. They fabricate studies to "prove" their findings. Their "findings" matches what the person/group in charge of the funding wants. All of this has been seen over and over in the past. Now, if "people of science" will do this, then is "science" valid? (The term "science" being used here is referring to their flawed/fake findings)

2. You asked if I thought that LRL's previously and/or currently on the market will reliably locate "treasure".
I have stated in the past that I can only speak for the devices I myself have used, which was a LectraSearch VS100. Initially, I thought that it worked, as I easily located a ring that I had lost earlier. But, after performing tests recently (with the same device that I used before) I easily concluded that the device does not perform as advertised (electronically). It's a dowsing rod.

Now, the other LRL's on the market? I have no idea. I've never used them. So in all fairness, I cannot say yes or no concerning them.


Answer #1. The main definition of "Science" is not people, or their results. It is a specific conceptual structure. Real Science always uses the Scientific Method. "Science...is a systematic enterprise...." While some use it to refer to people: "Science thinks this or that"; Or to refer to their results: "There is good science and bad science"; there actually is neither. There is only real Science. And then of course, there is pseudoscience. So people who skew statistics, and fabricate results, or claim that opinions always represent proven facts, are not using Science, and are not deserving to be called Scientists. I agree with your analysis, but can only give you a 99% score on your answer because you ambiguated the definition of Science in your last two sentences (and Science makes a point to disambiguate). But pretty good, nonetheless.

Answer #2. I have to give you a full "A" on this one, as your personal opinion. Since you have never perported to be experienced in electronics technology, you would have no way of evaluating other devices by their circuitry, or by their makers and promoters theories of operation. However, I have reservations because there are actual real-world documented actions and lack of actions, which provide logical circumstantial evidence which cannot pass any Scientific evaluation (Logic is a valid part of Science, too, you know). But since you didn't mention that type of analysis in your answer, I only scored you on what you said. Others, strictly speaking, probably wouldn't be so lenient.

I used this "scoring" merely as one of many possible methods of communication, so don't feel like I'm trying to be some kind of "authority." It just seemed the briefest way to get my point across. And kind of humorous, too.


Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

EddieR said:
2. You asked if I thought that LRL's previously and/or currently on the market will reliably locate "treasure".
I have stated in the past that I can only speak for the devices I myself have used, which was a LectraSearch VS100. Initially, I thought that it worked, as I easily located a ring that I had lost earlier. But, after performing tests recently (with the same device that I used before) I easily concluded that the device does not perform as advertised (electronically). It's a dowsing rod.

Now, the other LRL's on the market? I have no idea. I've never used them. So in all fairness, I cannot say yes or no concerning them.

Well, congratulations! What did it take... a couple of years for you to wake up? Do you recall several of us telling you that very thing when you landed here, a few hundred (or thousand) posts ago.

Were you identified in grade school as a slow learner, or just stubborn and contrary to the educators that obviously knew more about their area of expertise than you did? (rhetorical - I already know the answer... like any good lawyer knows, don't ever ask a question you don't already know the answer to :laughing7:)

I'll have to shoulder some of the blame for your lack of understanding LRLs; I gave you credit for having more of an intelligence quotient than you actually possess. Sorry...


Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

Ted Groves said:
EddieR said:
2. You asked if I thought that LRL's previously and/or currently on the market will reliably locate "treasure".
I have stated in the past that I can only speak for the devices I myself have used, which was a LectraSearch VS100. Initially, I thought that it worked, as I easily located a ring that I had lost earlier. But, after performing tests recently (with the same device that I used before) I easily concluded that the device does not perform as advertised (electronically). It's a dowsing rod.

Now, the other LRL's on the market? I have no idea. I've never used them. So in all fairness, I cannot say yes or no concerning them.

Well, congratulations! What did it take... a couple of years for you to wake up? Do you recall several of us telling you that very thing when you landed here, a few hundred (or thousand) posts ago.

Were you identified in grade school as a slow learner, or just stubborn and contrary to the educators that obviously knew more about their area of expertise than you did? (rhetorical - I already know the answer... like any good lawyer knows, don't ever ask a question you don't already know the answer to :laughing7:)

I'll have to shoulder some of the blame for your lack of understanding LRLs; I gave you credit for having more of an intelligence quotient than you actually possess. Sorry...


Sure, I remember. I also remember that you usually don't know squat about what you are talking about. You saying the LRL is just a dowsing rod is just A LUCKY GUESS on your part. Instead of parroting all the people around me and just believing, I prefer to prove to myself. You never showed proof, only your opinion (and your _ss)

I'm glad you chimed in here...I've been meaning to remind you about your claim. I know that you have severe memory loss, so I'll help you out. You know, the one that you can't back up? The claim you make that I was disbarred....and I've offered you 50,000.00 CASH to prove. (but you aint got the guts, brains, or little cajones to do it, evidently) Whoops, forget the cajones part, Judy has them hanging on her mirror :laughing9: <tinkle tinkle> Of course, you will ignore this call for proof, just like all the other times, 'CAUSE YOU AINT GOT DIDDLEY!!! :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9:

It really impresses me that someone with the limited mental faculties you possess is able to even consider congratulating me for something. Keep working on it, you seem to have made some mental progress since I first came here. Albeit a small amount, but it's still progress. Maybe next year we can work on tying your shoes, how does that sound? Won't that be fun!!! :occasion18:

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

eddie, that was a real scorcher - his b---s will burn for the next 3 weeks. :laughing9: :laughing9: now if he come calling back
you will know for sure he is a complete ----- well, better not say it here or he will go whining to the mods crying FOUL, FOUL.
:laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9:

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

Rave on dipstick... :laughing9: I've forgotten more about LRLs than you will ever know if you were to live 5 lifetimes. Just a spoiled brat troll looking for attention, now that you've wasted your folks' $$$ on a college education that went belly-up. BTW, is Godfather's hiring? Maybe you can find your calling yet. :laughing7:

Eddie can't be held accountable for most of what he writes 'cause his mother no doubt helps him with the spelling and sentence structure. If she didn't, how would we be able to tell Eddie and Art apart?

:::tinkle::: :::tinkle:::


....nice try, but no cigar. You'll have to beg one from your trailer-trash cohort.

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

Ted Groves said:
Rave on dipstick... :laughing9: I've forgotten more about LRLs than you will ever know if you were to live 5 lifetimes. Just a spoiled brat troll looking for attention, now that you've wasted your folks' $$$ on a college education that went belly-up. BTW, is Godfather's hiring? Maybe you can find your calling yet. :laughing7:

Eddie can't be held accountable for most of what he writes 'cause his mother no doubts helps him with the spelling and sentence structure. If she didn't, how would we be able to tell Eddie and Art apart?

:::tinkle::: :::tinkle:::


....nice try, but no cigar. You'll have to beg one from your trailer-trash cohort.

I DO believe you've forgotten a lot... I've pointed that out many times. ::) BTW...ya forgot to post that proof (again) about me being disbarred. Of course, we shouldn't expect any more from a two bit con such as yourself, should we? :laughing9:

Your description of yourself is fitting, a spoiled brat troll....we do agree on something after all. :laughing9:

I'm not sure if GodFathers is hiring or not....I'll see if i can get you a job, something suitable for your qualifications. Busboy, perhaps....or dishwasher.

Believe me, if my mom was helping me write on here you would know it! She would show no mercy on you, as one thing she can't stand is a person that walks around with their head up their _ss. I guess I inherited the genes, cause I don't particularly like your type either.

Now I'll tweak your little red clown nose <toot toot>


Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

Hey EddieR..All you have to do is read his web site and you will find out how slow Ted is...He was a Dowser for 20 years ...It took him that long to find out that it did not work for him...Art

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

Well I certainly must admit that was one theory shot down I actually thought that ted could come up with some logical discussions etc., instead of just being a - sheesh - potty mouthed kiddie showing off his cleverness in four lettered words... I guess his mommie couldn't afford soap.

Eddie he has been conspicuous in avoiding answering something that he started.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's


Which definition of "theories" are you asking about?

There is the Scientific one that says a theory attempts to explain why something happens or works in a certain way.

Then there is the definition that says theory is an idea or concept describing something which doesn't yet exist, but should work if it is built.

The first one is impossible, because no LRL on the market actually works. So the only theory there would be concerning why people fall for the scam. Or why the scammers use the "LRL" angle.

The second one would be interesting, except that if anyone ever did invent something which detected specific materials at a great distance, they would be totally nuts to call it an "LRL."

So, what are you asking about?---The LRLs that have been marketed, or long distance detection?

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

PuffDaddy said:
I agree that we should all disagree! It's a lot more fun that way! Who wants to go first?

It appears that you have been hanging around Art too long.

I predicted nine months ago that you would say that.

See #22, in Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

Predictability is a form of Scientific Proof.

You are continuing to perform exactly as predicted.

You remain your own best debunker.

Keep up the good work!

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

A Dozen Points Proving LRL Fraud These points have never been rationally refuted.

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

It appears that you have been hanging around Art too long.

I predicted nine months ago that you would say that.

See #22, in Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

Predictability is a form of Scientific Proof.

You are continuing to perform exactly as predicted.

You remain your own best debunker.

Keep up the good work!

Thank you EE for answering my question from http://forum.treasurenet.com/index.php/topic,437281.0.html... on this thread
We appreciate this mode...Keep up the good work!.. Art

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

aarthrj3811 said:
It appears that you have been hanging around Art too long.

I predicted nine months ago that you would say that.

See #22, in Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

Predictability is a form of Scientific Proof.

You are continuing to perform exactly as predicted.

You remain your own best debunker.

Keep up the good work!

Thank you EE for answering my question from http://forum.treasurenet.com/index.php/topic,437281.0.html... on this thread
We appreciate this mode...Keep up the good work!.. Art

Thank you. I will. The truth never gets old, never wears out, and never, ever dies.

P.S. Your link doesn't work!

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

Thank you. I will. The truth never gets old, never wears out, and never, ever dies.
You are correct..You may want to try it sometime

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

Hi Mr. Don,

I tried your experiment, and it didn't work for me. But I didn't use color samples from a paint store because I know the texture of different sample chips are subtly different unless they were made from the exact same batch of the same color. And this subtle difference in texture could allow us to feel a difference, and give us an unfair advantage.

Instead, I got a piece of printer paper and cut it up into 2-inch squares. I wet all the squares and put a different drop of food coloring on each square. The color drops spread out and colored the entire square of paper on both sides. When all the squares were dry, I could tell the dyes were absorbed into the paper fibers, and they did not form a coating of pigments bound in resins over the top of the paper fibers. So I felt the different colored samples probably have the same texture of paper fiber cut from the same page.

I tried to determine the color using various fingers and thumbs, nose, and elbows as you suggested, but I could tell no difference except when I used my eyes to examine them. It makes me wonder if I am abnormal for not being able to tell the difference, or if telling the difference involves feeling a subtle difference in the texture. :icon_scratch:

Best wishes,

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