Digital cameras CAN see buried gold

The camera I am using is probably not acceptable as is.

Mike, have you removed the internal IR blocking filter? Although the OP and the book cited say that this is not a requirement, I tend to believe otherwise. I really don't see how a standard digital camera is going to produce a decent usable image without removing the internal IR blocking filter. If you don't remove the internal filter then you have to do a tremendous amount of post processing of the image which destroys any hope of getting anything useful out of it.

Just to keep everyone up to date I ordered a 780IR bandpass filter for my sony night-shot. I will post some pictures after I get it along with pictures with the camera I removed the IR blocking filter. They will be raw so all can play with the settings.


Hi all
I plan to do some testing over my test garden using infrared. I started testing last week, using exposed film. The milkcan image Tim posted is one of my images. I am using a DC3400 Kodak digital camera.
I ordered a Opteka 37mm High Definition II R72 720nm infrared X-Ray IR Pass Filter to use in the testing. I should have it by Monday.
The 10 gallon milkcan in my test garden was buried in 2005 six feet deep, I also have other items in it buried in 2007. A large metal toolbox, Cast Iron, Brass, Aluminum, Copper, Lead, and have just buried 6 Silver quarters. All Items but the quarters should have a good Aura around them. So, I should have some good targets to test with. I have attached a picture taken of my test garden when the items were buried, and their location. kybob


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Well I got my 850nm filter today and it worked just fine on my Sony Cybershot. The attached photo you see a pole and lattice to the left. Straight out to the right of the pole are MANY buried copper radials that have been there since 1985 plus there's a 8' copper rod next to the pole so I'm done with this experiment and will use my IR scope with the 850nm filter for locating soil temperature changes at sunset out in the goldfields.



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Hi Ky-Bob good to see you join the testing. I should have my filter soon as well.


SWR, who gives a rats a$$ if it's gold,copper or silver? Go back and look at the aura pictures on pg.22 of David Villanueva's book. Cut the crap, the book talks about various metals and you know it.

Mike, you can get the Ion Generator I have for $3.95 here:
As I explained, you'll have 2 ground rods, connect one to the negative terminal of the battery and rig up
a spark gap with one of the pins. Since this is extremely high impedance you cannot connect the high
voltage pins directly to the other copper rod as it will just short it out.

I think this has merit and from Prof. Bose's findings back in the late 1800's this puts out UV rays and I would suspect you'd need a UV filter to see the charged metal but then again who knows,maybe IR or nothing at all.

Just an experiment for you sarcastic critics out there, I'm not claiming I know for sure what the results would be so let's keep cool heads here in the spirit of experimentation and just fun!


Seden said:
SWR, who gives a rats a$$ if it's gold,copper or silver? Go back and look at the aura pictures on pg.22 of David Villanueva's book. Cut the crap, the book talks about various metals and you know it.

Mike, you can get the Ion Generator I have for $3.95 here:
As I explained, you'll have 2 ground rods, connect one to the negative terminal of the battery and rig up
a spark gap with one of the pins. Since this is extremely high impedance you cannot connect the high
voltage pins directly to the other copper rod as it will just short it out.

I think this has merit and from Prof. Bose's findings back in the late 1800's this puts out UV rays and I would suspect you'd need a UV filter to see the charged metal but then again who knows,maybe IR or nothing at all.

Just an experiment for you sarcastic critics out there, I'm not claiming I know for sure what the results would be so let's keep cool heads here in the spirit of experimentation and just fun!


E-field again, right Ill post my images later after the result of thios one.......

aarthrj3811 said:
Hey SACAR11…..Good information. I have always thought that the electric lines produced an oval signal. Either way we know that the signal does not come from them in an up or down direction. ..Art


The signal comes from the object in a circular direction, if you understand the north and south characteristic of this electromagnetic field which is essential function on the concept of motor. Its oval signal if the conductor is rectangular such as bus bars but it is circular for wires and coils.

I'm not too sure this applies as the type of infrared used for thermal imaging for military and industrial purposes is in the ":far infrared" – 8,000 to 15,000 nm, and most these folks would be buying off the shelf stuff in the "near infrared spectrum" at : 700 to 1400 nm wavelengths. The 12 -2 thing applies to all photography just because shadows are cut down - right?

During this time could you try using UV filters only instead of IR.

I received my 720 infrared filter today. It is too dark for my camera the way it is. Tim received his also today and the camera he removed the internal filter from, looks good using the same filter I have. I may have to go his route if this proves out. Attached is a raw picture from my camera. Tim sent me a picture from his and it is crystal clear. So I will stop testing until I get something working on this in.


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beale said:
beale said:
Everything and every element on the earth and in outer space has an effect upon each other, either by gravitational attraction or by negative or positive attraction. That is how everything was put together in the Master's plan. Everyone believes Einstein to be one of if not the smartest man that ever existed, not true. Can anyone verify his theory of relativity? No, they can not. It is like a wild guess. You take an astronomical figure such as the (Speed of light squared) multiply it by mass and end up with supposedly the power of a nuclear blast or in this case energy. Anyone can say the same thing such as take the circumference of the earth, cube that and multiply it by the mass and it will equal the power of energy. All I am saying, all is not known and what is not known is made up until someone finds the correct formula to verify the facts. We all are guessing until we can verify all of the information and turn them into facts. We do not need a skeptic sitting on the sidelines, "OH, that will never work, it never has and it never will. I tend to look on the bright side, one day we will solve most of these mysteries, then the skeptics will have mud on their face as they did when world scholars believed the world was square or flat and if you traveled to far east or west you would fall off the Earth. In a way it is good to have skeptics, it makes knowledgable people try harder to find the root cause or the answers that man is always in search of. Keep it up SWR, we will only try harder to prove you are sitting still as we are moving on.

A question for SWR, "Can you tell me the power of a single electron?" You take gold for instance add a single electron to it's outer shell, you know what it takes over 1,000 more degrees of temperature to melt the gold with one extra electron in it's outer shell. What is this new metal called by name? I am sorry one more question. "Take a single electron from the outer shell of yellow gold, do you know what you have then? A hint, you now have a liquid metal.

SWR never answered the above question so here is the answer. Add one single electron to yellow gold you have white gold or platinum. Take away one electron from yellow gold you have mercury. One is a liquid metal and the other takes over 1,000 more degrees to melt than does yellow gold. The power of one electron. Think about the power of all the molecules and atoms that make up our world and outer space. Then you can understand the mysteries of infrared photography, dowsing and one day much, much more.

No you don't. Changing the electron shell only gives you an ion. To change to a different element, you have to change the nucleus.

The 720nm band passes 720 up in IR. My Sony night-shot works great as does my camera I removed the IR filter from. But this poses a question. I did not see where the author removed the IR blocking filter. KyBob could not see or get a picture and he shouldn't get one because of the IR blocking filter. The 720 is designed to block all visible light and pass the IR range form 720 up. So what range is this guy seeing these supposed auras? The problem I have with this is the processing. If the aura is real you should not have to do much processing and the aura should be the same when the target area is shifted in the frame from left to right. From the books pictures it appears the brightness parts of the picture is being processed to be an aura.

So if this happening in the IR range and the camera has a blocking filter in it as Kybob does and he saw nothing because no IR is passing, whats up with all the pictures in his book? It's raining here today. There is a couple of shots I want to do. I want to shoot some more over my control targets with bother cameras using this filter and I have a place where there is an large anomaly to see if something shows up there. I will carry my camera on trips and take pictures over time to see if anything shows up. I will post the pics when I get to take them. It looks like rain all this week here.

This filter is used for crime detection, medical photography and detection of distribution of vegetation. Which comes to my first point; maybe disturbed ground would cause the area in the photos.


Add one single electron to yellow gold you have white gold or platinum. Take away one electron from yellow gold you have mercury. One is a liquid metal and the other takes over 1,000 more degrees to melt than does yellow gold. The power of one electron. Think about the power of all the molecules and atoms that make up our world and outer space. Then you can understand the mysteries of infrared photography, dowsing and one day much, much more.

I'm not even sure what the point to this rant is. Why do you assume that the number of electrons in a material has anything whatsoever to do with what it looks like in IR photography, to dowsers, and other mysterious claims that are constantly made on this board? This is just another attempt to make others feel inferior while you spout pseudo science with no facts or proofs to back it up.

But this poses a question. I did not see where the author removed the IR blocking filter. KyBob could not see or get a picture and he shouldn't get one because of the IR blocking filter. The 720 is designed to block all visible light and pass the IR range form 720 up. So what range is this guy seeing these supposed auras? The problem I have with this is the processing. If the aura is real you should not have to do much processing and the aura should be the same when the target area is shifted in the frame from left to right. From the books pictures it appears the brightness parts of the picture is being processed to be an aura.


So if this happening in the IR range and the camera has a blocking filter in it as Kybob does and he saw nothing because no IR is passing, whats up with all the pictures in his book?

Amen again! I have not seen the book but I would guess that these pictures are exactly like what Mike originally ran into when he said that his camera is probably not adequate. The author took pictures and post processed the heck out of them to get anything at all. He did this on known targets that were centered in the view. He then declared victory because he got a positive result on a known target. Not exactly the type of thing that will lead you to finding unknown treasures out in the wild.

Which comes to my first point; maybe disturbed ground would cause the area in the photos.

Amen once more! Wow, I couldn't have said it better myself. :icon_thumleft:

Here are 3 photos I took this evening using the camera I converted to IR and the 720nm filter. If anyone wants to play with the the first one feel free. The second and third shows the camera without the filter and with. I still cannot get any results.



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Tim, It looks like that camera has sent you into the future-2016. Maybe you discovered something greater than IR for treasure. ;D

Yeah i like being ahead of the game! :headbang: :laughing7:


I have used a few non-digital and digital camera's and never was able to catch an aura with them, but perhaps others have. With that in mind, I have taken some IR photo's and don't understand the link between them and aura's.

Do aura's fit somewhere specific into the light spectrum with a particular frequency range?

For those interested in making their own digital camera capable of taking IR pictures:
(I think I posted this link a couple of years ago somewhere on TNet.)

More in IR photography:

Making "colorized" images with photoshop:

Something I'm interested in, some info on UV photography:

As I've mentioned in the past, IR can detect color variations and has been used to locate ancient underground structures when images where taken at specific times of the day, or night when the object was either cooler, or warmer than the surface above. (This is my simplified explanation.)


Mike the first photo is about 12 feet from the tree. At the base is a large amount of US nickles. I wil take more pictures in the field just for fun. I have silver in the ground but could not get anything over it either. I will put more in the ground and see what I get. The silver anomaly that I have on you-tube should have a large aura around it if this is real. As far as my camera goes I removed the IR filter and adjusted the focus. The camera see all light including the IR range. The pictures are clear and look find to me.

This anomaly was seen by different detectors and ground resistivity. The sample showed almost 1oz of silver/ton! Bob will take pictures over this area as soon as he can and post them here. Too bad it was not silver coin....


I have taken several photos using my filters but also have not had any measurable results. I may need to remove the internal IR filter for my camera or pick another one up that I won't feel so bad if I mess it up. Unfortunately I am done for the rest of the year as I am having some surgery done to fix my ankle and will not be able to get around very well for the next six months or so. I still believe that this solution can work, I just need to do the modifications to my camera. I will file this information away until I am mobile and then I will hit it again.

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