Hey there Owassokie. I've gone on record before, as to "why I care less". In brief: I got caught up in Mexican treasure hunts in the early 1990s. While preparing for the excursion, with my interpreter/hosts, this subject came up. And at the time, I had no knowledge whatsoever. Other than "gut hunches" that it sounded like hocus pocus. And my host was about to spend $$ of our common pot $$ on some LRL's (that he saw advertised in TH'ing mags). And was going to bring rods, blah blah.
I suppose I could have said, as you suggest "who cares ? After all: The placebo affect might help. Eh ?". But when it came to $$ that I was personally putting into the pot, I took interest in the subject. Eg.: Why do i think it's silly ? After all: Hard to argue with pix of dudes posing next to jars of coins, eh ?
And actually, ... if it WERE attributed to "placebo" and only "inspiration" then: SURE ! You'd be right ! (can you believe I just said that ?) However, read deeper and you'll see that .... No, ... it's not chalked up to that ability, power, etc..... On the contrary: They will say it's: Scientific, explainable, etc....... Ok. You can't have it both ways. Which is it ?