discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrLs

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

Well JP…I read your posts in hope of acquiring some knowledge..I have some experience with hypnotists…I learned at the age of 17 how to control pain with Self Hypnotists…At first it would only work for a few seconds..The longer I used it the longer it would last…So yes I believe it is possible…Art

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

aarthrj3811 said:
Well JP…I read your posts in hope of acquiring some knowledge..I have some experience with hypnotists…I learned at the age of 17 how to control pain with Self Hypnotists…At first it would only work for a few seconds..The longer I used it the longer it would last…So yes I believe it is possible…Art
Hi aarthrj3811,

You have confirmed you can use the power of suggestion to alter what you feel with your senses. This can be an important clue to understanding theories that may be applicable to LRLs.

At this juncture, I again highly recommend you try the book experiment as Mr. Don suggested. Since you have confirmed you are believer in the power of suggestion, the results of your book-stroking experiments could be very pertinent to this discussion.

Best wishes,

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

EddieR said:
EE THr said:
aarthrj3811 said:
Of course you want everyone to prove it to themselves...
Yes he does..Is that not what Sceintist do?..Art

What's a "Sceintist"?

Oh, sorry. I shouldn't expect you to know that, since you don't even know how to use the quote feature or the Spell Checker.

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!
P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

That's a #39 on your list. See? It's easily interchangeable. And heck....we're just getting started!


Yeah, if I get insulted enough, I'll take a jab once in awhile, so what? I already told you that. How would that surprise anyone, anyway?

Like I have already told you, moron, it's when you consistantly perform the actions on the list, which con-artie does, and now you are starting to again. Add learning to read to your "To Do" list, but for best results, put it above the dictionary thing.

You are a fake, just like the rest of your "buddies."

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!
P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

EE THr said:
...if I get insulted enough, I'll take a jab once in awhile, so what? ....
Hi EE THr.

I don't mean to focus on anyone in particular, but there is no need for anyone to send insults in this thread. We are at a point where we may actually be making some progress in learning possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's. This looks like it may be an exciting journey into the dynamics of long range locating.

So far, after discussing everything from eyeballs to electronics, we were directed to some strange force and energy flow we can feel with our fingers. While at first glance it seems like a silly proposition, even as Mr. Don says: "I frankly, originally thought "what silliness", and almost forgot it". But actually, most of us believe in the power of suggestion. Think about it... during football games, the coach may often tell his team that they are better than the opponents. The coach may believe his is lying to his team, and secretly thinks the opponent is better. But he suspends his belief and tells the team they are better. He often uses every kind of suggestion he can think of to convince them. The funny part of it is it sometimes works. The power of suggestion seems to be a working influence in some observable phenomenon. We see evidence of this when we watch a sports event where the underdog wins against all odds.

But for this discussion, we have a real-life example that aarthrj3811 posted, which could be the key to understanding a new theory that may be applicable to LRLs.
If aarthrj3811 is sincere, and actually reports his results from his book test, we will be able to move forward and see some progress in understanding how his results are applicable.

As I said, I am speaking to forum members in general, not any particular persons who may decide it is better to not introduce insults in their posts for this particular topic.

Best wishes,

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

But for this discussion, we have a real life example that aarthrj3811 posted, which could be the key to understanding a new theory that may be applicable to LRLs.
If aarthrj3811 is sincere, and actually reports his results from his book test, we will be able to move forward and see some progress in understanding how his results are applicable.
Theories are just Theories until excepted by the majority of a seven person Scientist Board..so don’t hold your breathe waiting on my results..Art

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

aarthrj3811 said:
But for this discussion, we have a real life example that aarthrj3811 posted, which could be the key to understanding a new theory that may be applicable to LRLs.
If aarthrj3811 is sincere, and actually reports his results from his book test, we will be able to move forward and see some progress in understanding how his results are applicable.
Theories are just Theories until excepted by the majority of a seven person Scientist Board..so don’t hold your breathe waiting on my results..Art
Hi aarthrj3811,

I am disappointed.
I thought you were actually interested in discussing how suggestion and hypnosis is pertinent to theories that may be applicable to LRLs.
You are well aware there is no board of scientists here. This is simply an internet forum where people talk about the topic of theories that may be applicable to LRLs.
You have shown you are not sincere in helping to find a theory than may explain a theory that may be applicable to LRLs.
You have shown you are not interested in even showing your results for the experiment Mr. Don asked us to try.
This makes me wonder what you are doing here?

Did you come to antagonize your forum rivals?
Did you plan to hijack this topic?
If you have nothing to add to the topic of explaining a possible theory that may be applicable to LRLs, why are you here? ???

Best wishes,

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

Sorry JP…I hope you can come up with a theory that makes sense. They work for thousands of the owner /operators so that part is right. ..Art

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

aarthrj3811 said:
Sorry JP…I hope you can come up with a theory that makes sense. They work for thousands of the owner /operators so that part is right. ..Art
Hi aarthrj3811,
So far you haven't replied to the questions I asked.
Shall I take this to mean you have no theory to offer, and you have no interest in contributing data that Mr. Don requested?
Or am I wrong about that?

Best wishes,

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

J__P said:
aarthrj3811 said:
Sorry JP…I hope you can come up with a theory that makes sense. They work for thousands of the owner /operators so that part is right. ..Art
Hi aarthrj3811,
So far you haven't replied to the questions I asked.
Shall I take this to mean you have no theory to offer, and you have no interest in contributing data that Mr. Don requested?
Or am I wrong about that?

Best wishes,


Good point about not insulting people.

Let's see what artie suggests....

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

So far you haven't replied to the questions I asked.
Shall I take this to mean you have no theory to offer, and you have no interest in contributing data that Mr. Don requested?
Or am I wrong about that?
I am a Treasure Hunter. I don’t need to know the theory used by the three manufacturers that I bought my devices from..As long as they will find gold, pay for themselves and provide money to chase my dreams I am a happy camper..Ar

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

aarthrj3811 said:
So far you haven't replied to the questions I asked.
Shall I take this to mean you have no theory to offer, and you have no interest in contributing data that Mr. Don requested?
Or am I wrong about that?
I am a Treasure Hunter. I don’t need to know the theory used by the three manufacturers that I bought my devices from..As long as they will find gold, pay for themselves and provide money to chase my dreams I am a happy camper..Ar
Hi aarthrj3811,

It is good to see you are happy chasing your dreams.
Too bad you declined to help with showing your results of book stroking.
It could have meant something important.
But good luck with finding more treasures.

Best wishes, :)

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

EE THr said:
J__P said:
aarthrj3811 said:
Sorry JP…I hope you can come up with a theory that makes sense. They work for thousands of the owner /operators so that part is right. ..Art
Hi aarthrj3811,
So far you haven't replied to the questions I asked.
Shall I take this to mean you have no theory to offer, and you have no interest in contributing data that Mr. Don requested?
Or am I wrong about that?

Best wishes,
Good point about not insulting people.

Let's see what artie suggests....
Hi EE THr,

Thank you for your patience to see what Artie had to suggest.

At the moment it appears aarthrj3811 has decided to leave the discussion without describing results from stroking a book cover that Mr. Don requested.
In the mean time, I havent seen any new information from Mr. Don recently about his mysterious sticky finger force that may be applicable to LRLs.
So I could take a side trip while we wait for an update from Mr. Don, to revisit something we looked at previously, but didn't cover completely.
Feel free to skip past this if you are not in the mood for reading a long technical post.

I was reading a previous post by Rudy which I never fully answered, and could have some interesting implications in our quest for a theory that could be applicable to LRLs.
If you recall, Rudy made a post about Mineoro locators which included this passage:
Rudy(CA) said:
...I think we can agree that the device could not directly detect a gold ion as the ions would not be floating in air and certainly not at a distance
that would qualify the device as an LRL. Therefore, if anything, what it would have to detect (with some kind of directionality) is some kind
of electromagnetic wave that is characteristic of the desired metal (e.g. gold).
An aside on your allusion to a carbon arc lamp:
Unless the machine is supposed to work only during a thunderstorm, where does the energy needed to create the plasma come from?
Carbon arc lamp like energies are not common events outside of such storms. Besides, the ions created by such an event would have
relatively short life times before becoming neutral again. So, if you wait for the thunderstorm to pass by, by the time you get there all
the ions would be gone.

Now, if we go micro scale, the shedding or replacing of an electron in a gold atom. The energy required or given up in the process is the Work function and for gold it is 5 eV or about 8X10^-19 Joules of energy.

Using the well known formula E= hc/λ and solving for λ we get λ=hc/E which gives us a photon wavelength of 0.248 µm. The frequency
is, of course, the reciprocal of the wavelength and it is around 4 MHz. This is nowhere in the pico/femto/atto range claimed. Of course, it is not necessarily a steady stream of photons since only one photon is emitted (or absorbed) for each atom's transition. A transition in one direction emits a photon while a transition in the other direction absorbs it.
Ok, so to use a Mineoro type long range locator, we need to detect photons which are absorbed or emitted by gold ions.
As Rudy detailed, these ions do not exist in the air.
But we know they can exist in the ground above where gold metal has been buried for a long time.
How long?
It depends on how long it takes for bacteria which secrete cyanide that can dissolve gold to arrive and to grow to a colony around the gold nugget. Then it would take more time to corrode some gold atoms on the surface which become dissolved into the soil and move out away from the nugget. Then moving forward in time, the traces of dissolved gold move upward from the nugget, and gradually toward the surface of the soil, due to capillary action of the rain cycles. After many thousands of years, a trail of gold ions in the soil has reached an equilibrium where a fairly well defined column of these ions are concentrated. Scientists have measured the concentration of ions in typical columns like this one, which are measured to be in a range from 0.1 to 3 parts per trillion gold ions. Let's say that this particular gold nugget has an ion concentration in the soil above it of 1 ppt of gold ions. For younger buried gold, the concentration can be less. But by chance, it could be as strong or stronger, depending on the bacteria present and other chemicals in the soil.

While this is a hypothetical nugget, it is a very common condition that exists all over the world where there is buried gold. We are looking at a common condition that does not seem to make sense to people who believe gold is inert. But then, what people believe is not always the same as what is real. So we can use the data that was provided by scientists who measure these dissolved gold ions in the ground to help determine how they may be applicable to LRLs.

Now, let us suppose this gold nugget I described is buried a couple of feet under the surface, and has sent gold ions drifting up above it in the dirt. If we figure where these ions are, they could be concentrated in a cylindrical chunk of dirt above the nugget that measures 40 cm tall by maybe 10 cm diameter. This may not be exact, but it is close enough to give us something to count. We can calculate how many gold ions are in this column if we know they are concentrated at 1 ppt. Of course, this column and the amount of gold ions are an average expected, because the cylinder boundaries and concentrations are not exact. But we will be within the reasonable order of magnitude to figure out how it applies to long range detection.

Ok, for the math... 40 cm x 10 cm diameter dirt = 3.142 liters.
If the dirt weighed about 1.6 kg/liter, the cylinder of dirt with the ions would weigh about 5 kg, or 11 pounds.
Since we figured these gold ions at 1 ppt, we expect there are 0.005 mg of gold ions in this cylinder area of dirt.
Converting to how many gold ions it takes to weigh 0.005 mg,
(0.005 mg) x 1/1000 x (1 mole/196.9665 gm) x (6.022 x 1023 ions/mole) = 1.53 x 1016 ions

This is about 15 billion trillions of gold ions in that cylinder of dirt above the buried gold nugget.

Amazing... that many ions could be found in a shovel full of dirt above a nugget. This is at a trace concentration of only 1 part per trillion, but this is what has been typically found above buried gold.

So here we have a gold nugget buried a couple of feet deep that has billions of trillions of gold ions suspended in a column of soil above it.
Let's take a look at what scientists have told us about these ions.
They migrate upward in the soil very slowly during the rain cycles which draw them up due to capillary action of the soil drying in between cycles. But by the time they reach the last 10-30 cm of the surface, the ions neutralize. This means they combine with constituents of the soil to become neutral molecules. In the case of gold, it nearly always combines with itself to become a gold particle. This particle can easily attach to a larger gold particle which has the traditional metal lattice structure found in gold. The gold lattice may be in a tiny gold particle that we call micro gold, or it could be a larger chunk of gold we can see as another nugget near the surface. Or it could even attach to another piece of metal in some cases.

Now, let's take another look at the zone where these gold ions are becoming neutralized. Scientists have measured them neutralizing at a depth between 10 and 30 cm (4-12 inches) below the surface of the ground. Let us suppose only one in a million of the gold ions from this nugget have arrived at this zone where they can neutralize for a final time. We expect more than one in a million of the ions to be in this zone -- more like one in 20 or so. But let us take a conservative estimate to allow a possibility that the zone of neutralizing might be a very thin slice of dirt where only a tiny amount of ions are actually able to neutralize. Of these one in a million ions in the zone where they are found to neutralize, let's suppose only 1% of these are actually ready to neutralize soon, and are only waiting for a good reason to do so, such as an electrical shock could push them to finally break loose from a cyanide and combine with another gold ion. This 1% of one in a million ions comes to a total of 150 trillion ions ready to neutralize. And this does not count any of the other ions that are freely moving about below these ones.

Here we have a small chunk of soil above a buried nugget with 150 trillion gold ions theoretically ready to neutralize by a conservative estimate of what has been measured in typical soil above buried gold.

Now, suppose some geophysical event occurs, such as a minor seismic tremor which sends out short piezoelectric jolts of voltage through the ground. Is it possible this same electrical event could cause a good number of these 150 trillion of gold ions to make their final neutralization?
If this could happen, then we are no longer talking about a random occurance of gold ions becoming microgold at an infinitessimal rate that nobody can measure. We are now talking about a more sizeable event where a lot of ions are converting to molecules all at the same time. Are we coming closer to enough current flowing over a short duration to cause a measurable electric signal?

Let's take the concept a little farther...
There are other events that could also concievably cause a large number of ions to neutralize all at the same time. For example, thunderstorms, even when in the distance will send electrical currents through the ground which could influence chemical actions in the soil. And what about solar events? Don't they come in waves that drive the telluric currents under the ground, and even magnetic storms which are strong enough to upset radio reception? Could these natural forces be influencing this small chunk of dirt with trillions of gold ions to send a signal of some sort? At the moment, I am thinking of some sudden geophysical events that would cause a short duration increase in slow-moving, but sizable geophysical energy flows, such as telluric currents. If a telluric current was helping some gold ions to neutralize at a steady rate, could a seismic event cause a sudden jolt in the conversion of ions to neutral molecules?

Somehow, it seems to me there is some room for some unusual chemical anomalies and electrical anomalies in places where gold is buried for a long time.
If what I am wondering turns out to be true, how does this connect to Mineoro's theory that may be applicable to LRLs?

From what I have read of the Mineoro propaganda, I don't see any way it can explain a mass ion neutralization by the principles they claim. We see they already removed their theory information that I retrieved from an archive of their old pages. If we suppose they published erroneous theory information, then some possibilities may open. If we abandon the old Mineoro theory of detecting femto-second signals from single gold ions floating in the air, we can look at what we know is true about gold ions... that they do move upward in the soil and they neutralize before they reach the surface. If it is possible a large amount of these ions could be neutralizing over a very short time interval, we may be able to see a detectable pulse of energy. There also appears to be some room for a theory of a frequency interaction, although it doesn't seem likely to be the kind that has been suggested so far.

I offer this line of thought in answer to Rudy's comments, and for anyone else who might be interested while we wait to see what develops with Mr. Don's sticky finger theory, and any people who have data to report from book-stroking experiments.

Best wishes,

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's


Your "ions neutralizing" seems to be describing what we call in refining, "precipitation." After gold has been dissolved along with other metals, you can precipitate just the gold, back into metalic form, and it will sink to the bottom, thus separating it from the other metals.

If you would like to know if this produces a detectable electric current, resulting in emitted detectable radio waves, that would be the time and place to determine this.


Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

EE THr said:

Your "ions neutralizing" seems to be describing what we call in refining, "precipitation." After gold has been dissolved along with other metals, you can precipitate just the gold, back into metalic form, and it will sink to the bottom, thus separating it from the other metals.

If you would like to know if this produces a detectable electric current, resulting in emitted detectable radio waves, that would be the time and place to determine this.

Hi EE THr,

You have more or less summarized what I am asking.
But to make it more clear, this is a special case of precipitating gold metal from ions. In this case, the ions are suspended in a damp soil rather than a liquid which could allow the precipitate to drop to the bottom of a refining electrolyte tank. In the case of tiny gold particles which precipitate in this layer of soil, scientists have discovered the resulting gold particles remain in their place in the soil until some mechanical force causes them to move, such as erosion, where the particles could wash into a stream to fall to the bottom, or to become suspended in the water if they are small enough. Or sometimes erosion and wind forces move gold particles laterally at the surface where they can become tiny airborne particles.

What I am wondering if there is either a radio wave, or electrical noise that might be detectable when a sudden electrical event happens near these precipitating ions under the surface of the ground.
This wave or noise could be anything from an audio frequency RF to light frequencies, or an electric noise spike, or a series of noise spikes that may be similar to a spark, and fall in the class of broadband noise. Or maybe a well defined pulse duration that may look like a part of a single wave cycle, or possibly a short duration of similar pulses. Maybe Rudy knows something more about this than I do.

This question is being asked in reference to what scientists have told us about the entire precipitation process happening 4-12 inches below the surface of the ground in soil that may not have much noticable dampness to it. I am presuming there is at least one electrolyte present at this depth, being cyanide. But there also may be low molecular weight organic acids and sulphur complexes, and possibly other complexes that suspend gold ions present in the soil. I am also presuming this 4-12 inch depth roughly defines the depth at which we begin to expect to detect the upper edge of telluric currents, compared to soil that is more dry and less conductive as you move up closer to the surface (assuming in a non-rainy season). I don't know the exact mechanism why this level is 4-12 inches depth, but I am speculating it could be the soil moisture in combination with the available electrolytes provide a good environment conducive to gold ions below this depth. And above this depth, I speculate the available electrolytes are more easily lost to combining with organic materials and with other foriegn materials that are introduced to the upper level of soil from stormwater and the air. I could be wrong about that, but I haven't read any explanations by the people who observed this phenomenon yet. Maybe you have some ideas about this.

Best wishes,

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's


My point is that if there is any radio emissions from precipitating metals, it would be abundant in dropping gold or silver out of solution. I would think that if there is enough to be measurable, it would certainly show up there, and could be identified as to general form, as you questioned.

Any emissions from natural precipitation in soils might differ somewhat, but it would give a general idea of what to look for.

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

EE THr said:

Your "ions neutralizing" seems to be describing what we call in refining, "precipitation." After gold has been dissolved along with other metals, you can precipitate just the gold, back into metalic form, and it will sink to the bottom, thus separating it from the other metals.

If you would like to know if this produces a detectable electric current, resulting in emitted detectable radio waves, that would be the time and place to determine this.


Good question. I think that first we would need to know if the reaction is exothermic or endothermic. This could simply be done by putting a thermometer in the solution and monitoring the temperature during the precipitation.

If the reaction is endothermic, it will absorb energy, not radiate it away.

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's


It is exo. Here is a simple video.


Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

EE THr said:

My point is that if there is any radio emissions from precipitating metals, it would be abundant in dropping gold or silver out of solution. I would think that if there is enough to be measurable, it would certainly show up there, and could be identified as to general form, as you questioned.

Any emissions from natural precipitation in soils might differ somewhat, but it would give a general idea of what to look for.

What you say seems correct except for two details:
1. The soil condition is similar to a refiner's electrolyte tank only when there is no electric power applied to precipitate gold on a cathode, like in a Wohlwill cell process, for example. In cases where we are talking about refining by purely chemical precipitation, then we have a similar ionic precipitation due to chemical reactions.

2. The fact that the natural gold is buried in the ground exposes it to electrical events that can happen in the ground. These events are mostly removed from a refiner's tank of chemicals. For example, we know you can precipitate gold by using less than a few volts to electroplate it. Yet the telluric currents in the ground can be more than a few volts in some places, and can have sizable currents. This does not flow through a refiner's tank unless someone intentionally puts this electric current there. And there's the key detail I was wondering about... where there are sometimes electrical jolts which come through the soil following seismic events or thunderstorms in the distance.

If we were to take the pure chemical precipitation process in a refiner's tank, and slow it down by adding contaminants such as dirt, then apply a voltage from one end of the tank to the other to simulate a telluric current, we may be able to measure some slow, steady rate of precipitation of gold metal. Then if we watch a meter which is monitoring this rate of precipitation, we could watch to see if a momentary higher voltage jolt to the ends of the tank would register a momentary change on the meter that monitors the rate of precipitation. By setting up the refiner's tank in this condition, we will have adjusted it to be more similar to the actual condition that exists in the ground where gold is buried.
The question then becomes: can we measure the change in rate of precipitation when a sudden electrical event occurs?
By this I mean can we actually detect a bump in the rate of precipitation, not the voltage jolt that caused it. (So we don't confuse detecting the seismic noise for detecting the gold ions making a leap in thier ionic neurtalization rate).

As we see, the precipitation from the refiner's tank is a similar principle, but the conditions it precipitates metal in are different.

Best wishes,

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's

Rudy(CA) said:
EE THr said:

Your "ions neutralizing" seems to be describing what we call in refining, "precipitation." After gold has been dissolved along with other metals, you can precipitate just the gold, back into metalic form, and it will sink to the bottom, thus separating it from the other metals.

If you would like to know if this produces a detectable electric current, resulting in emitted detectable radio waves, that would be the time and place to determine this.


Good question. I think that first we would need to know if the reaction is exothermic or endothermic. This could simply be done by putting a thermometer in the solution and monitoring the temperature during the precipitation.

If the reaction is endothermic, it will absorb energy, not radiate it away.
Hi Rudy,

The energy any chemical reaction might radiate or absorb as net heat is one form of detectable signal we could get from the reaction.
But if we were to consider kinds of signals we may be able to detect from some distance, the head from an underground reaction of ppt ion concentrations could be hard to detect indeed. Your best shot might be a thermal imaging camera, which I am guessing will detect the heat from moonlight shadows as noise which is millions of times stronger than the heat anomaly that can be measured from a chemical reaction in ppt amounts buried more than 4 inches under the dirt.

But the electrical events in the soil where there are ions precipitating are not all related to radiating or absorbing energy. Some of these events are simply changes in the rate of currents flowing without regard to whether positive or negative. If we are talking about a relatively fast event, then maybe we detect it as a bump on a monitor which is detected from either polarity. And the chemical process is not organized as we might design an electric circuit. The architecture of this reaction is contained within a roughly cylindrical volume that allows random direction transfers of charge, influenced in their direction only by other geophysical forces in the area, or manmade forces introduced into the area. To make it a little more clear, the earth's magnetic field could have some small influence on which way the charges align, or maybe a strong telluric current flowing through the soil where the ions are precipitating. Even a magnetic field induced by a man-made machine could cause some influence. But what I am wondering is what can you detect only in a location where these gold ions are precipitating that you can't detect when measuring at a location a few feet away?

Best wishes,

Re: discussion on the various possible theories that may be applicable to LrL's


It sounds like you are suggesting that the detection should only be done during an electrical storm or an earthquake.

By the way, what I was talking about, and what is shown in the little video, was all chemical, and made no mention of an electrolytic cell.


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