Lesjcbs, thanx for taking the time to track down the post #s you feel carry the most evidence. I've studied all those post #s . I appreciate your time to give me what-you-see as evidence. Really.
I'll comment on several of them individually. But for the rest, they .... in my opinion, are lumped into Carl's explanation:
.....you personally get to manipulate the image until it fits what you want to see.....
What that means is: If you take 1000 pix of a known spot, then eventually, you'll find some anomaly or blotch that you attribute to the camera seeing the buried object . It is failing to explain A) that blotches and anomalies appear on various other pix where no metal is present, and B) fails to explain why it can't be replicated/repeated. Thus I write them off to random chance. Dust particles being "orbs" that drift past the camera lens. Or lights that streak in from left or right into the pix, etc...
In #42, #416, & #627 Where Midas & Real de Tayopa shows actual coins as a result of the process : In Midas case: A camera was used. In Real de Tayopa's case: Luminous gasses/lights (popular lore in Mexico). These could be d/t they took their devices/beliefs to a spot
already suspected . Eg.: field where it's known that old coins have been found with md'ing. Or in Real's case: A story/suspicion
already in place (eg.: "such and such is suspected to be here via historical citations. So someone goes there , and imagines lights and fumes in their mind). Real de Tayopa & I have had long talks on this. And he concedes that lot of the lore & superstition down there, is just that: Lore & superstition.
Then they turn on a detector to "pinpoint". Then lo & behold, finds metal. Can you see how this could just be random chance turning on a detector in a spot-already-suspected ?
And I know the probable response: SO TOO DO MD'rs HEAD OUT TO THE MOST LIKELY SPOT to test new detectors, right ? Eg.: stage stops, ruins, old defunct picnic resorts, etc... Hence why do we hold the double standard against the unconventional method promoters ? Why shouldn't they,
likewise, be testing the instruments at "the most likely spots"? Just like an md'r would do. Right ?
Ok, sure. But can you see how it can still lend itself to the "eventual random odds" in "spots already likely". And that even without the camera, if Midas had simply gone md'ing in the field, He would likely have found the same exact objects. Remember: There's SO much history in England, that they often time don't even have to do research to find coins-in-fields. Just simply ANY continuously cultivated field there , that's had 2k years of cultivation, ... if you walk around with a detector long enough, you'll find metal. Maybe even a few good coins. That's exactly what the British hunters do.
#51 is a skeptics post view. Not sure why you listed that page #
#691 I already commented on this in post # 1068
I could go to any of those photos, find similar anomalies (light spots, blurs, etc...) and equally say: What's there ? How is that blotch any different than the one you circled where you'd buried a bar or coins somewhere else in the pix ? You see how this is just the memory bias trick ?
And on some with blaring lights on a spot in the ground, it almost looks as if they were using a flash ! Or if not, won't a divot in/on ground (where you just buried something, hence ground un-even) affect with shadows ?